My Cell Prison

Vol 6 Chapter 1383: mutation

The Holy City is planning for the position of the Knights.

As long as it is a knight who completes the mythological structure, it is qualified to compete for the leader.

Due to the infinite development endowed by the space of destiny and the continuous improvement of the potential of human descendants, mythological bodies have become more and more, and two, three or even more mythological bodies slowly appear in a knight order.

of course.

Some mythological entities are not competitive in all aspects,

Or because of his own characteristics, he was invited by the Holy City Royal Family and the Supreme Council, and he would choose to leave the Knights to go to a position more suitable for him.

Therefore, in general knights, often only the head and deputy heads reach the level of mythology.

The first, second, and third commanders below are all at the pinnacle of opening the door.

However, very few knights also have special circumstances.

One of them is [Holy Knights].

It is fundamentally inseparable from the Holy See, involving extremely important religious dissemination and the purification of the entire city. The Knights of the Holy Order itself has a very high status and even possesses strong political interference power.

To become a regiment leader, you not only need to pass the regular regimental leader assessment, but also need direct support from the Holy See.

[Olivia Christian] As a saint trained by the Holy See, she did not take any shortcuts to take the position of head of the regiment when she was fully supported.

Rather, it is based on absolute strength.

Her own position is extremely important to the holy city. It was once regarded as the "light of hope" for humans to fight against other demons. It was affirmed by the Supreme Council and given the title of "Priest", which is equivalent to the participation of high-level members in issues that touch the foundations of the world. Explore. .

In the issue of the Great Expedition, when it was mentioned that Olivia was to be the leader of the mobile sanctuary, it was immediately opposed by the Holy See.

In the end, it was the personal request of multiple delegation leaders, parliament elders, and Olivia before the Holy See reluctantly approved it.

In order to ensure its safety, the three entourage captains of the Order of the Holy Order are all mythological ranks, and they have also undergone strict screening by the Holy See as Olivia's "spear", "spring" and "shield."


【The Spear of the Holy Emperor-Reinhard Scarlet】

As the sharpest spear of the Holy Knights, he appeared in person and killed a member of the opponent in seconds.

at the same time.

With the shining light.

A holy knights-liquidation unit armed with spears, swords, shields, or magic scepters appeared around the church and joined Reinhard to launch an attack on the invaders.

Under the blessing of the sanctuary, each can exert their strongest strength.

Such a scene surprised the maskmaker, "Humans! And they are human beings who have abandoned the influence of the aliens and have grown up with their destiny... That's it! No wonder such a church can be built.

This is different from the information we received, so interesting! Try to make you wear masks too, so that I can slowly investigate your world intelligence. "

The maskmaker-de Xiurui gave an extremely weird smile.

The field is fully open.

All the friendly team members wearing masks are under deep control. At the cost of burning truth, they explode with 200% potential and fight against the encircled holy knights like a madman.

The scariest thing is.

The mask can not only take root in the brain, but also spread the roots throughout the body.

When the individual falls into an absolute disadvantage, it is almost impossible to win.

The mask maker will control this person and try every means to [hold] the opponent, and then use his unique craftsmanship with the mask roots inserted into the body to transform the individual into a "bomb".

The explosion will release the truth that the individual felt when opening the door and all the energy contained in it, which would be extremely destructive.

Of course, mechanical entities without masks are not affected.

The fierce battle in the church slowly evolved into an explosive show.

The knight blessed by the holy light was seriously injured. The entire sanctuary was shaken by a violent explosion, and part of the "support enchantment" was completely destroyed in the explosion.

A series of explosions sounded.

The tremor extends deep along the special passage built at the lower end of the sanctuary,

Go over the sewer and avoid the underground palace of your mother... Arrive at a special area full of circular bookshelves and stacks of different types of bibles.

It is called "taboo dogma."

Olivia was sitting in the center, the priest's coat was placed on the side shelf, replaced by a bible page with all over her body.

A subtle sensation of explosion came here.

A page of the Bible book on Olivia slipped, revealing a clear eye.

The body that had been imprisoned for a long time began to move slowly.

at this time.

The second commander of the army [Yates Victoria], who symbolizes the "spring", appeared here to prevent the team commander's activities:

"Head, the invader has only one mythical body, so it must be fine to hand it over to Reinhardt... even if it doesn't work, just let the "shield" go and support it.

There is no need for you to be yourself.

You are the hope of the holy city. Participating in this special expedition is limited to providing treatment... The last battle of Minano was messy enough. "

Olivia's gentle voice like a fairy spread in this area:

"I thought so at the beginning.

Until the explosion just now made me smell a ‘forbidden breath’... The situation above may be more dangerous than what we saw, and may even cause the death of all the holy knights and the Holy See.

Staying in "taboo dogma" will keep me safe.

Once defeated, everything will become meaningless, I have to go up and stay with me. "



Flesh explosions sounded continuously.

The damage to the liquidation unit was extremely severe, and there was no opportunity for follow-up treatment at all.

Reinhardt's horse turned into a pair of pure white legplates, providing extremely strong movement speed, holding a spiral spear in front of the maskmaker.

The realm called "Holy Sage" unfolds.

Turning into the land left over after the holy war, Reinhardt's all attributes have been upgraded under the blessing of the domain, and he will also roll up the covenant paper scattered on the ground to strengthen every attack.


His attack is extremely difficult to kill the target.

Even the spear full of destructive holy light, pierced the maskmaker's body frontally, and watched it disintegrate clearly...The masks scattered on the side would regenerate entirely new individuals, with only a minimal attenuation of the aura.

Even if the third commander with a huge shield joins, it is difficult to change the situation.

It is difficult for the attacks of the two to touch the foundation of the mask maker...Similarly, the mask maker is under the high pressure of the two mythological entities, and cannot cause substantial harm to the two of them.

"It's really boring to have two human mythical strong men hiding in the church.

I’m not playing with you anymore, I have to look for interesting materials..."

The maskmaker has a meaning to escape.

The church that was ruined by the explosion was full of gaps for masks to pass through.

For a time, the mask maker's body exploded, and at the same time there were more than thirty masks shot at different gaps. There may be only one body or all of them.

Reinhardt could not tell.

Seeing it is about to escape.


Arms from nowhere hold a white mask with precision.

While being held, the other masks of UU Reading lost control and fell to the ground.

The white mask hurriedly split into the head of a mask maker, and asked with fear and resentment: "What are you doing!? I did not violate the rules!"

"It is detected that your war contribution and predictable future contribution are negative and cleared."

"Wait, I am willing to..."

Before the words were finished, a dark matter laser shot out from the palm, and the head and mask held in his hand were instantly annihilated.

at the same time.

Other masks scattered in the church also collapsed. The maskmaker De Xiuri from the holy world declared his death, and the mythological system he symbolized disappeared.

It was not the holy knights who were performing everything, or the priests who came from the bottom.

It was an unremarkable robot, and even a metal tube connected to its neck was still leaking engine oil.

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