My Cell Prison

Vol 9 Chapter 1789: freed

  , my cell prison

   "This is Miss Sally? We used to cooperate in London."

   Olivia showed a friendly expression, and took the initiative to step forward. Her bright eyes were crescent-shaped, and her affinity was very strong.

   It is absolutely impossible for this scene to be placed before.

   Olivia herself has an absolute prejudice against alien monsters... but with the end of the Great Expedition and the change in her impression of Han Dong, she has been able to fully accept alien monsters.

"Ah hello."

   The hostility in Sally's eyes has basically subsided, and she responds politely.

   was also looking up and down at the human woman who had emerged from nowhere. To be honest, she didn't have much impression of this woman who exuded a holy breath. She only knew that the other party had participated in the London game.

   In addition to Han Dong, what Sally can remember is that there are several kings.

  『When will another [king] emerge from human beings... The light from her makes me feel uncomfortable instinctively, but I feel very comfortable when I feel it carefully.

   And this woman's body cavity seems to be very special, somewhat similar to what our black goats are born with, like a kind of confined space. 』

   Sally stared at Olivia's belly carefully in a state of concentration, and even the latter was a little embarrassed to be seen.

   "Miss Olivia seems to have a special space in her body... curious."

   Sally did not have any taboos, and directly touched Olivia's lower abdomen and rubbed it gently... If this is placed in the Holy City, whoever dares to do such a thing is the highest blasphemy against the Holy See and will be sentenced to death.

   Olivia wanted to stop it.

   But Sally’s palm has a special touch and temperature,

   It feels quite comfortable to touch in the lower abdomen, and even the internal organs are nurtured... This also caused Olivia to have no resistance.

   "I was born with a space for confinement in my body."

   "It's amazing! Even if I touch it personally, I can't perceive what it looks like inside."

at this time.

   Han Dong stepped forward and pulled Sally away.

   The normal communication between the two women is fine, and even Han Dong hopes that the two can have a good relationship.

   But if Sally is touched like this again, it is very likely that she will become pregnant.

   "Head, do you want to go to the club with us? I have a friend in there, I have to pick him up and go out."

  Olivia looked up at the square building as dense as a honeycomb, instinctively stepped back:

   "It would be better for me not to enter the area full of primitive desires... I have not returned to the Holy City for a long time. There are many things to deal with whether it is the Knights or the Holy See."

   Han Dong nodded. After all, he himself couldn't imagine the scene of the saint fighting a group of lunatics with bare arms.

   "If I have time to return to the Holy City, I will find you in private."


   Olivia showed a heartfelt smile under the veil, and after saying goodbye to the two, left alone.

   "Privately" was heard clearly by Sally, although her expression did not change much, she was determined to follow Han Dong to the holy city.

  If Han Dong really has any deep contact with the other party,

   She also wants to insert her foot, so that she can observe the saint’s body structure and special internal space naturally.

   may also give birth to a goat offspring that combines the characteristics of a saint, and obtains this special gene for the race.


   "Sally, what are you thinking about!"

   "No... I suddenly felt that the sister just now was so beautiful."

  "Don't mess around, Olivia is a saint, the highest holiness symbol of the holy city of mankind, and the consequences of being defiled by you are unimaginable.

   Moreover, she has been selected as a candidate for [L], and she may develop very well in the future.

correct! What's the situation with Green? "

   "Still staying in the abyss to heal. I saw Green suffer such a serious injury for the first time... However, even if he is repaired, he will continue to carry out the extremely difficult [Eighteen Challenges]."

  "Then give him a few more days. I just used the permission I just obtained to fight for some benefits.

   Sally, do you follow me or go to the club to improve yourself? "

   "I... I will go to the club, there are not many opportunities like this."

   "Hmm! I will pick you up again in a few days."

   Sally didn't show much perseverance. It was already very satisfying to have a B.B.C adventure tour with Han Dong, and she also clearly realized how terrible the danger is coming.

   What she needs to do now is to strive to raise her level to the level of a king when the disaster is out of control.

   After watching Sally return to the club.

   Han Dong showed a state of irritability, speeding up his pace, looking for a public toilet nearby... just wanted to eat a bad stomach, something in his body wanted to pour out.

   I want to say that the public toilets in the black tower are very particular.

   The space is spacious, clean and full of futuristic technology. In order to make it easy for travelers from different worlds to adapt, the interior urinals and toilets are also divided into categories.

   Han Dong came to the deepest closed compartment.

   Take off his clothes.

   tick tick!

   Drops of droplets keep falling into the toilet, not in the true sense of excrement...but sweat.

   Instead of suppressing my inner emotions, I laughed loudly with the seal set up... At the same time, it was accompanied by a lot of sweat, which even overflowed from the pores in a trickle, which was quite exaggerated.

  Too exciting!

   hasn't been so exciting for a long time!

  Before participating in the meeting, Han Dong actually didn't think about it. This year, he had a temporary idea when he received many attentions from the audience and he was getting better.

   The risk is great.

   If it is found out, Han Dong’s qualifications as the only candidate will be stripped directly, and it will even arouse a lot of disgust.

   If he succeeds, he will act as the real ‘axis’, driving the cooperation and operation of the two worlds... The craziness that originated in Han Dong made him make a temporary decision.

   Have a big game.

   Han Dong also believes that Xingzhe should be able to anticipate the situation here and lend him a special incarnation.

   "...This avatar is also great, UU reading is simply a weak turnaround for the walker. Hahaha! I really want to do it again, just thinking about it, my brain will be trembling with excitement."

   Han Dong muttered to himself frantically, while licking his lips.

   This state lasted for a full ten minutes.

   When the sweat stops and the crazy laugh is released to a certain extent...Han Dong falls into a state of ‘immersive’ self-satisfaction.

   Two fingers crossed the corners of his mouth to outline a black smiling face.

   quack quack~

   One gray spot tentacles overflowed from behind.

  Da! despair! despair!

   leather shoes stepped on the ground regularly, and even stood on the toilet seat.

   The body began to dance with the current state of mind. The swinging of the arms and tentacles seemed disorderly, but they followed a certain chaos theory.

   immersed in the dance period.

   Gray spots slowly grew throughout the bathroom, and then horrible tentacles emerged from the spots.

   just looks weird, not polluting itself.

Even so,

   Some old men who were squatting in the pit were also scared to forcibly suspend their current ‘work’,

   Before putting on his pants, he ran out of the bathroom, reporting the horror scene in the bathroom to the Black Tower staff frantically.

   At the same time, Han Dong received a conscious prompt.

  『Myth puzzle-fitness has been increased to 45%』

Shortly after.

   The Black Tower suppressing troops who received information rushed to the scene,

   When they rushed into the toilet fully armed, everything inside was normal.

   has neither gray spots nor tentacles,

   There is only one young man washing his hands in front of the sink, and the smile at the corner of his mouth has just been suppressed.

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