My Cell Prison

Vol 6 Chapter 1343: Experimental progress

Scarlet Manor-Lord's Room


At the end of the meeting, consciousness returns to the body

Slowly sit up from the dark and damp dark corner.

Han Dong did not rush to leave the darkness, but maintained a pensive posture.

The meeting lasted for a full five hours, of which more than 60% of the time was dominated by the leader of the big demon, proposing and discussing the [internal and external plans] that he had formulated.

The plan itself has completely exceeded Han Dong's expectations.

It can be said to be a super-large plan with an overview of the overall situation, covering the entire London game.

The various details of the plan also need to be completed by different magic...Even Han Dong received a "request", and the coverage of the plan also included Han Dong's manor.

"If the mother agrees to implement.

For the overall combat, it is indeed beneficial, and at the same time, huge risks must be borne...Any problem in any link, London may completely fall.

At that time, even if we find the fragments at the core of the world, we will splice the connection between Pop and the void to build a [Planar Device] that can connect with the original world.

Without the shelter of the City of London, a large number of members will be drawn into slits or torn to pieces during the transmission.

However, there is indeed no better plan at present.

[London] The geographical problem itself requires a great price to deal with...for now, follow the instructions of the big demon leader.

As long as the core technology is preserved, the manor can be rebuilt even if something goes wrong. "

Han Dong slowly got up from the bathroom corner.

Because the main room was occupied by Green, Sally, who also participated as the'primitive representative', was also here... However, the black goat Sally did not curl up in the corner, but lay in the bathtub next to Marites, even Bury the entire head between the thighs.

Han Dong, who walked out of the dark corner, happened to see this ‘leg licking scene’ that took place in the bathtub... After so long in contact, Sally seemed to be completely addicted to Toad’s legs.

Sally hurriedly moved her fingers and gave birth to a second mouth from her cheeks, keeping her legs licking, and said:

"Nicholas, do you want to come together? I found that Sister Mary's thigh seems to have a kind of ‘good addiction’. Long licking can improve the mental state."

Not to mention, Han Dong is really interested, but there is still an urgent matter right now.

"Some things have to be told to the doctor immediately, Sally, you also come with me..."

Han Dong pulled Sally out of the bathtub, put on a coat at random, and walked out, revealing the two wet black legs of lamb.

Who knows.

The two of them froze at the same time as they pushed the bathroom door open.

Green's body floated in the air in a peculiar state, shrinking into a ball.

The realm is released so that the floor, ceiling, tables and chairs, and even the sheets of the room are covered with ‘holes’, leading to the abyss.

The roar from the dragon can be faintly heard.

"This guy can really transform mythological bodies into fallen creatures... This ability is too abnormal."

"Green's state is unstable. If we get involved later, it will be troublesome. Leave the room first!"

Sally kept tugging Han Dong's arm, staring at the dense holes and even reminded her of some bad things, even some frizzy hairs.


When Han Dong saw this, he also brought Marites with him, so as not to affect the bathroom she was in. When he left, he set up a land lease seal on the lord's room.

Take the elevator directly to the core experimental area.

When Han Dongzheng intends to call in Dr. Swelling, and inform the big demon leader's plan may affect the manor.

A ghoul on the experimental platform caused Han Dong to swallow back what he wanted to say, and quickly stepped forward to check the situation.

"Is this... a success?"

The ghoul lay on the test bench in a well-behaved state, allowing Dr. Tuan to debug.

It has an exposed spine similar to the [devil],

Each spine grows a mechanical column,

This feature is precisely the ‘mechanical planting’ technique brought out by the Doctor from "The Tomb," which has now been successfully transplanted to the ghoul.

These mechanical columns are not assembled, but obtained through pure biological inheritance.

The doctor is checking the fit between the mechanical pillars and the physical body. These steam pillars can perform piston motions with the consciousness of the ghoul, providing explosive power to the body.

In addition, it is also the most amazing point.

Its skin has been completely rigid, and its hardness has reached more than ten times that of conventional ghouls...Moreover, the overall breath exuding is very strange, neither stiff nor alien.

It seems that a brand new variety has been obtained.

"Doctor, this is!?"

The doctor is also excited, the brain enlarges and shrinks at a faster frequency,

"Lord! If nothing else, our experiment has made breakthrough progress! This is a brand new species based on zombies and ghouls...

While retaining the advantages of different demons and stalemates, brand new characteristics have also been derived.

I will seize the time to try mass production, and I should be able to enter the battle in a relatively short period of time...In other words, how is the situation outside? The enemy hasn't attacked yet, right? "

"Well, there is at least half a month left.

Doctor, do your research here at ease, Miss Sally and the Human Expeditionary Army will provide protection. "

When Sally heard this, she quickly asked:

"Huh? Stay here without taking me out?"

"Sally, you showed up in the last London game. Taking you out will increase the probability of being discovered...and you heard it in the meeting.

Next, the overall changes in the City of London will affect the estate, and someone must be responsible for the situation here.

I may be away for a long time, you are the [hostess] here.

When I come back, the war should have started in full, and I will respond internally and externally.

If you have any questions, you can consult the doctor. He knows the manor no less than mine. "

Having said that, the doctor also shook his brains to Sally to show respect.


Sally caught a very important vocabulary and responded calmly:

"Ahem~ Then reluctantly promise you~ By the way, is it really okay to follow Green out?

Your plan to go to [Hybolon Company], UU reading should be based on covert operations, right? If this guy does not follow the plan, things should become very troublesome..."

"Fortunately, as long as certain things can complement each other, Green is still in control.

Moreover, when we stay together, we can attract attention at critical moments. "

" careful, I will wait for you to come back."

Handing over the manor to Sally to take care of, Han Dong is still very relieved that if there is a danger, there are sheep who can give shelter.

Just when Han Dong was about to discuss the mass production of ghouls with the doctor.


A dragon roar filled with stress and mania came, and the basement also shook violently.

"This guy Green, it's done!"

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