My Cell Prison

Vol 9 Chapter 1778: Re-enter Dray Town

  , my cell prison

   Before entering "Derui Town", Han Dong specifically consulted the definition of [Special World].

  The black tower can be said to be quite perfect for the management of the world.

   The middle-level area is specially equipped with a building named -【Archives】, whose comprehensive parameters such as size and number of employees can rank third in the middle-level area.

   Every ‘civilian’ is working in the archives.

   In addition to being responsible for the collection and sorting of various world data, one of their most important tasks is the compilation and update of "World History".

   "World History" is not a book.

   After all, the content is tens of billions of words, and it is not a book that can contain it.

   itself belongs to a special library, in which you can check the summary information of thousands of worlds.

  According to the integration of world information by the civil servants, it is easy to find that most of the world conforms to a set of fixed growth system...including the establishment of the rules of the universe, the construction of life models, and the development curve from small to large.

   But for the world group with as many as tens of millions or hundreds of millions, there will always be some special cases that do not develop according to the routine.


   Black Tower picked out these special cases and labeled them.

   Among the most special, the most valued by the black tower, and the world parameters are much higher than the average, are some worlds whose territorial specifications have been fixed since the birth of the world.

  No matter how these worlds grow, their specifications are always maintained at a fixed value.

  All the resources and essence are used to strengthen the fixed area...Even the life forms living here can get different growth, and even derive a unique growth route.

  Han Dong’s current contacts include:

  【Ladybug Foundation】-A single company as the world as a whole, has been recruited by the Black Tower to be the division in charge of the creation of the world. Every year, it will receive a large amount of funds and various generous resources provided by the Black Tower.

   Internal employees also have a unique ladybug development system, and they are born with a unique talent for creation and construction.

  【Clive Barker's Jericho】-that is, the world where Togu, Chen Li and Nicole go.

   and the most representative feature [Derui Town].

  Moreover, Derui Town is not only small in size, but also has a unique development and recruitment system...all of which are closely related to the mayor.

   Even if Han Dong wants to view the information of Derui Town as a shareholder, he needs to go through a series of audits. Among them, the information about the [Mayor] cannot even be viewed.

   Han Dong hasn't figured out what the mayor is about.

  『The town of Derui was founded by the mayor...not only because of its special specifications.

   The numbered townspeople of Derui are not native lives, but the mayors recruit top talents from all over the world. As long as they are valued by the mayor, they will be recruited, without exception.

   It is not known what methods the mayor used, why he did not develop local life but used all foreign talents.

   Maybe you can try to ask the mayor for more details this time.

   If B.B.C is really out of control, Derui Town will inevitably be affected. If the situation is worse than expected... then I must unite all of the world of shares under my command, and even find a way to merge into the world of S-01. 』

   When Han Dong submitted an application to go to Derui Town as a ‘shareholder’.

   The work efficiency here suddenly became low.

   There was no response at all, and finally waited for almost two hours before a supervisor with obviously different clothes came to explain the matter.

"I'm so sorry.

   Since [Derui Town] has been listed by us as a ‘secret project’ and it is in the construction stage of the sub-super world, although you are a shareholder, we also need to conduct a comprehensive measurement, and at the same time need to be affirmed by the [mayor].

   has just received a reply from the mayor and can take you there.

   However, a special conveying device is required. "

  Han Dong's eyes changed slightly. He noticed that the director's wording was actually called the mayor, not the node holder...This is very strange.

   "What special transmission device, can't you pass the gate of destiny?"

  "Can pass.

   However, the town is currently undergoing comprehensive construction, including every core situation is in a special state...If you pass directly through the gate of destiny, it may affect them.

  Special channels allow you to directly reach a stable area that will not affect the world. "

   "Understood, Sally, let's go."

  The special portal is stabilized with a large number of metal rings, which can accurately convey the individual to a designated area with an error of no more than five meters.


   In a blink of an eye, Han Dong has landed in the front yard area of ​​[Town Hall].

   There is a familiar but unfamiliar breath in the air.

   The dark sky is filled with crimson lines like cracks, and the town seems to be wrapped in some kind of shell.

Not only that.

   Every building in the town,

   Whether it is a regular residence, a human-devil club, a central hospital, or the main building of the town hall behind Han Dong, they are all wrapped with a layer of fresh [meat film].

   The surface of the fleshy membrane is intermittently illuminated with green streaks, and the whole body will squirm like a heart.

   Han Dong tried to peer into the nearest town hall building with real magic eyes.

   found that there are a large number of flesh-like lines connected to the inside of the building wrapped in fleshy membranes, each of which is continuously conveying magical energy, converging in the assembly hall to form a mass of [Magic Tire]. UU reading

  The individual bred and grown in the magic womb is exactly NO.2-Clerk Verna.

  The rest of the buildings are the same, there is a magic fetus structure inside...the residents all carry out this breeding inside.

  "This is the town of Derui, which is under construction and advanced.

   Residents and buildings are being advanced simultaneously? And it relies on a special system... Is this the ability of the mayor? "

   Sally smelled a dangerous aura and clung to Han Dong the whole time.

   with curiosity.

   Han Dong approached the town hall.

   flesh membrane also splits a narrow passage on its own, allowing Han Dong to follow the internal passage to the deepest area.

   When I came to the door of the mayor’s office.

   Biological instincts and even Sally's sheep's hoofs trembled a little. If Han Dong were not here, she would definitely run away as soon as possible... the farther away the better.


   When the office door opened.

   Han Dong feels like setting foot in a forest demon realm-a forest filled with black mist, and the ground is covered with magic eggs of various sizes and green light.

   And the most central location of the forest.

   is placed an unpretentious office chair... this chair faintly exudes the breath of the king.

   Thin and long body, there is a thick black atmosphere between the collar of the suit, and the mayor, who covers his face, is sitting on it.

   Seeing such a violation of the scene, Han Dong shook his head quickly, finally pulling his thinking back to reality...returning to the normal office scene.

   The mayor has already stopped the things in his hands, and is sitting behind his desk waiting for Han Dong's arrival.

   "Nicholas, it’s been a long time since I saw you... I brought the S-01 monster with me. Is there something important to tell me?"

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