My Cell Prison

Vol 6 Chapter 1377: First battle

A hyperspace restraint device used to limit the king-[Secret Chamber].

Ultra-high-density yttrium gold is filled in the power generation room, and eight magnetic field components designed by the handsome Jack himself surround the Emperor Zhan, restricting it to the center of the secret room.

at this time.

Emperor Zhan has inserted the main body [Lumen Authentic] back into his neck.

Levitating in the air in a cross-legged state, the body has gradually adapted to the frequency of the magnetic field, but it is still very difficult to break free. There are no loopholes in the secret room itself.

The heart is like water.

In the few days that he was imprisoned, Emperor Zhan had eliminated all his anger and impatience and returned to his original heart.

For the unfinished tasks and the upcoming war, he also left behind, focused on himself, and carried out deep self-reflection.

just now.

When the carriage was separated from the train, due to the switch of energy supply, Emperor Zhan was aware of slight energy fluctuations.

Why a device that has never fluctuated in its stability will produce a greater energy change? It must be a change in the outside world... This is the time for Emperor Slash to wait.

Draw a knife!

Open the field, stare at the extreme restraining force and slowly pull the blade out of the neck,

A weird trace of the power of sin is overflowing from different parts of the body,

The weird bandage used to cover the body also slowly detached,

The Emperor Swordsman who finished drawing the sword did not immediately give the slash, but something was brewing.

An unused trick is about to be revealed... After all, ordinary slashing is enough to kill Han Dong and his party. This kind of trick that takes time to brew and the hit is not necessarily high is completely unnecessary for low-level beings.

A terrible scene happened.

Kakaka~ the sound of bones came.

The cervical vertebrae located between the neck extend upwards, and the bone cells undergo ultra-fast differentiation and division to construct an exquisite skull.

Using the skull as a frame,

The thread of sin begins to weave the flesh and tissues of the face like blood vessels,

The bandage covers the surface of the flesh like skin,

A complete head was formed on Zhanhuang's head, with soft black hair hanging down to the ears...Even though the whole looked covered with bandages, through the contours of the face and black hair, one could vaguely imagine the extraordinary appearance of the past.


For the first time, Emperor Zhan showed her head, an unprecedented mood covering the body of the sword.

This hole card, Slash Emperor was originally intended to be used against the enemy king, but I didn't expect it would be used here in advance.

Moreover, the sacrificing of the head also means that Emperor Slash will face the deepest sins in his heart. If his mood fails to reach the target, he will be mad... Once successful, his mood will rise to an unprecedented height.


The feeling of swinging a knife at this moment is completely different from before.

The restrictions and restraints received have become like a few ordinary and unobstructed thin threads, which no longer have any restrictions on the emperor.


The secret room was cut horizontally.

The carriage loaded with the secret chamber is driving fast on the orbit leading to the boundary of the planet, without any enemies around.

Slashing the emperor turned into a phantom of sin and disappeared in the carriage.

Now she is not in a hurry to rush to the battlefield.

Instead, he found a hidden underground cave, put the authentic lumen between his palms, and began to nurture himself.

During the period of being imprisoned in the secret room, the energy in Emperor Slash was being slowly consumed all the time.

With this last move, forcibly cutting the secret room exhausted almost all of her power...This is the fundamental reason why she must choose to break the secret room in a special period.

Energy is exhausted.

The comprehensive attributes of Emperor Slash will be weakened by more than 80%, and it may be dangerous if it is surrounded by multiple mythological bodies.

After some recovery, Emperor Zhan immediately found the nearest world network interface and got in touch with the mother body.

"Give me half an hour and I will rush back to the battlefield in time."

"Well, everything is proceeding as planned. Your return from Emperor Slash will allow our winning rate to exceed 70%."

The mother body didn't ask at all what happened during this period, as long as Emperor Slash could return to the battlefield in time, nothing matters.

Emperor Swordsman himself gained insight from this failure experience, and the mood of Slaying became even higher than before.


The gates on the west side of London are several kilometers apart.

The square structure, floating in the air, Marcomus City has actively exposed the barrel structure of the positron gun. An annihilating positron energy has been compressed and accelerated between the barrels.


The light beam symbolizing annihilation hits London directly.

The matrix has simulated the rendering of London's destruction in advance.

Who knows.

At the same time as the positron beam was shooting out, the London gate opened inward at the same moment, ready for the bombardment.

An ancient and profound device is located inside the city gate.

It is built by floating stone tablets engraved with void characters as the outer frame structure, and the center is a liquid-form mirror structure.

"Void Prism" temporarily modified by the plane migration device.

[Second Prototype-Pope Menda] The members of the Void Mystic Cult under his command are surrounding the stone base of the prism, using a secret ritual to precisely manipulate the prism.

This device can not only change the trajectory of material movement, but can even perform a precise angle of refraction...If it is used properly, it may be able to shoot down the opponent's main city directly by shelling.

What will happen next will be a head-on conflict between "High-level Technology" and "Different Magic Secrets."

The moment the positron beam collided with the void prism frontally, all six teachers were annihilated on the spot due to the'connection influence'.

Of course, Pop had considered this a long time ago, and a standby person immediately came forward to connect it.

"Unexpectedly, this bombardment is more powerful~ It may be difficult to perform accurate refraction... as long as it can be touched.

You must let the other party think that you can't use this terrible weapon. "

With the positron beam completely submerged into the prism, Pope personally descended, using the starry sky brain to control the thoughts of all members of the esoteric, and personally control the direction of refraction.


A beam of equal power shoots out from the mirrors in reverse, probably hitting the upper right corner of the opponent's main city.

About to hit.

[Marcomus City] Suddenly released extremely high-intensity magnetic field pulses, changing the trajectory of the positron beam, forcing it to shoot into the deep space of the universe.

The first match between the two sides has ended in this form of ‘fireworks’.

The most shocking thing was the mother, she had never thought that the other party had such a means.

"The positron cannon is enough to ignore the obstacles in space... I didn't expect the other party to be proficient in such advanced spatial skills, and in a short period of time, they have produced a device that can perfectly deal with the positron cannon.

What a pity, otherwise this shot would be enough to destroy London. "

"From the very beginning, we did not intend to use technology to decide the outcome.

I'm going on first, the blacksmith, follow along... Let's see what the other side's [king] has. "


An unspeakable weight swayed between the world. UU reading www.

Residents in the city of London who were not at the level of the mythological body had their knees trembling and their minds frozen one after another, and many residents even knelt directly on the ground.

This pressure not only affects the body, but also affects the soul and consciousness.

The enslaved crazy dragon also wailed at this moment, lowering its head and fearing something.

Shade the sky.

The shadow replaces the former shining sun, returning the city of London to darkness.

However, the inhabitants of the city did not get rid of the feeling of ease after the scorching sun, but a look of extreme fear appeared in their eyes...


The body length reaches a terrifying tens of thousands of meters, or even hundreds of thousands of meters, and the black dragon scales are perfectly combined with the metal armor. The behemoth that exceeds the recognition of most residents is overlooking the tiny London.

【Teplo Nidrilis-Father of the Black Dragon】

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