My Cell Prison

Vol 6 Chapter 1372: Strategic layout

【Marginal Casino】

It symbolizes the gaming table of Hyperion.

The appearance varies with the viewing angle, and the man in the gray vest is arguing for the chips on the table.

Although the final judgement that ‘Green’ and ‘Nicholas’ contributed equally to this battle, due to the odds issue, this person won a lot of fortune.

As he was collecting chips, a chaotic sound came from different corners of the casino.

If you have to describe this sound with human hearing,

It is as if the order of each pronunciation of each word in a paragraph of English is completely disrupted, and then transmitted from different directions with different tones and wavelengths.

Only individuals with "confusion analysis" can correctly recognize these languages.

Unfortunately, all the gamblers sitting have this ability.

"Naya, the human selected by you is pretty good, and I look forward to his future development."

The gray man did not reply, but turned to the old man and nodded in respect.


【Christopher J. Green】

Status: The soul is wounded and is slowly recovering in the abyss through special devouring methods.

This battle resulted in the loss of the mythological body and hole cards corresponding to the forces behind Green.

The weapon "Miss Lyle" was also badly damaged and could not be used for a period of time, otherwise it may cause permanent damage, just like the skull of the blood in Han Dong's hand was damaged and dropped to an epic level.

However, in the face of such a loss, Green still kept smiling during the healing period. This is the London game he expected. This level is worthy of [father] to watch it in person, and this difficulty is enough to support his madness.

At the same time, Green himself also gained a lot in this battle.

The last piece of the mythological puzzle involving the core has signs that it is about to be formed.

【Helen Silber】

Status: Overloaded, due to the long-time introduction of the mythological body-moon girl Agatha, and attached to Green to fight the emperor... Now Helen still has not lifted the "possession state" state, and is doing something to her In terms of extremely important things.


Control room

Yellow-Xiao Huang is reading various parameters super fast and integrating a set of special algorithms.

Due to the hyperspace restraint device (also known as the secret chamber), and the extremely strong magnetic energy field is maintained by the energy of the ytterbium ore, any form of monitoring equipment cannot capture the specific conditions inside the secret chamber and cannot visually monitor the imprisonment state of the emperor.

The overall situation can only be judged by the energy output parameters in the secret room.

Han Dong had just dealt with all kinds of things in the company, barely restored the production line of metal zombies, and returned to the control room with a tired face.

"Little Huang, what's the situation in the secret room."

"The cycle operating coefficient of the equipment has been stabilized at 60 Hz. On this basis, the electron impact efficiency of the erbium gold has been increased to 95%. Compared with the initial start-up, the stability rate of the closed chamber has increased to 350%.

Da da! This is the secret room algorithm I compiled.

Even if there is a small internal data fluctuation, the algorithm will be included in the analysis, even some low-risk situations will be known to me as soon as possible.

The boss can rest assured that as long as there is enough ytterbium ore, the equipment will always be stable in its current state. "


Han Dong has forgotten the feeling of the rest of his life.

Due to the arrival of Emperor Swordsman, the overall plan was completely disrupted, and the state of his teammates was not very good...especially Demps Martin, who was beheaded in the body at the last minute.

At present, take the elevator directly to 【Organic Research Institute. Advanced Aseptic Culture Room】

The triple hydraulic door opens in opposite directions.

A glass cylinder filled with nutrient solution stands in the center of the room.

Demps, cut into two pieces, was immersed in it.

At the same time, there is a graceful woman (normal perspective) also soaked in the liquid, completely attached to Demps's body.

There is constant vitality from the depths of the dream realm input into Demps's body, counteracting the "cutting intention" left in the wound.

After almost a day and a night of healing, there are now sparse plant canes connected between the cut wounds, and there is already a vague meaning of the two halves of the body being gathered together.

at the same time.

Demps' consciousness was also drawn to 【The Witch's House】 to receive a special dream treatment.

However, progress has been much slower than expected.

Demps suffered the most intuitive and deadly injury. If it weren't for his particularity and the throne that had been formed, he would have completely died the moment he was cut off.

This stable and slow recovery is partly due to the throne's resistance to the rules, and partly due to Miss Helen's absolute dedication.

Han Dong gently reached out and touched the glass container. After confirming that the situation had improved, a stone in his heart was finally put down...

"Although the price is high, it is still worth it."

Han Dong has placed what happened at Hyperion Corporation into the brain of a metal zombie with extremely high sensitivity and adaptability through memory implantation.

Arrive at the nearest location to London City through the station and secretly bring the information back.

As long as the intelligence can be successfully transmitted back, no matter how the City of London handles it, the advantages of this battle will be transferred.

One [king] was trapped enough to cause the balance to tilt severely.

"The Emperor Zhan is trapped here, and the overall situation may change.

The opposing party may change the marching route due to the delay in returning the emperor and abandon the plan to attack the city of London. First, dispatch the army to pass by Hyperion Company.

Although I sent information to the City of London, the probability of arranging king-level support is not high...After all, the surveillance pressure of the "World Network" still exists.

Once it is discovered that there is [king] rushing to Hyperion, the opposing forces may take this opportunity to attack London in one fell swoop.

The only and most secure solution is only one-[Move].

There are still four days left before the energy of the land lease is exhausted and the battle is fully erupted... The move must be completed in advance, and the monitoring of the "world network" must be avoided. "

Thought of this.

Han Dong braced his tired body and began to play the sand table between his brain.

A plan sketch is being constructed quickly.


Two days have passed since Emperor Zhan was dispatched himself.

Except for the strong energy fluctuations that occurred in the Hyperion at the beginning, and several ‘slashes’ that overflowed the building... It has been too long without any movement.

Marcoms City did not receive any information about the Emperor Slaying either.

This made some people fidgeting, and the old black dragon even slapped the desktop to pieces.

"It has been calculated! There must be [the king] hiding in the Hyperion Company, deliberately waiting for us to be arrested... There must be something wrong with the emperor! We must formulate a series of measures, otherwise this battle will cause big problems."

In comparison, the Blacksmith III looked calm, "Be safe, don't worry, it's possible that the Emperor Swordsman is just taking some time to deal with the troubles of Hyperion Company.

Even if there is [Wang] in ambush inside, it will not kill her.

Regarding the difficulty of killing, Emperor Slash should be ranked second among us. Are you sure you can kill her? It is basically impossible for a king of the same level to completely kill the opponent.

Moreover, the special qualities possessed by Emperor Swordsman are inherently special, I believe she will come back on time to participate in the final battle. "

The mother next to it immediately echoed the sentence: "I agree. According to the data analysis in my hands, the probability of Zhanhuang returning in time is 81.3%. Let's just do the things at hand."

In the last three days, everyone only needs to do their best to complete the "packaging". "

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