My Cell Prison

Vol 6 Chapter 1356: start

【Black Tower-Lower Area】

As Han Dong guessed.

When the handsome Jack came into contact with the Dark Tower, he completely lost interest in Pandora... The Dark Tower that connects and manages thousands of worlds is his true belonging.

However, when he returned to the Dark Tower this time, his expression was not very good.

"I didn't expect to be put on by a kid who just opened the door~ It's really unpleasant...

However, having said that, there are a few young people who just opened the door who can complete [Pandora's Box] like him, and even dare to talk directly with me about the conditions.

And it is strange that he is obviously the life of [S-01], why can he establish contact with the black tower?

Check his details. "

The handsome Jack is already a "senior employee" in the Dark Tower, and he has made a lot of money with his business-friendly mind.

When you come to the nearest office, you only need to pay a tip, and you can check the basic information on the surface according to the employee number.

"Huh? Is it human beings, not monsters?

Strangely, [S-01] The alien monsters in the world are not completely enslaving humans and using them as low-level slaves. How can they give them the opportunity to develop freely... Could it be that there is any hidden truth?

In addition to being a formal employee, are you also a member of [Fight Club]? Lunatic? No wonder you can talk calmly with me. "

At this moment, a fat palm rested on Jack's shoulder, accompanied by an extremely dangerous resentment.

"Little brother, what are you doing to check Han Dong's information?"


Jack turned around with an uncomfortable expression, and found a headless and full-body burly man standing behind him, beside him was a skeleton that looked very capable.

At the level, the three are the same.

However, this is the Black Tower office and no disturbance is allowed.

"Why? Does my checking of employee information have anything to do with you?"

The headless finger pointed at the portrait of the person on the profile, and there was a burst of grievances from the neck of Long Mao:

"Han Dong is a member of our club and also a good friend of mine... If he offends you in any way, I hope he can be merciful.

Otherwise, let us know what happened to him and it has something to do with you.

The club will pursue you in an all-round way. "

Jack scratched the handsome face that was stitched to his face, causing it to show a very kind smile, "Oh! So the two are friends from the fight club.

Don't worry, Han Dong has no grudges with me.

Moreover, we are business partners! "

"Business?" The headless was curious, but also thought of one thing. "By the way, Han Dong, shouldn't he be in the [S-01] world busy dealing with the trouble that the black tower finds?"

"Not really.

It seems that you don’t know much about this little brother. The specific situation is probably like this..."

As Jack elaborated on the matter of stripping the world, the headless flesh was squeezed together, anger and resentment were intertwined, and the black hairs on the neck were all erected.

"Heita actually plays like this."

Jack spread his hands, "Yes, I also warned this kid to come back to do business with me... I don't know if he insists on staying there.

Hei Ta played a little bit fiercely this time, obviously trying to give a warning to the group of strange demons, the mortality rate has started to be quite high.

Hey~ I am also very worried about him.

If he can come back alive, please ask him to contact me in time. "


The vision returned to the Hyperion head office.


Staring at [Handsome Jack] who passed through the single-player space tearing device and left the world of Pandora, Han Dong finally took a sigh of relief.

"At the same level as the headless eldest brother, he is also the lower old king...but the pressure is completely different.

Fortunately, I was stretched, otherwise this deal would be difficult to negotiate.

Originally I wanted to ask questions about the core of the world in detail, but Jack's patience has reached the maximum limit, and he was afraid that a bullet would give me a second. "

It has been a long time since there was such a great pressure. In the conversation just now, Han Dong really took his life as a bet, and the whole conversation directly affected the world structure.

"The results are pretty good.

Let's not talk about making money... at least Jack will not interfere in the whole battle, and I have also obtained the direct management right of Hyperion.

Even if there is no chance to inquire about the core of the world, with the help of the control of Hyperion Corporation, relevant information will definitely be found. "

at this time.

boom! A loud noise came from the bottom.

The steel ground several meters thick was forcibly torn apart by a black nail, and Green came here with a data cable.

Behind him followed Demps's little brother, and the robot Xiao Huang who was responsible for guiding the way.

The legendary black knife has been put in Green's hands, and he is about to kill the Quartet.

At the same time, it is worth noting that there are a series of heads hanging from Green's waist...It is the other contestants he killed during the handsome game.

"Huh? Why are you two... where is that guy called [Handsome Jack]?"

"The matter has been settled, Jack has left the world, and the ownership of Hyperion is all owned by me."

When Green heard this, his face was disappointed, "Hey, it's really boring...By the way, what level is this guy named Jack?"

"The king, it should be the next king."

"Inferior..." Green touched his chin, "If you use all the cards in your body, you should be able to barely fight... However, this is his territory, and the risk of defeat and death is high.

Um~ Nicholas, good good! "

Although Green was crazy, he still had a trace of rationality in the face of absolute hierarchical suppression.

The robot Xiao Huang is spinning around here with an extremely excited appearance. In its mechanical head, Jack is an out-and-out dictator, a tyrant... and such a guy is willing to take the initiative to transfer the company’s equity and leave. .

Just when Xiao Huang wanted to ask how Han Dong did it.

Han Dong's hand first touched its mechanical head.

"Xiao Huang, your level of familiarity with Hyperion must be much higher than mine. According to the original plan, you are responsible for the overall control of the company.

From now on, you are [Chief Engineer]. "

"Okay!" Xiao Huang danced happily, and an excited voice came from the speakers: "We can use Hyperion's highest network authority to reverse track down the master who killed Xiaofan."

"Finding the controller of the "world network" is only one of the things. We are not enough to defeat the opponent.

In addition, there are a few things that I hope you can accomplish in a short time.

First. I want to use the remaining forces on the planet to form an army that is not afraid of death. The [Metal Zombies] hovering at the bottom of the company is a good sample. UU Reading

Now you need to let the ‘meat mass’ on the planet Pandora rely on Hyperion through broadcasting, energy attraction, etc. It is best to restore the planet’s station system.

At the same time, the infectious bacteria of the Organic Research Institute were fully released, allowing them to overflow all areas of the company. "

Xiao Huang asked with a puzzled look: "Although metal zombies are not afraid of death, they are equally uncontrollable...what use is it?"

"It should be controllable... The core strain that caused this series of diseases is in my body, combined with my mental abilities, I can get a very strong army."

"Strain! No wonder Jack will leave the company... Is there anything else, boss Nicholas?" Xiao Huang's name for Han Dong has completely changed.

"Second, extract information about the core of the world in the company's database.

Whenever there is a trace of relevant information, remember to sort it out.

Third, to fully restore the production line of Hyperion's military workshop, I can provide high-purity gold...Since the army is to be built, the quality must be decent. "

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