My Cell Prison

Vol 6 Chapter 1361: Slash the emperor

The headless brother of the fight club,

Help Han Dong carry out rehabilitation training

And the handsome guy Jack, the CEO of Hyperion, who just met recently,

Even the head of Ma Long of the Hell Knights belongs to the true king who has won the throne in another world.

Han Dong has had direct contact, and some of them are even deeply connected.

When talking head-on with these kings, the word "unable to fight" will become deeply ingrained in the brain.

It is different from the mature body and the returning body, which is separated by a gap of the door of truth.

It is also different from the ancestral body and the mythological body, which is separated by a more distant mythical picture scroll.


Not only does it need to be able to reach the standard, it also needs to compete for the "throne" with rivals of the same level of strength.

It is also extremely difficult to pass the throne assessment given by the corresponding world.

Even the talented and invincible [Ten Primal Quality] can't guarantee that they will become a king in the late myth.

A person who becomes a king is definitely a peerless genius among hundreds of millions.

Just resisting the field released by the opponent will cause the energy in the brain to quickly consume, and the consumption speed is much faster than that of the gold emissary.

The inmates in the brain prison have all been connected to the tentacles, in order to supply Han Dong with their own energy, and assist the support of the domain.

Located in the [Void Laboratory], although Mary Tess had a face full of horror, and her movements seemed very panic, she also provided space energy as much as possible, and began to construct a void guide in her body.

In the workshop.

The [king] hidden in the dark has slowly walked out.

When the posture is revealed.

The corresponding domain of the king, and its own corresponding throne also emerged.

In the huge workshop,

Every half a meter, a samurai sword ‘floats’.

Not just the ground.

The surrounding walls, the shelves placed in the workshop, the cranes and the train components all have samurai swords emerging.

These samurai swords are not entirely composed of domains. They have their own origins. They all came from the hands of swordsmen, and some swordsmen belong to different worlds.

However, these samurai swords all have a common feature. The surface of the blade is engraved with the sins committed by the original owner, and the number of innocent creatures killed is recorded in numbers.

Blinking to see, it is as if tens of thousands of swordsmen were using his lifelong skill to slash the knife in his hand.

Individuals covered by these areas will be cut no matter where they are.

The damage from physical slashes is increased and the armor is ignored to a certain extent, causing real damage (the degree of damage increase and defense is determined by the individual's sin).

At the same time, individuals located in the realm will also be subjected to "intentional beheading" from the emperor's sword at all times.

People of different ranks have no defense in front of "Intentional Slash", and their consciousness will be directly slashed and die instantly. Even if they are both kings, they must fight on the conscious level all the time.

It can be said to be extremely terrifying at the level of killing the enemy.

at the same time.

A unique throne also emerged with the opponent's body, slowly rising from the ground.

Throne made of bones-[Sword-shaped mound]

With a dark gold spine full of cut marks and indestructible as the back of the chair,

Seven arm bones of different thicknesses are connected to the surface of the spine and spread out from side to side. At the same time, each arm holds a "famous knife", with different sizes and styles, and even the shape of the blade.

These seven arms came from the seven real powerful enemies defeated during the growth of Emperor Slash.

Now, while becoming the dead souls under the sword, their limbs and famous swords are made into the throne of the emperor.

The lower end of the seat connected by the spine is made up of countless skulls, all from the beheaded loser.

"Is this... the king of sin? The most troublesome attribute."

Han Dong's vision neither stayed on the domain nor too much on the throne.

Instead, she stared intently at the "woman" coming out from the front of the train.

Without a head, a long knife is inserted through the neck,

The more private parts of the body, joints and palms are wrapped with bandages,

The body presents a state of being ‘slashed’ and separated,

For example, the slender waist that has been cut apart is about five centimeters apart from the top and bottom, and it maintains its integrity through the power of sin.

The other parts that were cut apart included the right thigh, right wrist, and left index finger.

The meaning of these beheaded parts is unknown,

It seems that the permanent trauma left by her duel with the strong, has extremely important meaning to her and is preserved.

It is also possible that she is guilty and needs to be ‘redempted’ by self-decapitation.

[Zhanhuang. Luming authentic]

From [Sub-Super World-Sin World], on the order of the Sin Infant, participate in this event.


"I can't cut your consciousness?"

Zhan Huang has no head, and can only express shock through his twisted posture and bent fingers.

The first time Han Dong set foot in the workshop, she had already identified the opponent's level-[Open the door], and at the same time discovered the earl of the companion consciousness through the domain.

(Zhanhuang only saw the external image of Han Dong in the video, and there is no other special information such as breath. Currently, when seeing Han Dong’s dark disguise, he is only regarded as a dark monster)

The level difference is two big ranks, Zhan Huang only regards Han Dong, who is hiding in the dark and holding a black umbrella, as a scout in charge of patrolling the workshop.

Choosing to be executed instantly with "Intentional Slash"

I don't know, although the companion consciousness in the opponent's body was directly killed.

But the opponent's body was not harmed, and at the same time it caused great confusion to Emperor Zhan.

One thing that couldn't be killed.

The biggest problem is the feedback given during the consciousness killing.

When Yi Zhan penetrated the opponent's body and directly hit the consciousness, he felt a layer of unknown [gray matter] enveloping the consciousness.

When Emperor Zhan wanted to cut through this mass of matter.

The gray matter immediately formed a distorted, ancient arm with unknown characters imprinted on it, and steadily caught the consciousness slash with the "empty hand and the white blade".

This made Emperor Zhan deflect the blade inserted in his neck, very puzzled.

In her world, it is absolutely impossible for a sinner at the door-opening level to block the "intentional cut."

It is also impossible for a weak person at the door-opening level to open up her own domain in her king-level domain...At this moment, the young man holding a black umbrella in front of him was a little interested in Emperor Zhan.

The end result must be beheaded, and a little exchange will not hurt.

The blade inserted between the neck trembled, and once again made an elegant female voice.

"How on earth did you do it? Your consciousness is already at the level of the mythological body... It is obvious that the body level is only opening the door, and it has not been long for you to open the door."

When Han Dong heard the sound, UU reading hurriedly covered his ears, for fear that the newly repaired cochlea would be cut into pieces again.

However, this time when I heard the woman's voice, it was completely fine, as if the other party was interested in talking.

"Because... My consciousness is blessed by [World Node]."

Such an answer made Slash Emperor even more puzzled, "You are obviously an S-01 monster, why do you know these things? To get the world node, you must be a fate traveler... The alien monster is absolutely forbidden to enter the fate space, let alone May be in contact with the black tower."

Han Dong quickly took out the certificate of the Black Tower employee, and tried to communicate with the other party in the same way as the handsome boy Jack, and strive for more time.

Secretly, while cooperating with Marites to construct a void formation, quietly reached out to touch the position of the shoulder socket, which is the position of the abyss hole left by Green.

I don't know, when my finger is about to touch my shoulder.


"The "arm of the undead" has been cut off, and the wound is restricted by irresistible rules. It is now separated from the subject..."

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