My Cell Prison

Vol 6 Chapter 1401: Total oppression

The first thousand and one hundred and one chapters of overall oppression

Human Artisan-Saivita is the commander-in-chief of this joint force.

The moment Green appeared and attacked this person, it directly attracted nearly 100% attention, and the nearby groups, especially the craftsmen who belonged directly to Savita, rose in anger and swarmed in groups.

At this moment, thousands of dynamic visions have completed the lock on Green.

Such attention gave Green the feeling of being on the stage. What he wanted was such a scene...Become the focus of much attention in the London game room.

"Wow! The linkage is very strong... Come and kill me!"

At this moment, Green neither defended nor dodged, but took the initiative to spread his arms to meet the upcoming various long-range attacks.


Green hasn't gotten it right yet.


There were several large cracks in the streets, and several sturdy plant roots rose from the ground.

Just at the location where the explosion just happened at the entrance of the clothing store, a tens of meters high, tightly coiled to form a huge flower from another world grew.

This is exactly the plant mount that Helen Silber took when he first came to London.

The buds are in full bloom, carrying hundreds of millions of pollen falling.

Helen took the initiative to reveal the most perfect "outside" in front of the enemy's eyes. She wore a pure white slim-fitting suit with a shirt of the same color inside.

His hands were slowly unbuttoning the buttons, capturing the enemy's gaze to the greatest extent.

The countless skulls that make up its body are exerting their maximum effectiveness, reflecting an irresistible and perfect image in the hearts of the enemy.

Even the program that controls the machine is equally effective.

For a time.

The attacks that should have been imposed on Green were all interrupted, and the eyes of the coalition army all turned to Helen, and they were "collectively seduced", and even close individuals tried to climb up the flowers to get close contact with Helen above.

However, this trick cannot last too long when it works on a large scale.

When Helen finished the next second of attention.


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There was a violent trampling sound of sheep's hooves from the adjacent streets, and there were also sheep's hooves of varying widths ranging from a few meters to tens of meters, which were directly imprinted between the streets, causing the overall terrain to sink.

Sally walked slowly from the end of the street on a standard model step.

Every step taken will form a powerful "crush" in a random area in front of you.

at the same time.

She was still muttering secret words about the curse in the Black Forest.

Tick ​​tick tick~ There is a continuous overflow of dirty and viscous liquid between the lips of the teeth. When this kind of liquid drops on the ground, it is like the earth is cursed.

Individuals who attempt to attack Sally will be directly affected by the curse when they approach a certain range.

Whether it is physical or mechanical, it will be overgrown with ‘pustules’ due to the curse, drawing a large amount of individual energy...The pustules will develop into a gestating uterus in a short period of time, and inside are conceived with a larva that integrates individual genetic factors.

When the palace body is damaged or mature, the larvae will burst out of the most terrifying side and eat the main body.

In the area where Sally walked, you can often see a large number of larvae gnawing at the enemy.

At the same time that Sally launched a ranged attack,

Primitive Hope also came to the outermost periphery through ‘Void Cast’.

Hope was given a white suit with a black shirt.

Because of Hope's particularity, his suit uses the best materials in the clothing store, and each fiber is fused with extremely tough dark energy to carry Hope's infinite body.

Because of Hope, a figure that is beyond the category of ordinary people and only appears in the second dimension.

The white suit has been fully supported, and the contours of every muscle can be clearly reflected on the surface of the suit.

When various attacks hit him.

Even some of the super-energy rays fused with the "remnants of the secret" were unable to break the defense, leaving at most a burnt mark on the surface of Hope's body.

at the same time.

Hope's attack is also the simplest and most intuitive.

A punch was given in a positive direction... The purest brute force actually tore the space near the fist completely, and the mechanical entity closest to the fist could not see the process of being destroyed at all, and instantly evaporated.

The fist is facing the direction, forming a cone-shaped pit that is more than two hundred meters long.

Such power has long been comparable to myths and cannot be measured by common sense.

The eighth essence [the One of Supreme Glory-Hyde Darius], which is also classified as "whole restriction", came to the outer streets through the void like the previous two.

His character is rather weird, and the only person who can get along well is Pope.

Because Pop is willing to eat his dishes, for that simple reason.

Hyde is willing to give up the treatment comparable to the highest royal family in the deep sea, and follow Pope at any time to venture out to all corners of the universe (except the void). This is also the point... His happiest thing every day is to cook, and then let Pope Eat it.

Tick ​​tick tick~

The sea water falls along the slightly curly hair and falls on the surface of a dark blue suit with a checkered pattern.

There is a light blue shirt and a tie with a seaweed pattern printed on the black background.

Hyde's physique is second only to Hope.

Although he possesses the first flesh in the deep sea (open the door), his really powerful [dot] is not in the flesh, but in the "Deep Sea Secret Art"... He also has another name in the sea-"The Favored One".

Such a name is innate. UU Kanshu was conceived in the egg before they were born, they had close contact with the ‘great existence’ because of their dreams.

When Hyde was born, there was a pair of proliferative tissues of loose and atrophic bat wings on his back, which was a sign of the benefactor.

It means that he was born with talents that conventional deep divers do not possess... and Hyde is the most qualified person among the deep sea favorers for nearly a hundred years.

When Hyde appeared at the end of the street, the nearby air became humid.

A terminator with the same door-opening level was less than three meters away in front of him.

Feeling the breath of the different demon, the Terminator immediately raised his metal arm to aim at Hyde's body, and the energy cannon was accumulating.

Hyde did not dodge, but made the same action.

Raising the sturdy arm, unfolding the palm with webbed structure, a ball of water accumulates in the palm... Whether it is large or small, visual sense organs or overflowing energy, it is obvious that the machine dominates.

The thing in Hyde's palm was like a little water ball without threats.


Energy erupts!

A beam of energy sufficient to cover the upper body spurted out.

However, what Hyde shoots out of his palm is only a water line the thickness of a finger.

When two different types of attacks touched each other, the energy beams were instantly broken, spread out in a ring shape and quickly dissipated, with no confrontation at all.

The front of the waterline penetrates the mechanical brain, with a "torrent effect" that will be stored in the main body of the internal program and flooded together.

There is not much resistance to the waterline that pierces the machinery.

After penetrating dozens of mechanical entities on this line and shooting through five buildings, they finally turned into a pool of clear water and splashed on the wall.

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