My Cell Prison

Vol 6 Chapter 1324: M and I

The female executives wearing the whirlpool masks, after receiving the opinions of the representatives of the sitting world, changed the direction of their legs.

"Regarding the staged rewards, they can increase by up to 10%.

However, the time of "world shift" will not change.

[S-01] The world order and high-level attitudes of ours, the black tower cannot be clearer. They will not take too many countermeasures because of the discovery of the coordinate stone, and even feel ‘excited’ by these actions we secretly make.

This is exactly where their real threat lies.

In addition, I want to emphasize one point to you all.

The real threat you face is not the "pollution" of the alien monsters, but theirs.

Now that the Black Tower has opened an interactive channel for your four worlds, I hope you can deepen your understanding and cooperate with each other before the invasion is fully opened.

According to your current "shallow interaction", it is impossible to cooperate and cooperate with each other during the battle.

I can even assert that when you each face a different demons for your own camp, you will become defeated, and you will never survive.

Although we will issue basic rewards as usual, your world score will also drop drastically... Now there are a lot of potential worlds waiting for the upper ranks. "

"Understood! The old man will personally urge and supervise the interaction between different worlds.

At present, the cooperation between our dragons and craftsmen is quite good, and we have traded dragon scales, rock mines, and treasures for a large number of craftsmen creations that we have never contacted.

Hope to further strengthen cooperation with the other two worlds. "

The old man was the first to express his supportive attitude, and his eyes also looked at the "baby" and "metal ball" at the conference table.

Who knows.

Compared to the verbal response of the old black dragon.

The metal sphere, called the [Mother Body], immediately took actual action.

An interactive plan that was being drafted in the early stage was immediately generated as an electronic document on the desktop and delivered to three other people.

Above, based on the data collected from the mother body, an optimal interaction plan for interaction, cooperation and benefit distribution is calculated, and comprehensive coordination can be achieved in the shortest time.

In the end, the meeting ended in a state that everyone was satisfied with, and the worlds will also greatly strengthen their interactions in the near future according to the plans formulated by the parent body.

The four forces will slowly condense into a whole.

With the departure of the four world managers.

The OL-style executives with long legs and open-collar shirts stretched their waists and didn't bother to look at the relevant documents on the desktop.

She came to take charge of this meeting today, but because the supervisor had something to do, she was temporarily arranged to come over.

Just when she wanted to take off the mask and lay down on the chair for a while to rest.

咚咚咚~The meeting door knocks

"What do you come here for now? The meeting is over, and I will hand over the "meeting progress" later. "

The door was not pushed open.

Instead, a puddle of white slime dipped into the room from the bottom of the door crack.

The liquid constructed a white chair beside the female executive, and the remaining liquid gathered into a white suit man wearing the same whirlpool mask as her.

The salted pig's hand directly hit the opponent's thigh.

"I made a special trip to talk about our personal affairs. There are not many cases like this."


The backhand is just a slap in the face, directly on the face of the man in the suit.

The lack of strength directly caused her head to explode, and the white liquid splashed all over her.

However, this kind of damage does not harm the essence, and the scattered white liquid condenses back to its original appearance for a short time.

"If you dare to do this, the next slap will make you uncomfortable."

"Eileen (I)~ You are still so fierce."

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up if you have something to say... Don't tell me that you came to me on a special trip. I am not in a particularly good mood now. I will probably record the questions you are about to ask, and then report you."

"I know you understand me, this bottle of [string fluid] I just pulled out of the slit, should you really need it?"

"Don't call me by name, the only one who can call me is [I]."

"Okay, Alice~"


The female executive stared at the liquid on the table and finally swallowed the breath, and when he took it down, his tone changed.

"I am in a good mood now, as long as it is not too illegal or touching the core question, I will consider answering you sexually."

"Does Dark Tower plan to use "that technology"? "

"I'm not sure which item you mentioned, but the above will guarantee the "balance principle." "

"Thank you, I have one more request.

Miss Ai should be regarded as the indirect person in charge of this operation. I hope you can help locate [Han Dong] as a full-time employee. What I need is the full orientation.

In the S-01 world, he is called Valen Nicholas. "

"Give me the number...M, don't you really want to use this kid as a bargaining chip as a [middleman]?"

"Bargaining chips? No no~ Don't guess.

Han Dong is a very interesting young man. I just want to pay attention to it alone. If possible, I want to train him into the next "M". Making chips alone has no effect at all for those old guys, I think something different. "

"Are you crazy? Use [S-01] as an "embryo"! ? "


The salted pork knuckle landed on the shredded pork thigh again, but this time there was no slap in the face.

"Looking at the black tower, someone can take my place?

If I die someday, how long can the core engineers be stable? Besides, what was my original intention of waiting for the highest will...I, you won't just forget it?

Okay~ Let's just say so much.

The number has been left to you! Remember to sync the location data to me, I want to see how this kid performs in the battle. "

When the salted pig hand is removed.

Incidentally, a pool of white liquid was left on the surface of the girl's shredded pork thigh, which just formed Han Dong's employee number.


Cut back to the plane.

The city of London belongs exclusively to Han Dong's manor.

Han Dong, wearing a laboratory suit, worked with Dr. Tang and Professor West (formerly a resident of No.99 Mile) to research and treat Hope’s injuries.

Because Hopper broke through the barrier of the mythological body, his arms were completely invaded by sin.

It took several hours to finally drain the sins through liquid affinity and collect them in the catheter room.

"It's peculiar.

This "sin" attribute can be connected to the brain autonomously through nerves, UU Reading, judge the individual's [sin] by reading memory and thinking, and finally feedback the actual punishment to the individual.

For example, Hope often swallows other living things to fill the hunger, the affected parts will appear fleshy, and even feel the pain of being bitten.

Doctor, try to complete a research report on [sin] within three days. "

"it is good."

Han Dong was slightly tired, took off his lab coat, and planned to go back to bed and rest for a while.

During the return journey, I also recalled what Green said.

"Green is right.

The essence of [London Game] is not simply to win the war of aggression, but to convey the will of'absolute hegemony' to the black tower through war.

There is no need to care about the disadvantages of the opening, nor how much preparation the opponent has made.

As long as we dare to touch our sovereignty, we will crush them all with absolute strength...This is the best response. "

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