My Cell Prison

Vol 9 Chapter 1783: Quiz and meeting

   "Excuse me, what kind of test do I need?"

   Since he didn't see any buildings on the top of the tower, Han Dong guessed whether he would conduct a psychological test similar to the question-answer format as he did in B.B.C.

   Just when Han Dong asked a question.

   Mr. Edgar, who holds the letter E, popped a space cube between his fingers and slowly floated towards Han Dong.

   The latter did not back down, but took the initiative to let the square and the body contact each other.


   In a blink of an eye,

   Han Dong was teleported to a pure white room, very similar to the fate settlement room.

   Edgar is sitting in the middle with a serious face like a government official.

   is placed on the white square table in front of Han Dong's data. He will directly compare the results of the next test with the original data to ensure accuracy and authenticity.

  "The first item of the test-the destiny test.

   Please sit down, I need to verify that your path of destiny is normal. "

  The so-called activation chair,

   is the chair used by Han Dong to allocate fate points when Han Dong first came into contact with fate. It looks like a cold iron chair for binding.

   When Han Dong sat up, a syringe directly penetrated the cervical spine, and multiple wires were inserted under the skin.

   The test begins.

   Edgar can clearly get Han Dong's

   By hand-painting, write and draw Han Dong's path of destiny on the data paper.

   Reading the information before the seed was broken, everything went well. When the information of the talent tree was exceeded, abnormalities began to appear.

   The substance drawn from the syringe contains a dirty gray color.

   Although Edgar knew in advance that Han Dong came from S-01, he did not expect that the gray matter extracted from his body would be a bit tricky for him to handle, so that the test results obtained were not particularly perfect.

   In the end, he barely drew out Han Dong's talent tree shape, accurately marking the corresponding effect of each section's talent.

   Crossing the talent tree is a deeper puzzle of mythology.

   When the information of the puzzle came out, a hint of surprise flashed between Edgar's eyes.

   Han Dong has three pieces of puzzles, not to mention, and the quality is the highest level-[Legend]...Although there are similar existences in the history of the black tower, it is definitely not a few fingers.

   Moreover, he also vaguely spied the prototype of the throne hidden at the bottom of the abyss.

  Use a special red pen to fill in the key word "New King" in a certain column of the data.

   Edgar said calmly: "Okay, your path of destiny is not abnormal. Next, you need to be tested. This result will determine whether you are eligible to participate in the [Highest Will] meeting."


   The voice just fell.

   A strange substance was directly injected into Han Dong's cervical spine by a syringe, and it flowed all over his body under uncontrollable circumstances.

   Some of the most primitive impulses were activated, and the most brutal side of the soul was squeezed out.

   For a time,

   Dozens of gray-spotted tentacles flutter in the back of the head

   The disguise is completely lifted,

   Death, darkness, distortion, madness and other extremely dangerous auras spewed out, and even some black balloons appeared in the current area,

   What caught Edgar's most attention was that an alien portal opened between his forehead... It seemed that a large number of terrorist creatures were about to be released.

  『This guy is as dangerous as a pseudo-king. 』

   Edgar moved his hands, ready to suppress Han Dong at any time.

   Seeing that the battle was about to break out, even a ghoul's arm stretched out from the portal between Han Dong's forehead.

   Click! The cervical vertebrae are folded.

   Han Dong’s head suddenly dropped,

   raised one hand and suddenly covered his face.

   Between the fingers, bursts of laughter ooze out.

【LOL! Ha ha! 】

   A burst of weird and terrifying laughter echoed in the test area, even Edgar was uncomfortable listening, and the skin all over his body was in a state of instinctive tension.

   finally blocked his ears with a finger.

   released with laughter.

   The ‘fierceness’ revealed all over the body is slowly being wiped out and suppressed.

   When Han Dong raised his head again, a strange red smile appeared on his face.


   Edgar was shocked by this scene,

   Not to mention a tester like Han Dong, who possesses the attributes of a different monster,

   Even other testers who have nothing to do with alien monsters, once injected, will reveal the most primitive ferocity.

   The situation of being suppressed without launching any attacks has not happened for nearly a hundred years.

   The laughter lasted for about ten minutes, and even his throat was broken, and the activators all over Han Dong's body were completely offset.

   Edgar first fills in [Safety] in the column of the risk test.

   But after thinking about it for a while, I added a series of remarks at the end-[Note: Pay attention to the influence of laughter].

  " After the test is complete, you can follow Mentor to participate in the next meeting.

   At that time, I will release your personal information to every member.

   During the meeting, they will ask questions based on your situation, so please be prepared. "



   Edgar snapped his fingers, and the test space immediately shrank into a transparent square the size of a finger, and sucked into his body.

   "By the way, where is the meeting."

   When he climbed to the top of the tower, Han Dong glanced around carefully. The whole was similar to a large flat floor. He didn't see anything, and naturally he didn't find a meeting place.

   "If you look at it again, you should be able to see it. You are not qualified just now."

   At Edgar's reminder.

   Han Dong looked around the top floor again,

   Then I discovered that a black conference table with the same material as the ground had risen less than 100 meters apart. UU看书

   The stone pedestals engraved with [26] letters are arranged in a circle at equal intervals.

   There are already members seated.

  Mr. M is standing next to his seat, beckoning to Han Dong, it seems that the meeting will start soon.

   When Han Dong leaned over, an additional sub-seat was derived from the stone seat printed with M.

   just sticks to Han Dong's body, and even has a lumbar support and neck support structure, which makes it quite comfortable to sit on.

  "The meeting will start in half an hour.

   You need to be prepared to introduce yourself at least. If you encounter a question, just answer it normally. "

   "Will all the original letter holders come to the meeting?"

  "It’s about half coming, after all, it’s not a particularly important meeting... and there are some letters, so I don’t have a holder at the moment.

   Besides you, there should be other participants.

  You can pay attention to it. Those who can be selected as successors are bound to be the best in the world, and you may also have intersections in the future."


   More and more members arrived.

   Including the club owner, F Francis

   current B.B.C Charles

   And at the recommendation of Mr. M, the two ladies Han Dong met in his early days, I Irene and Miss B Bei.

   Han Dong also noticed,

   Black long shoes, matched with a long trench coat, quite handsome [Miss Bei] seems to be the host of this meeting, and when he comes to the meeting area, he glances at Han Dong intentionally.

   As for the holder of the original letter A did not show up.

   "The time is up, [Highest Will] has more than half of the participating members, and this monthly meeting officially begins."


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