My Cell Prison

Vol 6 Chapter 1346: weird

"The restart of the world network enabled the backup power supply installed in the station to start.

But the operation of the [station] basically relies on the "Yi Mine".

The "Etterbium Compression Technology" exclusively owned by Hyperion Corporation uses a large amount of Etterbium ore to purify and compress the resulting ytterbium batteries to drive the train to jump in space.

It now appears that this group of guys reclaimed all the ytterbium batteries in all the stations before the withdrawal, which is really disgusting. "

Xiao Huang slid out from the power distribution room at the rear of the train.

Put your arms down, and the camera hung down, quite frustrated.

Due to the lack of the ytterbium battery, he can only rely on the most conventional way to reach Hyperion. The overall distance is about 1,400 kilometers, and Xiao Huang feels very uncomfortable just facing it.

Han Dong stood in the front section of the pure white train and followed the railway to inspect the station.

"How it works, if I'm not mistaken.

It should be [train] as the transfer vehicle.

Passengers and cargo are loaded in the train to form a whole... When the train accelerates to a certain level, it is powered by the ytterbium battery, tearing apart the [space tunnel] leading to other stations.

So as to achieve the overall space jump, and stop in an instant, is that what I mean? "


The train is equivalent to a transfer container to ensure that passengers and living objects will not be subjected to space pressure when jumping in space. At the same time, it relies on pure electric power and magnetic field for initial acceleration to make the jump more smoothly.

The ytterbium battery is used as the core to open and build the [space tunnel] between stations.

The small erbium ore crystals arranged regularly on the track are used to stabilize the whole process. "

"It's a very good technology. I don't know if the space energy I have can achieve the same effect as the ytterbium battery.

Xiao Huang, can you make a capacitor equivalent to a ytterbium battery? "

"The container is simple, leave it to me!"

Xiao Huang pulled out a mechanical workbench in an instant and quickly manufactured it.

Han Dong immediately transmitted the sound into his body, "Miss Mary, you may need to extract some of your spatial energy. 』

"Ok. 』

This long journey naturally had to bring Mary inside to provide additional spatial attributes.

Who knows, this twitch almost fainted Marites and collapsed directly in the brain laboratory... In return, the battery was fully charged.

Xiao Huang stared at the energy-satisfactory battery pack, excitedly making circles on the spot!

"Wuhu! It really works!

I also store the station coordinates of Hyperion Corporation in my head, and it will be debugged within ten minutes! "

While Xiao Huang started work, Han Dong immediately returned to the [Brain Lab].

Although it seems that Mary is a tool person, Han Dong is essentially caring...Hugging Mary Tis, who has almost fainted, sinks her into the nutrition bathtub prepared in advance, which can effectively stimulate her body in the short Gradually recover over time.

"Ding Dong! It's done~ Everyone, get on the train, the next stop [Hybron Company Headquarters].

My little Huang will lead you to participate in the most magnificent and top corporate relics on Pandora. "

The robot Xiao Huang found a flight attendant hat to put on him from nowhere.

As the train speeds up, the power distribution room releases a burst of spatial energy covering the surface of the train.

〔Space coordinates-successful docking〕


In a blink of an eye.

The train has stopped at a dilapidated and gloomy station area that has experienced severe collapse.

With only a few electric lights still lighting, even flickering due to unstable voltage, the overall atmosphere feels very strange.

Through the car window, Han Dong even saw a small particle floating in the air, dragging the tail, and the whole body was covered with a layer of metallic luster.

"What is this...metal spore?"

When Han Dongzheng intends to extract air and investigates the spores.

Green has gotten out of the car.

There seems to be a kind of "biological tropism" in the metal spores, feeling the existence of living things, and immediately attaching them.

"Huh? What is this?"

Green also felt something wrong,

In other words, he noticed the metal spores in advance, but he didn't think it could affect his body.

Who knows.

Just two seconds after being exposed to the air, Green's body immediately showed a mutation reaction.

The blood vessels all over the body bulged and showed a strange metallic color, and the overall movement even became rigid.

"What is this! Can it affect me?"

Just when Green was surprised, the palm made of yellow sand pulled him into the train.

"Green, can this physical body be given to me for research?"

"take it."

After all, Green, who was infected, lost his eyes.

The jaw drops as if dislocated in one piece, allowing the mouth to open as much as possible.

A newborn Green with saliva attached all over his body crawled out of his mouth, maintaining the exact same human form and wearing a half-black and half-white suit.

Han Dong immediately studied the discarded body anatomy.

Metal spores are already in large numbers in the body,

About 80% of the blood vessels are transformed into a metal hose,

The organs of the whole body also show metal fibrosis,

The most important thing is that some of the spores quickly occupy the brain after Green's main consciousness abandons the body, and a metal structure similar to mushrooms grows on the surface of the brain.


The body that Green had dropped, his fingers moved.


Before the body is further alienated.

Han Dong attached the arm of the undead, and a burst of death energy poured into it, turning into a pool of black sand.

"Xiao Huang, what is going on?"

Xiao Huang searched for relevant data in the hard disk, and quickly answered:

"The [Organic Research Institute], which is located in the headquarters of Hyperion, is mainly responsible for the new projects that are expanded later, and most of these projects are related to the meat group.

Since the establishment of the institute, a large number of meatballs that violate the company's regulations have been sent to it every day. I have never seen any meatballs survived.

Everything in the Organic Research Institute is confidential, and I know very little about it.

It is probably known that the senior executives of the original Hibron were very interested in the organic research institute project, and the research funds invested in the later period even exceeded the station system in one fell swoop, almost on par with the arms research and development.

By the way, it seems that the arms research and development department also cooperates with them. "


However, Han Dong is not the only outsider who is paying attention to the ruins of the [Hybolong] headquarters.

When the foreign matrix found that the world network was unable to gain access to these giant companies, UU Reading also sent elite troops to investigate the situation, trying to eliminate the indigenous people who occupied the company’s remains, and gain access from the inside. .

It was six hours before Han Dong and others arrived at Hyperion Station.

A secret team with six door-opening members, shortly after arriving at Hyperion's headquarters, claimed to have been attacked by aboriginals, and disconnected before reporting the relevant situation.

This incident made the mother feel uneasy.

In her initial opinion, the reason why Black Tower chose the war zone on this planet was to allow them [Four Worlds] to grasp the local geographical advantages and gain absolute dominance.

But now it seems.

This planet named [Pandora], even if it will completely collapse in less than a month, but the body contains many secrets.

There are even some secrets that threaten them and affect the entire battle.

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