My Cell Prison

Vol 6 Chapter 1328: Escape plan

Through the "dark web" established by the mother, the consciousness is connected together for the meeting, including the ten major elements, the human representative (the leader of the big demon), the identity of Lesos, and Han Dong.

Just when the mother-in-law was about to start a meeting to discuss the current situation and discuss the near-term combat plan.

Popper, whose brain was in a transparent galaxy shape, suddenly raised his hand to interrupt the process.

"Everyone, wait... I seem to be able to receive signals from the main universe."

As soon as he said this, even his mother was shocked, and the tentacles growing from the corners of his eyes jumped slightly.

You must know that even with the "London Deed", she couldn't sense any information about the world of aliens, and even the previous "World Cataclysm" did not have such an exaggerated [Regional Transfer].

It was completely unexpected that Pope would stand up in such a crisis.

"Amazing! 』

Han Dong exclaimed from the depths of his heart, he was also a space capable person, and he knew that the transfer of the City of London this time had spanned an unknown number of planes...Unexpectedly, such a long distance and the plane can still be connected through the void.

Green's legs were on the desk, staring at Pope's starlight head.

"Pop, you kid seems to be much better than before~ Do you want to team up with me later? Together, we can definitely kill the enemy directly."

Pope ignored Green at all, but said to everyone:

"Please wait, I'm trying to strengthen the signal connection."

Corresponding to the [British Library], the rooftop area where Pop's body is located.

The members of "Void Secret Church" surrounded Pope in the center in a three-ring interlocking line,

The hands are intertwined in a triangle shape,

The facial tentacles of the instructors float regularly, following the secret text they chant,

Starlight, foam, fleshy spheres and other substances began to form under everyone's feet, exerting energies connected to the void on Pope's body.

at the same time.

In the consciousness conference room, Pop's brain burst out with strong brilliance, and strands of weird colors overflowed from the brain.

In the middle of the conference table, an uncertain bubble with the source of chaos is constructed.


Popp immediately lowered his head.

At the same time, the participants bowed their heads, showing the most primitive respect and the oldest awe.

Even Green showed a sneer, slowly lowered his head and secretly said in his heart:

"You deserve to touch the existence in the depths of the void. It's hard for even my father to do this." 』

The foam group suspended in the air, through shrinkage and changes in size, emits an ancient sound from the other side of the void.

"I have analyzed the "lost world" you are currently in through Popper's contact with the environment.

Good luck.

The current world is still in the initial stage of ‘disintegration’, the basic rules can still operate normally, and only a few regions show chaos and time-space rifts.

It will take about a month to completely disintegrate.

At the same time, as time goes by, the world will become increasingly unstable. "

"One month!"

Many people felt uncomfortable when they heard this sentence.

Participants present have extremely powerful means of life-saving, but they are completely ineffective for the disintegration of the world. Once they fall into the slits of the plane, they will undoubtedly die...

"Since Pope can establish contact with me, it means that everything has a chance.

I will call on all beings related to the void to build a "space sensing and transmission device" in the void that can capture plane signals within one month.

And you have two things to do.

1. Collecting the "core of the world". This kind of material often involves the fundamentals of the world. Even if it is broken, it contains all the information about the current world, including the [coordinate information] we need.

The core of the Lost World has a high probability of being broken, and even being looted in advance.

Since the other party did not hesitate to consume the energy of several worlds and borrowed some advanced technology to carry out the "regional stripping" of the City of London and transfer it here, it must be prepared in advance...This point requires you to think carefully.

2. Once the core collection is completed.

You need to build a sufficiently stable space transmission device to cover the City of London.

Pope will serve as the chief engineer of this project.

Once the accurate plane positioning is completed, everyone can come back safely. "

When the [escape plan] was given, the mother really let go.

The bubble squirmed and continued:

"The London game is open, and I hope everyone can do their best to complete this game.

The above is just the [escape plan] I gave, which can be regarded as a guarantee.

All of you sitting here are the future of our world. I hope you can find better solutions and even more than expected methods during the exploration of the world and the fight against alien races.

We look forward to your performance. "

Talk about it.

The foamy substance slowly dispersed.

Pope and his Void esoteric members also fell into a state of fatigue due to such a distant connection.

"Pop, the City of London will provide you with the highest service. You went to rest and recover before."

Pope shook his head, his eyes were unusually firm and replied:

"Mother! Please allow me to continue to participate in the meeting. I also have some ideas that I want to express in the meeting.

It's just some tired thinking, it doesn't matter. "

"Okay...Then, now, please draw up a copy of each on the spot. It can be your views on the current situation, an initial plan, or a holistic combat plan.

The integration of information and the determination of the operational policy are the sole responsibility of Father Lesos.

I will be mainly responsible for security issues in London. "

As for the cauldron that was thrown away, the priest was glad to catch it, or the priest had already made this preparation.

Everyone also listened to the request of the mother-in-law, and wrote a copy one after another, expressing their opinions.

"Nicholas, what are you writing in a serious way?"

Green is like a classmate who wants to copy homework, peeking at what Han Dong is writing, but he has no intention of writing a plan.

"It's just a little bit of opinion. At present, we are completely unaware of the situation in the Lost World. Intelligence investigation is very necessary... We may have to act alone later."


Everyone turned in copywriting one after another. UU reading www. uukánshu.cOM

In addition to Green who turned in a blank paper, there is another person of similar nature.

The ninth original substance-Kit was written all over the white paper with ‘so troublesome’. He had no interest in the battle plan or anything. He even hoped that the operation failed and he could die directly in the slit of the plane.

Everyone has developed different types of programs according to their areas of expertise.

The "Initial Investigation Plan for the Forgotten World" proposed by Han Dong was passed without modification.

Taking into account the extreme environment of the Lost World, I hope to gather individuals with good abilities and less affected by strong light to form multiple "investigation teams" according to strict functional allocation.

Conduct a comprehensive investigation of the nearby area to search for traces of hostile forces.

To a large extent, Han Dong directly copied the "Outside the City Act" promulgated by the Holy City.

Unexpectedly, this method originally used by the human knights to investigate alien monsters would be used in such places...

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