My Cell Prison

Vol 7 Chapter 1570: Inner city

The final stage of the Trial of the City Lord requires that the tester directly confront one of the bodyguards, the [Game Manager].

Fortunately, Green has battle experience in special games. With equipment and field effects, Green insists on fighting for ten minutes, even slightly hurting the opponent to meet the final test requirements.

The most terrible is

Not only did Greene have no serious injuries, but he was able to immediately explore outside the city.

[Ladybug Foundation-Director's Office]

The information screen of the holographic projection is showing the name of "Christopher J. Green" and related information obtained through trials.

The blond director Mars also recorded all the key information and handed it over to Mr. M who was in charge of it afterwards.

"Are all the young monsters produced in the S-01 world a monster? This guy is even more terrifying than Nicholas to a certain extent. The "potential" is like a bottomless abyss, which is impossible to estimate.

No wonder Mr. M pays such attention to this matter.

According to the rumors, is it true that the compromise plan that [Black Tower] is trying to implement is true?

It is hard to imagine what kind of scene will be if the rumors are really realized... I hope the Foundation will not be affected too much. "

Watching Green's performance in the trial repeatedly, the more details that Director Mars sees, the more clearly he can feel the horror from the alien monster.

It was the first time he saw Green's crazy characteristics.


"Day of the Ladybug"-City in the Wall. Kalms

Green is returning from the trading zone on the ring train.

It has been traded from the Ladybug Headquarters for an extremely rare S-class bloodline that every killer dreams of, which can make an individual undergo a complete qualitative change.

When this train stopped in the main hall area, an unthinkable situation happened...No one dared to get off the train early. The whole train was filled with a strange silence. The passengers in the train held their breath as much as possible. Waiting for someone to get out of the car first.


When a shirtless young man with a thin body got out of the car barefoot, the whole body slowly returned to normal...Two minutes later, the second person got out of the car one after another.

Han Dong and others, who were waiting in the elevator area, were also smelling a familiar and powerful aura at the same time, as well as a strange and weird feeling.

Even Sally, who has just acquired the bloodline of "Angelika. Dead Gazelle", feels terrified, and the wool quickly burrows out of the skin.


Han Dong was the first to react and quickly deflected his head.

When looking in the direction of the platform, the [Magic Eye] at the center of the eyebrows also opened.

When Green's figure came into the field of vision, the surrounding environment seemed to be filtered out... It was like Green was the only one walking through the darkness alone, and everything was swallowed by his abyss.

The appearance has not changed much,

The figure is still with scattered hair, thin and full of holes,

It’s just that there are more ‘tattoos’ on the body surface

Between the holes all over the body, there are more connecting lines-"the hole and the hole are filled with a black line."

When Han Dong carefully examined these lines out of curiosity, he vaguely spied something terrifying.

"what is that!?"

Accompanied by the interweaving of lines and holes, the breath of the abyss floats,

Behind Green is reflected a life in the abyss that is both virtual and real, similar to a "substitute".

The gray skin of the abyssal rock wall,

The torso and limbs are similar to human beings, but the arm span is very long, and it exceeds the knees when hanging down.

The most weird thing is the head part.

The whole face was dug away, leaving a big hole that is bottomless,

When Han Dong peeked into this picture, his body was uncontrollable and stuck to Green on its own, as if being "adsorbed" at a level of consciousness.

If you don't concentrate, you can't resist.


The two bodies collided head-on, which freed Han Dong from the weird state.

"Oh! Nicholas, have you seen it?"

"Green, you... what kind of blood did you pick?"

When Han Dong asked this question, Green immediately showed a sense of excitement, even an expression of being completely immersed in the game room and enjoying happiness.

"The number of S-class bloodlines available in the Ladybug Store is very small, with only five choices.

However, one of the pedigrees can match the physique of the abyss, but it is different... It brings me a completely different new experience, which is different from the past pleasure.

When I return to my ontology, I might be able to use this feeling to perfect the myth and get closer to the throne. "

"I see... it really matches.

In other words, what is the name of the bloodline? "

"[Apophis. Blood of the Serpent]

The specific effect will be known when we encounter a strong enemy...Thank you Nicholas~ This game is really interesting. "

Green stretched out a tongue derived from his body, as rough as a rock wall and without saliva, and gently scratched Han Dong’s cheeks. This is a kind of gratitude used by the [Xiagai Zerg] living in the abyss of madness. the way.

This is also the first time Green has made this kind of action to others.

"We might be able to explore the deepest part of Infinite City in one go, let's get ready to set off.

Although Hope and Kitt have no pedigree bonus.

I want to come to explore the inner city in the process, there should be other opportunities, then slowly help them fill up.

All kinds of consumables are fully replenished, let's go! "

Go to the entrance of Infinite City by the elevator.

The "coordinate stone" dropped by killing the 100-meter giant has been caught in Han Dong's hands.


Om~ The aperture released by the coordinate stone enveloped everyone.

When the light dissipated, all members were already at the entrance of the crypt, and the coordinate stone became bleak, and it was necessary to wait for a 24h cooling time before it could be used again.

"The left side has not yet been formally explored, maybe there are hidden treasures in this cave... let's go!"

Who knows, not only is there no danger along the way, the air slowly becomes fresher, and there are even some crystal clear pools for drinking water or cleaning the stains on the body.

It takes about half an hour and more than ten kilometers.

Neither encountered any giants nor found any treasures... Another exit of the crypt gradually appeared in front of him.

The system prompt also followed.

"You have passed through [Hidden Cave-Antelope's Lair] to the central zone of the inner city. 』

Unexpectedly, the other side of the catacombs would reach the inner city directly, which would save the team a lot of exploration time... and the location corresponding to the exit was still in the middle of the inner city.

It's just that the sight in front of him surprised Han Dong.

I thought that the closer to the inner city, the larger the size of the buildings and plants due to the higher concentration of Eitr liquid... Obviously it was too simple to think.

What you see before your eyes is a [maze] made of buildings and plants, and you can't see the top when you look up.

Eitr not only allows the material to grow wildly, but also has self-awareness, regulating the transformation of the rules of Infinite City.

In order to prevent outsiders from going to the core area, such a labyrinth of activity is constructed.

It's no wonder that when Han Dong tried to buy a map of the inner city in the trading area, he couldn't buy it at all.

A labyrinth that changes in disorder at any time due to the characteristics of life cannot be made into a map at all...If you want to reach the deepest point, you must go through the labyrinth in one breath, otherwise it will be a brand-new labyrinth structure next time you come back.


Perspective switch

A team that crossed the'junction zone' and came to the inner city in the normal way of exploration.

They wear more or less ancient Greek costumes.

When he saw the labyrinth structure of the inner city, he smiled with satisfaction.

One of the majestic men with horns seemed to be very good at facing such maze scenes.

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