My Cell Prison

Vol 7 Chapter 1515: City and special events

Familiar factories and familiar ladybug shops.

All the ladybug points collected in the arcade games have been transferred to Sally, a total of 99 points...If it is not enough, it can be supplemented by selling props.

The ability options currently unlocked by Sally are as follows:


【Tentacles. Isomerization-sheep's hoof (two sections)】-30

【Removal of the ban on the body (three paragraphs)】-100

And a unique special unlock item, only the original level of the participant is mythical body.

Unique unlock [Domain-Forest of the Flock], the effect of this field belongs to the weakened version, and the effect will be limited to meet the current character level.

Even so, the effect is very strong.

It takes a full two hundred points to unlock the domain, and Sally can only write it down for the time being.

First, spend 50 to unlock the [Pregnancy] which is extremely important for the first and mid-game.

Not only can it nurture life, but it can also nurture desired limbs... If the limbs are shredded or burned in the game, it can be created through the incubation site, which is very effective in dangerous scenes.

In addition, spend another 30 to unlock "Tentacles Isomerization-Sheep's Hoof", which improves the maneuverability of the tentacles and strengthens kicking skills.

It was during Sally's upgrade.

Han Dong leaned outside the store, thinking about the important information obtained in this game.

Except for ladybug points.

It also obtains a special value called "killer experience value". Although it is an experience value, it is not the meaning in a video game. It will not bring an upgrade effect to the individual, and there will be no similar to bronze or silver. Rank changes.

It is a special consumable that measures the killer.

In the city where [Ladybug Day] is going on, special games, activities, etc. occasionally appear. These games often correspond to higher complexity and difficulty. If you want to participate, you must pay "killer experience points."

It is equivalent to that the game designer selects talents through experience points to ensure the excitement of special games.

This kind of need to consume experience points to participate in the game naturally corresponds to the extremely high value, even the rewards that cannot be purchased in the store, such as high-level blood, equipment, privileges, and so on.

"If there is experience value, reset it.

It is basically certain that if you want to win the [Final Treasure], you must accumulate a large amount of experience points and obtain the qualification to participate in the most difficult game. "

In addition, Han Dong also received an award, similar to the situation in the hospital.

As the difficulty of the clearance reached "Ladybugs: 3", and Han Dong completely dominated the zombies in the mall, [Unlock: Wal-Mart Department Store].

Han Dong can take refuge in the mall during non-game periods, obtain basic supplies, and be sheltered by zombies.

"Scene unlocking...maybe more than just convenience for me.

This fate event is too much like [game], and I even suspect that what is happening now may be virtual.

As the game progresses, unexpected changes may occur, and these early unlocked scenes may play a greater role

Unlock as many scenes as possible.

Another key word is [Ladybug Organization]...Does it belong to the managers of this special destiny world?

I have received attention because of unexpected performance. If the attention continues to increase, it should be possible to get in touch with this organization, to figure out the nature of the ladybug game, and it may even touch the origin of the world.

If my head can absorb the origins of this special world that is not constrained by the black tower convention, I don’t know what changes will happen...maybe it will be very interesting~ hahaha! "

Thinking of this, an uncontrollable mad laugh came to my heart.

It just so happened that Sally, feeling the liberation of her ability, happened to walk out of the store and ran into Han Dong who was covering her mouth and smirking.

"What's so happy~"

"No, I've taken a little step forward... Sally, are there any points left?"

"Yes, there are 19 points left."

"Wait a moment, I will try to modify the chainsaw."

"Vekus' Fatty Device" Han Dong got the first blue equipment in the ladybug game.

According to Han Dong's current cognition, the blue sophisticated equipment is extremely rare here, and the killers who are suppressed to a regular state rarely can exert the full power of the sophisticated equipment.

After the store owner's appraisal, the destiny equipment comes from the medium-sized world-Jericho, and it is also one of the subordinate worlds of hell. It is no wonder that Han Dong saw this chainsaw at first sight.

"Boss, can the power system of this chainsaw remove fat and change it to pure blood power?"

"At ten o'clock, the cost of renovation requires an additional ten minutes of waiting time.

If the blood quality you provide is comparable to the fat and blood of the original user, the effectiveness of the chainsaw itself will not be affected. "

"sorry to bother you."

Some reforms.

The appearance of the engine becomes a more intuitive heart appearance.

Han Dong left the store with satisfaction, excited but also somewhat tired.

Since entering the game, two high-intensity games have been played in succession.

"Sally, let's find a safe and hidden area to rest for a while...Next, we should be able to quickly score points in our state.

Before the game has undergone phase changes, hurry up and get more "ladybug points." "

"it is good!"

Find a quiet apartment building, even though the rooms here seem to be safer, but for safety reasons, UU read www. still chooses to rotate in the form of sleeping.

With the assistance of the tentacles, you are completely immersed in deep sleep, and you can fully recover in only three hours.

Within the next two days.

The reputation of the "chainsaw" started in the [helmet lip area].

The Ladybug City is divided into five major urban areas: [Helmet Lip Area], [Small Hair Area], [Eat Planting Area], [Eye Engraved Area] and [Hidden Tibia Area].

A horrible rumor that has just emerged has spread in the helmet lip area.

It is said that there is a newcomer killer with a normal figure but carrying a chainsaw. He often wanders in the current area and participates in games above the base [4].

His companion is a woman with a beautiful figure, often hidden in the dark,

Some people say that his companion is a more ferocious dog,

As long as the game that the chainsaw participates in, it will win. Any killer who has an idea about the chainsaw will eventually lose his bones and become the energy for the chainsaw.

Only a few killers have seen the true posture of a chainsaw, but the claims are different.

Some people say that the chainsaw guest has three arms, and there is even a dog barking between the arms,

Some people say that the thin body of the chainsaw is a disguise, and the body can reach a very exaggerated level, and even a giant eye will be born on the shoulder,

It is also said that the undead sent by the chainsaw may not be killed by various fatal injuries.

Everyone came to the [fourth day] in the city of ladybugs.

Night fell.

When the young man with a chainsaw was looking for a suitable game in the street, the street broadcast suddenly turned on.

"Please pay attention to the killers in the helmet lip area. The supernatural special event will be held in [Black Shell Residential Street] five hours later. You can go to this area to check relevant game information. 』

"The special event... finally here."

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