My Cell Prison

Vol 6 Chapter 1322: Sin body

The power of legendary weapons lies in the fact that weapons can touch the'rules of the world' and pose a threat to mythological bodies.

Generally speaking, only individuals who "construct mythology" can control legendary equipment.

But there are a very small number of outliers,

Use your own consciousness to suppress the divine consciousness among the legendary equipment and force it to control.

Green is one of them.

Moreover, the "Miss Lyle" used by Green does not have any "rebellion" or "resistance", and the sense of autonomy in the weapon fully recognizes Green as the subject.

This sword slashed frontally, fully exerting legendary power.


Where the blade passes, every inch of space is broken,

A sharp ‘nail scratching’ sound enough to tear the eardrum resounded in the caves,

The "cloak" that Han Dong inferred to be skin tissue was completely torn apart under the cutting of the blade.

This mythical existence from the unknown world officially revealed his true state.

Even Green was stunned for a while when he saw the real body under his skin.

He has never seen such a combination of ‘grotesque, rational and deity’... One thing is certain is that this mythological body is stronger than the golden emissaries he has ever faced.

【Thousand Sins. Qi Jun】

The individual under the cloak.

Not riding on a "dark horse", but growing on a "dark horse".

1. A dark gold, strong spine grows on the horse's back, and ring-shaped ribs are regularly distributed on the surface of the spine, totaling 108.

The top of the spine,

The skull is missing,

Dark red silk threads are drilled out of the neck, and the upper end is woven into a "blood red flesh circle" similar to an angel's aperture.

2. On 108 ribs, there are thousands of pieces of white paper hanging with a "red thread", on which the related sins are recorded in unknown words.

In order to be able to see the contents of the white paper clearly, a white paper lantern lit with fire is suspended in the center of the rib cavity.

3. Four arms.

Two of the arms stretched forward, holding Qijun’s skull (the skull has two vivid eyes and thick black hair growing on the top)

The other two arms are in a posture of unfolding up and down, with both hands forming a formation to block Green's slash.

It's a pity that the formation was forcibly cut away by Green's knife.

Click~Bone break

The four ribs fell together with the white paper implicated by the red thread.

The horse neighs long,

The skull held between the palms is also constantly biting his teeth, khaka khaka ~ expressing his pain.

Green became more excited when he saw the gesture of the other person.

"Curious posture! If it can be made into a specimen, it can be used as a "trophy decoration" for my future palace. "

As he said, his left arm overflowed with a lot of crazy tentacles, trying to wrap the opponent's body.

The right hand is still holding Miss Lyle's arm, ready to be slashed close to the body... "Miss Lyle" attacks can affect or even break the rules, as long as enough attacks are given, it can hurt the essence of the myth.

As long as the opponent's mythological map is completely torn apart, it is possible to beheaded.

The tentacles are entangled.

Green showed an alternative crazy smile, a smile eager to fight and fight.

The blade reaches to the bone torso of the target.

"Green! Dodge careful of the skull."

At this time, Han Dong's struggling shout came from behind.

Under normal circumstances, Han Dong would allow Green to attack. After all, Green’s ‘immortality’ is still very strong, but he can continue his attack to clarify some of the other’s characteristics.

Just now, the magic eye caught an energy gathering process.

The white paper hanging between the ribs is sending strands of sinful threads outward.

Red line → ribs → spine → arm

The [skull] with sinful threads gathered in the palm of his hand... Although Han Dong didn't know what the other party was going to do, the danger index was constantly soaring.

"Huh? Skull?"

Green followed Han Dong's reminder, and when he turned his gaze to the lower end, his skull had already opened his mouth.

There was neither any energy ejected from the mouth nor the devouring effect similar to the toad demon.

Instead, stick out a tongue full of nails.

Tap the tongue up and down to match the mouth.

A weird language is uttered from the mouth, and such words seem to change the rules.



The sound similar to a bell strikes in the air.

A rule effect is acting on Green's body.

Including the tentacles floating outside, and Miss Lyle holding it in her hand, all objects related to Green are fixed in the air... even the most basic blinking action cannot be completed.

Without waiting for Green to make any struggling movements.

The black horse turned sideways and raised its hind legs.

The horse's hoof kicked heavily on Green.


Flesh and blood~

Green was directly crushed by this kick.

This scene also showed that Han Dong and the others had solemn faces and cold sweat, each preparing to sacrifice their strongest tricks.

However, something unexpected happened.

Kicked the mythological body of Green to pieces, did not attack Han Dong and others, just glanced over through the skull eyeball.

With sins, he re-woven a new cloak to cover his body, and turned and left with the black horse under him.

The area where the horseshoe fell was immediately transformed into a space channel and disappeared.

"Running? Obviously gaining the upper hand, why not kill us all... Could it be said that the outside reinforcements are sensed?"

Han Dong hurriedly adjusted his state to allow the gray matter dispersed throughout his body to sink, and at the same time stuffed all the tentacles that had fallen on the ground back to the back of his head... When Green was killed, Han Dong was ready to borrow from God.

at this time.

A feeling of discomfort came from deep in the ears.


Mucus splashed, and a slender arm covered in mucus stretched out from between Han Dong's ear holes.

The head and thin body were also squeezed out one after another, and fell to the ground... with a somewhat weak appearance.

"Oh! This guy is so strong, much stronger than that tuft of gold.

The one just used should be a high-end trick similar to "mantra", which can directly affect the rules through words. As far as the mythology I know, only a few can use this trick.

It felt like being held down by a huge mountain and couldn't move at all.

Nicholas, can you chase it through space induction? My uncle just hurt this foot, he must be killed. "

"I can't do it... This guy is very cautious, and all traces of space have been erased."

"Hey~ forget it! Anyway, we will see you again in the London game. Then kill him and let me lie down for a while..."

Han Dong didn't mean to rest, he pulled up Hope to the coordinate stone.



The huge coordinate stele was smashed by Hope with a punch, and the location was erased.

Staring at the shattered "coordinate stone", Han Dong didn't relax at all... always felt that the things here would not affect the conspiracy behind him. UU Reading

"Hurry back, this matter must be reported immediately."

"Nicholas... don't worry~ Look at you like a man who has experienced door opening.

What about the mythological body? What about coordinate stones?

These guys think they are very clever. They arrange'unexpected' invasion plans through coordinate stones in unknown corners, and then quietly research some inferior monsters, and even have conceived a perfect invasion in their heads. the plan of.

Really thought that this matter, the guy above would not know it?

Don't talk about father.

Anything that happens in our world, the ‘omniscience and omnipotence’ that exists in the void knows perfectly well.

The reason why they did not intervene or tell us that this is part of the game or the "prologue" of the game.

They can come where they want, just like the last London game, just kill them all at the end...don't even think about going back. "

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