My Cell Prison

Vol 7 Chapter 1597: Swordsmanship, body style and rhythm

Waves of turbulent swordsmen continued to release out of the field following the confrontation between the two.

Except for the sound of blade collision, there is no murmur in the stomach area.

Guantai District.

Whether it is a strange monster or a team from another super world, they are deeply caught by this perfect, gorgeous and powerful scene, and they don't even want to blink.

"Boss, they are amazing!

Nicholas hadn't used any tricks before... Just looking at the blood sword in his hand, the shrine in my body was constantly trembling. "

To the holy sword, the forbidden demons in Dongye's body are equivalent to "perfect prey", which is naturally extremely fearful.

Shinsuke was silent, his thoughts had already flown on the court, trying to simulate a battle with the two.

The final simulation result is:

Tengu is penetrated by the sword, even with the blessing of "Kamikaze" and "Yueguan", it cannot guarantee 100% evasion.

"Is this the vertex strength from S-01? 』

On the field.

The two teachers of the University of Michigan who were resourceful and inclined to academic research are engaged in a rare close battle.

Swordsmanship, body skills, and various prophets' predictions made this battle extremely exciting.

Let me talk about swordsmanship first.

The erudite and talented Popper who read thousands of books.

He also specialized in swordsmanship, or in other words, he has dabbled in all books on weapons, but he prefers the sword that is located in the ‘neutral’ most.

Considering that you may need to fight in a human stance in the future.

Pop used his free time to read the sword books hidden in the library, created by ancient humans, and tried to practice for a period of time and integrate his own concept of void.

of course.

Usually when forming a team with Hyde, Pop will try to avoid close combat as much as possible.

It’s easy to deal with problems by staying far away, and it’s also easy to get an overview of the big picture...why take the risk of close combat? The practice of swordsmanship is mainly used for self-protection, or some occasional needs.


This set of swordsmanship used for self-preservation, in the eyes of others, has fallen into the slightest.

Every swing of the sword is like a comet, swift, shining and deadly.

And Han Dong's swordsmanship support came from Scarlet Earl.

Piaget didn't have the slightest hint at this juncture. He knew very well how much impact this match would have. All future prospects and even the rotation of the gears of the world would change as a result.

Without a trace of distractions, the earl poured everything into the control of the holy sword.

Only in the process of fighting, the earl felt very stressed...He has been specializing in swordsmanship since he was pierced by the holy sword, transformed and reborn.

He has heard that [Second Primitive-Pope] should belong to the wise, and is biased towards the overall control of the overall situation and long-distance space technology.

I don’t know that his close swordsmanship can be so strong, even overwhelming myself.

As for [shenfa].

The two are completely different.

The body technique used by Pope is unique, and only he can control it perfectly...In the beginning, even Han Dong suffered a lot of losses, and then gradually adapted.


Out of perfect control of space.

Let the very small and stable space energy condense on the toes.

When each small step is taken out, a small range of 1~100 cm can be migrated, and the energy consumption is that every time Pope swings a sword, it will flash quickly in a small range.

It can not only bring the unexpected position of the sword, but also avoid dangerous attacks.

The viewing ability is also extremely high, the pop on the field is constantly flashing like a star, and the gesture of swinging the sword every time it appears is extremely perfect.


Han Dong's body style is even more weird, and even more suitable for immediate close combat than "Star Blink".

Supplemented by Chanbu, "Floating Corpse Nei Jing" is the main one.

Sometimes it's obviously cut by a lightsaber...The body can follow the trajectory of the slash every time, rotating at a high speed to perfectly dissipate energy, removing all the damage.

Moreover, Han Dong also has a light and floating feeling, which is difficult to capture even though he is right in front of him.

The key is.

The heads of the two of them are running at full capacity throughout the whole process. Based on the changes in each other's eyes and the details of various parts of the body, they can speculate on the other's next move, even the next two or three moves.

It is no exaggeration to say that if the heads of the two are compared to the host, smoke is already starting to be smoked.

In addition.

Han Dong deliberately increased the slashing power of each sword to ensure that Pope needs to hold both swords to block.

At the same time, adjust the position at any time to keep the distance between the two as much as possible, to minimize the possibility of Pope withdrawing his free left hand for "spatial touch".

As long as the current state is maintained for a few minutes, Dr. Swelling's sand table deduction will be completely completed.


The point of "deliberate maintenance" was seen by Popper.

During the match, Han Dong’s magic eye suddenly captured a detail.

Pope freed up his left hand and quietly made a very deformed gesture-"The index finger and little finger are bent backwards, and they are completely attached to the back of the hand. The middle and ring fingers are entangled with each other."

For an instant.

Obviously there is no physical contact.

But there was a strong sense of foreign body squirming inside Han Dong... He even felt that something was about to get out of his body.


Han Dong clearly remembered that when Pope received the "Revelation of Gracchi" at the award ceremony, he had a similar feeling... The feeling in front of him was a hundred times stronger, something terrible was formed in his body.

First use the black vortex torso to forcibly suppress the discomfort.

The location of the next star flash that was quickly predicted, condensed with the power of blood and zombies, severely slashed out a sword.


The prediction is correct.

Pope could only parry head-on, which directly caused the tiger's mouth to split and the whole person was shot out.

The high-intensity battle that lasted for a full ten minutes, stopped for the time being.


Han Dong quickly tore off his shirt, revealing his upper body.

I saw something similar to a parasite moving under the skin,

"Black Vortex"

The characteristics of driving the torso with all its strength, as the black vortex rotates, it slowly suppresses the parasites and kills them in the body...

Han Dong, who had done all this, plunged his holy sword into the ground, breathing continuously.

Even a pair of dog noses emerged from the surface of his right arm, panting, and the earl was very tired.

"The power of the Grimoire? It's a pity that "Book of the Necronomicon" needs myths to touch, otherwise I want to cheat too...

Next, we must speed up the pace and prepare to sink into a deeper even.

If Pope uses his full power to drive the magical powers, only the deep distortion of the G virus can buy me time. "

Han Dong smiled on his face when he looked up at Pope's state not far away.

Pope couldn't hold it anymore.

He wanted to retract the lightsaber into his body and hung it cross-legged in the air to adjust his state.

Unexpectedly, too tired and excessive energy consumption made him a flash of consciousness, his body leaned forward, and he could only support it on the ground with a lightsaber.

Pope who seems to be calm and calm throughout the whole process,

In fact, with the passage of time, the mood is constantly changing... Seemingly superb and gorgeous tricks, in fact, every time it is released, Pop is doing its best to ‘energy saving’.

Including the [Star Beam] released when Han Dong was completely locked before.

If placed in the real world, it is not as simple as a beam of light, but a terrifying void cannon.

Due to the limitation of the game, the total energy limit is suppressed to a very low level.

Even if Pope deliberately exchanged for the A+ bloodline-"Dlibra. Star Chaser's Body Vein" to improve his proficiency in starry sky magic and his total energy value, his energy is still limited.

Unlike in the world of different demons, Pop can access the void through meditation and obtain super-fast energy supply. UU看书 can maintain a 10% void recovery even during the battle.

The breathing between the two also stopped almost at the same time.

When Popper raised his head, his eyes changed a little, and he didn't lock or shoot out the star beam.

Popper’s pure starry eye pupils suddenly became turbid, and the entire eyeball was occupied by a strange living planet...A single hair emerged from the surface of the eyeball:


I didn't want to rely too much on the "Revelation of Grachi". After all, you are also an important talent in our school and an important diplomat on the human side. If you die here, it will have a big impact on our world.

Next, I will show my true ability, the potential danger of "Gracchi Apocalypse" may instantly kill you.

You should understand what I mean. "

"Come on... If you die, it's my own problem."

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