My Cell Prison

Vol 7 Chapter 1427: Out of town

   Malone looked at the brand new weapon in his hand and smiled completely satisfied.

This battle not only allowed Ma Long to experience the long-lost extreme battle, but he also accidentally got this kind of magic weapon... Although this kind of weapon does not know how to position, its quality is definitely "Empire (Dark Gold, and it also has unlimited growth. .

   The most important point is that the remaining consciousness of cutting the emperor can also share the pure to the extreme cutting knife technique with Ma Long.

   This kind of extremely pure [cut] can greatly increase Ma Long's lethality.

   also valued this, and Ma Long took a certain risk to retain his consciousness of cutting the emperor.

   Of course, if Emperor Slash has any struggle or rejection during the setting of the **** seal, Ma Long will remove his consciousness... After all, this war is about the future of all mankind, and Ma Long will never increase the risk due to personal factors.

   "Ma Long, you just stay in town... I need to go out of town"

  Alex has mounted the Skeleton Warhorse again, his eyes full of killing intent.

   Malone quickly dissuaded him, "The [king] in the opponent's main city has still not heard from so far.

   Judging from the situation of the battle, this king should be a mind sect... He must know that the defeat is set, there is a high probability that he will choose to escape, and at least one life will be left.

   It's better, you follow me to help the big demon, you can kill the remaining king faster, then there will be no suspense. "

  Alex was completely unmoved. In his mind, he had decided to find the [Matrix] and he had to make a break.

   "Ma Long, you now have additional weapons added to your body, and your strength has improved... and according to the characteristics of the big demon, there is no need for the two of us to help in the past.

   The king hiding outside the city has been marked for permanent death by me.

   The other party may also possess technology that threatens us, and I must erase all potential threats. "

   "All right... I'll go to the big demon to help.

   But, Alex, you should be careful.

   Although the opponent’s main city has been shot down, the internal facilities are not necessarily completely destroyed.

   Once you enter it, it means you are trapped in the opponent's territory. Being a king is completely possible to threaten you who have not yet won the throne. "

   "Don't worry, you are all dead, and I won't die..."

   Just when Alex was about to leave.

   A thick breath of strange magic arrived, and a familiar breath of death was still mixed during the period.

   Ten very representative young monsters came here with Han Dong.

   also means that the enemy forces fighting against the original quality have been eliminated, and the two mythological entities headed by them have been leapfrogged...This is also the fastest mythological entity killed during the London Inner City War.

   They did not choose to support other theaters, but chose to come here.

   "Wow~ These two humans are so strong! Is Emperor Slash dead already?"

   Green saw the powerful strength of the two captains at a glance. At the same time, he noticed the "Lumen Authentic" that Ma Long held in his hand... While extremely excited, Green began to consider when to take the time to go to a human city.

   This time of human contact made him find it very interesting.

   Anyway, as long as Han Dong is there, you will not be bored along the way.

   Currently, Han Dong is in charge of negotiating directly with the two heads.

   "Captain Alex, we will assist you to travel to the enemy's fallen main city... In addition, I also have a local mechanical ally outside the city. He should be able to quickly adapt to the enemy's all-metal city."

   Alex’s sense of death can clearly feel the mythological aura contaminated with Han Dong and other primitives.

  In other words, this group of young people who have not yet constructed a myth already possess the strength equivalent to myth.

   "Okay... follow me.

   However, the enemy king will be executed by me personally. All you need to do is to remove the remaining forces hiding in the dark corners and completely destroy the metal main city. "


   Han Dong was delighted in his heart, this action was obviously selfish.

   Compared to the four worlds that invaded London, what Han Dong is most interested in is outsiders whose units are ‘program’.

  If you can go deep into the city of Marcomus, you may be able to acquire some advanced technology.

   It may be possible to equip the underground laboratory with a complete set of AI systems, or even refit the laboratory into an all-metal area similar to Markhams City, which can realize self-defense and spatial migration.

  In addition.

   The protoplasmic body that went to Macomus does not include Pop and Hyde Darius, and Eugenes who was seriously injured.

  【Ten minutes ago】

   The total suppression of the ghoul army made Han Dong more leisurely.

at the same time.

   Green, Pope and other five are responsible for the original quality of the enemy generals, and they have completed the killing of [Human Artisan and Assassin Grand Instructor-Eagle Servita].

  Except for Pope, everyone is more or less injured.

   However, as a protoplast, it naturally carries a lot of good things.

   Especially Aslan... a priceless "Meat Thistle Bingxin" from the Northern Continent was swallowed, and after a few minutes of rest, the state directly recovered to 80%.

   However, the most injured among the five is [Eukins].

   When he saw Han Dong, he had no strength to stare or get angry.

   It all relies on the time secret method provided by Pope to temporarily stabilize the injury... Relying on the regeneration ability of the Shuggs clan, slowly recovering with the help of medicine.

   Eugenes was no longer able to participate in the next battle.

   After some conversation, Han Dong also learned of their battle with the mythological body, and he also had a different view of Eugenes who was dragging the mythological body alone.

   However, there is still an extremely important thing to discuss.

   "Pop, you must have read the letter I asked my subordinates to bring back in advance? Are you sure?"

  Popper's attitude towards Han Dong is still completely neutral, and he answered plainly:

   "If the description in the letter is completely true, there shouldn't be much problem.

   However, the specific situation must wait for me to check it before UU read to confirm... In addition, Eugenes is no longer able to participate in the next battle, just passing with me. "

"I am coming too!"

   Hyde came from the periphery, and when he heard that Pope was going to a farther area, he had to follow.

   At this time.

   Han Dong tried to stretch out his right hand again, trying to shake hands with Pope.

   Out of strategic cooperation and important information provided by Han Dong, Pop did not refuse, shaking hands with Han Dong in a human form.

  "By the way, Pop...A friend of mine also stayed in the Hyperion's heritage area.

  He will guide you to quickly understand some of the company's space equipment and collect the secret areas of the core of the world. "



that's it.

   A special force left the city of London protected by the title deed.

   first go to the nearest station and meet the robot-Xiao Huang.

   Pope, Hyde, and the seriously injured Eugenes took the train directly to Hyperion Company.

   The remaining personnel, including Xiao Huang, went straight to the [Marcomus City] that fell into the metal desert, and the smoke continued to rise.



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