My Cell Prison

Vol 7 Chapter 1413: anger

  Ps: The name of the crime of voyeurism in the previous chapter was wrong, it should be called 【Fujimu】. The overall design of "Sinjure" is directly linked to Dongying.

  「Pupil surgery」

   Whether in the holy city, the magic circle or other worlds, it is often regarded as an advanced technique.

   Except for a very small number of individuals who can perform pupil surgery by inheritance or by chance, most pupil users need to go through a long process to know whether they can control pupil surgery

   Often the target they choose at the beginning is the ‘investigator’, focusing on training their own perception.

   During the growth period.

   Some people have outstanding visual performance and focus on the development of [eyes]...When they grow up to a certain stage, they will gradually find that the eyes can not only observe the environment, but can even slightly affect the environment.

   continues to grow, the eyes can even become like limbs, manipulating physical matter.

   At this time, pupil technique can be regarded as "beginner", which means that you can embark on the path of pupil technique cultivation.

   If you want to keep going, you need to rely on a lot of books to learn, level upgrades and extremely demanding visual training.

   At present, the [Crimes of Peeping-Fujime] who invaded the depths of the manor is already a real master in pupil skills.

   has already discarded his limbs,

   will separate all perceptions other than vision,

   Everything is done with the eyes, and everything is done with the eyes.

   When he set foot in the underground laboratory, all the individuals inside were under control.


   "It should be a good taste to verify that the results have been destroyed with your own eyes, come here!"

   The core eyeball, located on the abdomen of Fujime, rotates slightly.

   The swollen doctor with his broken brain rose into the air, slowly drifting towards the place where the Fujime was.


  Pinch the doctor's brain with his palm and lift it in the air.

  The multiple eyeballs connected between the palms are establishing a neural connection with the doctor's brain.

  Once it succeeds, Fujime will gain the dominant power to control the ghouls in the underground laboratory to commit collective suicide, and at the same time will take away all research materials.

   When this process was about to be completed, the doctor's gray eyes suddenly recovered...To be precise, he had been waiting for the opportunity.

  『Aqiang! Kill him! 』

   The wall is shattered.

   A crawling ghoul that resembles a blood dog swooped out, reaching a terrifying five meters in length, with saliva flying wildly.

   was wearing extremely terrifying steel braces, and a deadly black corpse poison radiated from his claws... The target was pointed at the "Fujime" in front of him.

   A ghoul named Aqiang is an exclusive mount for the Doctor. It took a lot of the doctor's effort and implanted spinal fluid from the earl... Not long ago, he advanced to become an ancestor.

   Seeing that such a zero-range bite is about to succeed.

   The ghoul's vision suddenly had a problem, and he was deflected in the air, and completely jumped into the air...One head hit the other wall, and various experimental equipment was packed to pieces.

   "Did you complete the "vision control" in that instant? "

   When the doctor was shocked, Fujime gave another killer pupil technique.

   did not wait for the ghoul Aqiang to climb up from the corner.

   Fujime stared at A Qiang with 60% of his eyeballs, and the pupils between the eyeballs were simultaneously narrowed... "squeezed".

   A Qiang, who seems to have a strong physique, cannot withstand the application of such external forces even with the strength of the ancestor body, as if a certain rule is compressing it.

   Disintegration of flesh and blood, broken bones.

   Aqiang's huge body was compressed into a 1m×1m square box in a blink of an eye.

After    Fujime finished all this easily, he stared at Dr. Dwelling in surprise:

   "I have obviously shut you down before, and my brain has been hit many times...Can I still stay awake? Your tenacity is a little beyond my expectations."

  Fujime just finished speaking.

   A swell of "reading power" suddenly exploded in his palm.

   The intense and sudden explosion directly blasted three fingers and the eyeballs connected in series... The pain is equivalent to the three fingers of a normal person being completely broken off, forcing Fujime to take a step backwards.

   However, Dr. Swelling’s attack is not over yet.

   The brain is separated.

The body of Dr.    is the brain.

  The body is just a carrying tool...Considering the extremely dangerous situations that may occur, the doctor has already made special modifications to the body.

   The moment the brain was peeled off, the body immediately gave Fujime a ‘love hug’, and countless proliferative tumors were piled up all over the body, and it was about to explode.

Dr.   's brain also landed steadily, carrying it on his brain tentacles, crawling fast.

   As long as he can escape to the surface and inform the mythical dragon of the situation, he may be able to stop all of this.


Dr.   's body did not explode for a long time.

   When he tilted his head to look, the flesh that should have exploded indefinitely had been crushed into a fist-sized flesh.

  「Reality Intervention」

  A pupil technique that is different from the previous one instantly limits the movement of the doctor's brain, creating a transparent square box, completely confining the brain in it.

   Fujime was not angry from the injury, but stared at the doctor's brain happily:

   "I can actually cross the level gap, resist the second time, and even hurt me... This kind of performance is far above the same level.

   is really an unexpected gain, maybe you can use your brain to make a good mind power equipment! "

   There is nothing to do.

Dr.    has exhausted all methods, making noise or fleeing, it is ineffective.

   The opponent is this kind of mythological entity that is extremely sneaky and can also perform a regional sensory blockade.

Dr.   's brain is calculating the optimal solution under the current situation at a fast speed, but unfortunately he can't get any answer.

   There are regrets, but the doctor recalled the experience along the way, he was already very satisfied...If it weren't for Han Dong, when he was destroyed in Stuart Manor, he would die together or go into exile alone.

  『Lord...I can't do anything for you anymore. 』

   Just when the doctor was about to close his eyes.

   faintly caught a glimpse of the corner of the main research area, and it seemed that a black shadow was slowly creeping.

  Since the doctor could catch a glimpse, Fujime, the perceptive existence, naturally noticed something strange.

   When the field of vision was cast over, what he saw was a black vortex that was constantly rotating.

"this is?"

   Fujime is preparing to restrict with pupil technique.


   A burst of starlight flickered, and the black vortex disappeared.

   In the next second, a strong breath of death appeared beside him.

   In the void, a mummy arm wrapped in bandages was severely chopped down like a hand the **** of death-Anubis was performing the decapitation ceremony.


   The connecting eyeball at the elbow was cut off.

   The moment Fujime's arm was cut off, Sombra had already snatched away the container containing the doctor's brain... Snap! The big mouth of the blood dog smashed the container constructed by the pupil technique and firmly grasped the doctor's brain.

   Temporarily move a certain distance away from the opponent. UU reading www.uukanshu. com


Dr.    stared at the young man in front of him, his entire brain trembling with excitement.

   However, the expression on the young man's expression is quite terrifying... even the doctor feels a touch of death chill.

   "Doctor, what is going on here?"

  What happened in the laboratory cannot be summarized in a few words... The doctor is very clever. He immediately split several brain nerves and quickly connected to Han Dong's brain-"memory sharing"

   A tragic picture flashed across the brain.

   Not only was the doctor seriously injured, but also Professor West’s life or death was unknown, two ancient men from Roshan, Antarctica were killed, and a large number of experimental equipment and files were damaged.


   For a while, Han Dong's face was extremely distorted, and his posterior molars were directly crushed by anger.

   quack quack~ A large number of gray tentacles grow out of the back of the head, floating in the air very strangely, seeming to be forming some kind of ancient formation.

   "Doctor, I will send you back to the ground for training... If the enemy forces try to break in, let the dragon block them.

   I'm going to kill this guy! "



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