My Cell Prison

Vol 6 Chapter 1388: The devil is alive

Buzzing! (Similar to the roar of the engine)

The weapons held in Ma Long's hands are pure **** products and come from various materials obtained by Ma Long in the trial of the Devil.

Including the body materials and demon essence obtained by killing the seventy-two pillars of the demon god.

And enter the forbidden demon realm that has never been touched by the devil, find the demon king’s treasure chest hidden by no one, and obtain the power components that are vital to the construction of weapons.

On the day he was crowned king.

With the help of the **** blacksmith, together with the gifts and side assistance of other demon kings, he jointly created this **** soldier that combines the attributes of the "vehicle" and fully fits the characteristics of Malong.

"Usatom Tyrant (Empire (When you have checked the Destiny Book, the equipment name is dark gold)

The essence has surpassed the quality concept of conventional weapons of destiny. During the construction, it not only assembled extremely high-quality materials, but also infused with the rules that symbolized the [Hell] world and the will of the Hell Lord.

As its name.

The style of this handle is wild, expressing the theme of **** vividly and vividly, and possesses extremely brutal destructive power.

The most terrifying thing is that it has "war growth" in itself, and its destructive power will increase with the duration of the battle, the state of the horse, and the number of combos given.

Because of the conversation with Xia just now.

The anger that Malone had accumulated along the way dissipated completely, in exchange for a relatively calm fighting state.

Staring not far away, the bandage was wrapped around the hidden parts, and the body was cut in many parts, and he was holding a Zhanhuang who was not inferior to himself in quality, and he was slightly confused.

"Xia is right. This guy is not the same as the [king] I have seen... Whether it's those guys who like to brag in hell, or the boulder I encountered last time on my destiny journey. The above is completely different.

The biggest difference lies in the "domain".

This guy actually grabbed the domain in his body? In this case, it will be affected by the Jiao Di Hell instead.

Anyway, try her first. "

Ma Long slowly changed from walking to jogging, and the frequency of turning the knife handle also increased...With the launch of the core engine, a large amount of fire core even splashed from the knife body.

However, just when Malone was about to approach the attack range.

Zhanhuang suddenly moved his center of gravity down, straightened his left leg back, and returned the famous sword to his waist, making a standard drawing posture.

The bandage wrapped around the wrist assembles into a scabbard structure by itself, and its momentum skyrocketed.

``Yixin. Draw a sword and cut.''

A strong sense of danger arose in Ma Long's heart, and it hadn't been a long time.

The slashing front leaning for nearly a hundred meters struck frontally, and all the sand particles along the way were annihilated.

In a blink of an eye.

A cut across a hundred meters appeared in the desert, and Ma Long, who was slashed from the front, was pushed to a hundred meters away.

When the scattered sand particles in the sky had not yet dispersed, Ma Long's voice came:

"So that's the case, is this the purpose of introverted domain? Strengthen the attack to the extreme..."


Ma Long's figure emerged, and the hot blood was dripping.

The posture remains the same.

Still dragging the weapon to the ground, did not use the weapon to block the terrorist slash.

Instead, he completely turned his left arm into a demon's hand, and received Zhanhuang's slash with his palm.

The price paid for this was that the pitch-black claw-shaped demon palm was cut to a depth of about ten centimeters, reaching the depth of the wrist, and the demon's blood kept dripping.

Compared to Ma Long who was shocked by the power of the slash.

The Emperor Zhan was even more surprised, but the one Zhan just now gathered her mood, and he slapped it seriously...In the case of a frontal hit, it was only hurt to this extent.

Suddenly, the state of mind of Emperor Swordsman changed, and the clear lake of mind began to be darkened by sin, or that this is the state of mind that belongs to the life of sinful spirits during the battle.

The blade falls into the sheath.

"Twelve Trials"

Huh! Draw a knife!

The drawing of the knife this time felt completely different from just now, and it didn't even feel like an attack by the same person.

No blade appeared at the moment of drawing.

Instead, it cuts out an artistic conception that symbolizes sin and affects reality.

With Malong as the center, there are a total of twelve giant skeletons symbolizing "sin" in various shapes.

Either a lantern on the head, a baby hidden in the belly, or a coin hanging on the arm.

Holding the katana uniformly in their hands, they simultaneously swung different types of sinful slashes.

All retreats were blocked, and different slashes came from all angles, which was extremely tricky.

Facing such a scene, Ma Long showed a special smile.


Reinserted the weapon in his hand on the ground and freed his right hand... It seemed that he did not intend to use the weapon to defend against such an attack.

There was a string of demonic language in his mouth.

Black blood vessels with spikes burst between the arms, the skin was dark and dilapidated like scorched earth, and the two arms became 100% demonized.

At the same time, two exaggerated demon horns grew on his forehead.

Immediately put on a unique parry posture, this posture does not come from hell, but the basic skills that Ma Long first learned in [Crusade Academy].


The roar swayed in the desert with shock ripples spreading for kilometers.

Faced with twelve slashes with different orientations, styles, strengths and even attributes...In the eyes of Ma Long, it seemed to be experiencing the basic training.

In a sufficiently powerful situation.

As long as the back of the hand, the bottom of the palm, the base of the wrist, and the elbow can be used to the extreme, they can withstand the opponent's weapon attack.

Ding Ding Ding!

The sound of weapons that can tear ordinary people's eardrums continues to expand.

The twelve slashes that symbolized the trial of sin were completely blocked by Ma Long, most of which were bounced off by skill. One of the slashes had a tricky angle, and Ma Long had to crush his palm forcibly.

His arms were chopped in multiple places, and blood kept flowing out, but none of the slashes hit the inner layer.

At the same time, after being attacked one after another, Ma Long's "anger value" increased to a certain level.

At the moment of all the attacks, he held the "tyrant" inserted in the ground with one hand.

Hum! The handle of the knife twisted, and the hot purgatory lava and the howl of the devil came out together.

Push your legs on the ground.

Soaring in the air and the twelve skeletons are on the same horizontal plane.


A horizontal circle carrying heavy blood, minced meat, and lava formed in the air.

All the skeletons were cut off at the waist, and the wounds of UU Reading made a terrible sound similar to the operation of a slaughterhouse while smashing bones.

To the naked eye, the giant skeletons were all involved and turned into bone scum.

Careful observation will reveal that the "tyrant" who was grasping in Ma Long's hands at this time seems to have become sharper and fleshier.

At the same moment, Ma Long, who was soaring in the air, had already fixed his gaze on Zhanhuang who was hundreds of meters away.


A pair of demon wings spread out on the back.

The wings spread and the full release of anger, several sonic booms formed during the dive, the speed is incredible!

"Hell Knife Burial"

Outside London.

A knife-shaped tombstone filled with blood and tyranny suddenly rose, and the wind and sand that was set off even spread to the city of London.

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