My Cell Prison

Vol 7 Chapter 1492: Weird hospital

"Does this have something to do with the exit of the hospital... Just now it was clearly the exit of the hospital, but it was marked as [Entrance].

However, this is the difficulty it should have.

If it is so easy to complete the opening event, it will make me worried.

Think carefully.

The "criminal" should have something to do with my leaving the hospital. After all, when I solved him, the system also sent a reminder that the crisis was resolved.

One problem that needs to be solved should be ‘finding a real exit’.

Maybe there is no way to leave this hospital except for the real exit.

Suppose this for now... The big deal is to do it again. "

Han Dong was the same as the first time. He pulled out the needle from the back of his hand and changed into casual clothes in the closet.

No longer wasting time by crawling out of the window this time, and left the ward immediately.

Click ~ The door lock turns.

When Han Dong was about to leave, the familiar plot was staged again.

The blonde female nurse just came to the door, ready to inform Han Dong about the murderer's escape into the hospital.


This time, I obviously left the ward sooner than the first time, and omitted the process of turning out the window... I still ran into the nurse head-on.

If you think of what happens here as a game.

Then the judgment of "game start" is not that I wake up from the hospital bed, but that I "leave the ward". 』

At this moment, Han Dong's thinking was temporarily interrupted, and he smelled a strange smell.

The original memories of the female nurse and Han Dong are obviously different.

"We have just been notified that a highly threatening murderer has escaped into the hospital..."

While the female nurse was speaking, her mouth closed in an exaggerated manner.

What Han Dong saw turned out to be teeth with yellowish mouth and even dark spots... in sharp contrast with the white teeth he had seen for the first time.

What’s weird is that Han Dong even saw several maggots wriggling between their cavities,

The mouth is also full of bubbling ulcers,

During the speech, her eyes were a little itchy, and the blonde nurse rubbed the corner of her eye vigorously...Who knows, a fly came out of the corner of her eye.

At the end of the conversation, the blonde nurse went to the next ward.

When she left behind her back, the right hand hiding behind her was actually holding a weird syringe.

The inside is filled with a green solvent with an unknown effect. During the conversation just now, there was a tendency to inject Han Dong.

"What the **** is this?"

Han Dong still chose to leave the ward.

At the same time, go to the end of the corridor at a faster speed, and maybe intercept the culprit before he leaves the women’s toilet... Things will also become easier.

During the period, Han Dong once again passed by the mass ward with the door open.

The abnormal agitation from the inside forced Han Dong to look at him.

This look directly stopped Han Dong, and the grotesque sight made his scalp numb.

Like last time, the attending doctor and several nurses are surrounding the sick patient, but their behavior is completely different.

Lock the frantically struggling patient on the bed with an iron chain,

Even the nurses are holding electric drills, and an iron nail is driven into the palm of the patient's hand and the sole of the foot, and they are fixed on the bed in large letters.

The doctor directly took out a sharp handsaw and prepared to perform a special treatment on the patient.

In addition, other patients in the same ward were watching all this intently, and some even clapped their hands because of excitement.

As if feeling the sense of gaze, the doctor who was cutting the ribs suddenly tilted his head and looked towards the door.

Fortunately, Han Dong had already left first, and was not discovered by the attending doctor... Immediately, the blood-covered nurse holding an electric drill immediately closed the door of the mass ward.

"The difficulty has increased?"

With doubts, Han Dong changed from [Quickly Go] to [Run]... He rushed into the bathroom at the end of the corridor.


The time still didn't match.

The attack has been completed, and the obese female patient has fallen in a pool of blood...

Just when Han Dong wanted to turn around and leave.

"help me…"

The weak cry for help forced Han Dong to look at this female patient with an obese physique of 200 kilograms.

If placed in real life, Han Dong will definitely provide relief.

But this is a fateful event, there is no need to waste time on this kind of thing...Moreover, according to the current situation, the entire hospital has problems, and it naturally includes the victimized female patient in front of him.


The fat body of the female patient began to squirm.

Snapped! The abdomen exploded.

White worms with round mouthparts of lampreys gushing out in piles, coming towards Han Dong.

At the same time, as a large number of worms left in the abdominal cavity, the female patient at the time of death showed a relieved and comfortable expression... as if she had achieved her purpose of going to the toilet.

Han Dong naturally ran away, still focusing on the murderer as his prime target.

boom! Bumped open the wooden door of the safe passage and stepped into the stairwell.

With the first experience of chasing, Han Dong jumped directly over the guardrail and fell from the patio.

The murderer at this time just killed the poor carer in the stairwell.

The same trick.

Han Dong, who crossed the railing, hit the chest with a flying side kick before the opponent could react.

However, this kick actually shook Han Dong himself back and hit the railing...The murderer who was kicked in the chest just staggered back two steps, and patted the dust on his chest without incident.

"Huh!? Improved physical fitness?"

While Han Dong was surprised, a beam of knife light flashed.

Relying on the instinct cultivated in many battles, Han Dong immediately avoided it.


The butcher knife cut off the iron railing directly.

The power of swinging a knife is obviously beyond the scope of normal humans.

The eyes and pupils under the hood glowed with an inhuman fierce light...Without a pause, the murderer lifted the butcher knife and continued to swing at Han Dong, both strength, speed and technique had been significantly improved. U U Reading

Ding Ding Ding!

When the sharp claws from Han Dong's right arm collided with the butcher knife, a fire core even splashed out.

After many fights, Han Dong was forced to retreat again and again, stepping down the stairs.

The nails that were slashed also tended to crack.

At the critical moment, an unexpected situation happened.

The caregiver who was just beheaded by the murderer stood up! Looking for the breath, he hugged the murderer from behind.

"good chance!"

Han Dong didn't have the slightest pity, one claw penetrated the murderer's heart.

Taking into account his inhuman physical characteristics, Han Dong also used more cruel tricks... with his left hand in the eye! While piercing both eyes, the fingers touched the inner brain.


The culprit's body twitched, his knees fell on the ground... rustling ~ yellow sand was constantly flowing out of the dry eyes.

"thank you."

The head of the caregiver rolled down on the stairwell and uttered a gratitude before dying with his body.

Because the fighting time was obviously longer than the last time, the police had already found Han Dong before he left.

After a few words of praise, he directly put a pistol against Han Dong's waist and forcibly returned to the police station to make a record.

When I came to the lobby on the first floor of the hospital.


The pistol against Han Dong's waist and abdomen actually fired.

The bullet passed through the abdominal cavity, causing a kidney to be broken, blood drenched, and the pain caused Han Dong to scream in pain.

The honest and honest police can only apologize, "I'm sorry, there has been a fire... I hope you can be honest, otherwise you may have a fire."

The gunfire did not attract anyone's attention at all.

Han Dong, who was seriously injured, was pushed out of the hospital gate.

It's black in front of my eyes...

Wake up again.

There is one more ladybug in the ward.

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