My Cell Prison

Vol 9 Chapter 1793: Circus rumors

"What is the nature of the circus? A special organization in the world, or a unit directly under the black tower?"

"The Dark Circus is a special organization directly recognized by the Black Tower, and it is also a world?"

This explanation surprised Han Dong: "What? Is it both an organization and the world?"

"Yes, the origins of the Dark Circus are quite secretive.

Even my former scene master doesn’t know very well... very early, even before I was born, I was registered by the Black Tower as [Special World] and the related documents are all top secrets.

After I left the circus, I also tried to check the history of the circus through the black tower, but I didn't even know that there was even a clue.

Thinking that there will be no more contact anyway, there will be no attention. "

Han Dong touched his chin and said in a low voice: "If the circus itself is a world that can be packed and moved, it is normal to be marked as [Special].

Even if you don’t know the origins of the circus, Mr. Box, you should know some of its daily routines, right?

How does the circus generally operate, and what is the profit model? "

Box scratched his one leg awkwardly:

"Well... Just like me and Mr. Han you signed a confidentiality agreement about the prison world, I also signed a confidentiality agreement when I was working and it was valid for life.

There is not much information I can provide, especially the internal information. "

"It's okay, just say what you can say."

"Because the circus is a secret organization under the command of the Black Tower, it is not restricted by the world's barriers. As long as it is an open world, it has the right to enter.

Every month, it will randomly descend into a certain world, which may be a small world or a super world, completely random and will not be disturbed by any factors.

The circus will choose an area with the least population density to take root and stay for a week.

On the first day, the “leaflet” will be distributed all over the world.

On the second and third days, the circus venue will be arranged and the audience will be received.

From the fourth day to the sixth day is a normal show performance,

On the last day, there will be a closing performance and a summary of the performance. "

Han Dong asked in a puzzled manner:

"Distributing "pamphlets" worldwide? Even in the small world, there are hundreds of thousands and millions of people, right? How many people can the circus hold? "

"The largest circus can accommodate a thousand people.

However, only special individuals can recognize the true appearance of the "pamphlet" and see clearly the location of the circus marked above and the related introduction.

As for what a ‘special individual’ is and how it should be defined, those of us who work part-time are not quite clear.

These are all defined by the head of the group, and even the "pamphlet" was made by him himself...every time he can ensure that the number of spectators who recognize the pamphlet and come to the circus is exactly one thousand. "

"Well~ the special leaflet, the screening's kind of interesting.

How are circus tickets calculated? "

"You don't need a house number, you can watch the three-day performance for free as long as you hold the leaflet..."

"Let me take a guess!

During the viewing period, the audience may receive an invitation from the circus to perform some simple performances as assisting guests. If they perform well, may they be invited to join the circus? "

Box was slightly taken aback. He didn't expect Han Dong to really guess it... However, this kind of guessing was only superficial.

What happens inside the circus is by no means easy for outsiders to imagine.

"Yes, it was through the identity of an "audience" that I became a member of the circus.

I still remember that before I joined the circus, I dreamed of becoming a comedy magician.

But no matter how hard I try, no matter how I kill those guys who don't like my magic, or laugh at my one-legged guys, stuff their brains into their hats, and perform human body performances, they still won't be recognized.

When I was desperate, the circus took me in...I am still very grateful to the leader for this, hehe! "

When the comical Box talked about his past experience, it was inevitable that he was a little melancholy and nostalgic, but he still expressed it with a sneer.

Han Dong continued to ask, "Will the size of the circus increase with recruitment?"

"No... the scale will not change.

Once fresh blood is injected, someone may lose their job.

The kid who replaced me back then did not necessarily have much design skills, but he was indeed more suitable for staying in the circus than me.

Of course, some of the recruited audiences are only temporary...they are used as disposable human props, or transformed into performance-oriented orcs by the trainer, or become our nutritional supply, etc.

Only truly talented individuals can replace the original class members. "

"Continuously optimize internal members?

In that case, Pennywise was also replaced at the beginning? Has the circus found a more suitable clown than him? "

"It's not.

Although I hate this guy, I have to admit that this guy's interpretation of the role of [Joker] is quite in place... This guy's departure was a direct command from the head of the group.

As for the reason, I am not quite sure.

I also know that besides me, there are many people who have great opinions on this clown. "

"So I can rest assured, if there is a [Joker] that is more interesting than Pennywise, I really want to see it..."

Han Dong has a rough speculation in his mind.

The nature of [Dark Circus] is estimated to be similar to [Derui Town], and this special and individual elite world should eventually develop into a special department of the Black Tower.

"Can you find out which world the circus is currently in through special channels?"

"Theoretically, the appearance of the circus is absolutely random and secret... but if you check with the black tower, you may be able to find it."

"Okay, when you design and model in the prison world, I will try my luck."

Hearing that Han Dong wanted to come into contact with the circus head-on, the comical Box throbbed in his heart, and his words became serious.

"Mr. Han, if you really have something to do with the circus, or even get a "pamphlet" and become an audience, can you ask for one thing..."

"Oh? Do you want to come out to watch the show too?"

"You don't need to come out... I hope Mr. Han can give me some visuals and let me hide in your world and watch the performance."

"Then you have to work hard! I hope you can come up with a design that satisfies me."


Sharing vision is nothing.

In this way, he can get an employee who is completely surrendered to him, and Han Dong is also very satisfied.

If these two designers perform well, Han Dong will transfer the two from the Foundation through an equivalent exchange and become a jailer.

After leading the funny Boxer to complete the tour, UU reading and the backboxer Sova merged, and the two simply divided the work.

Sova is responsible for the expansion and transformation of the world's basic framework, while Box is responsible for the characterization of the "Domination Tower", and tries to build some brand-new world facilities and plan unique areas.


Han Dong is also a secret transmission, letting the doctor secretly monitor the movements of the two.


Han Dong returned to the Black Tower office and immediately found a staff member to give five key words [Dark Circus].

The other's expression immediately changed.

"Mr. Han, we don't have the right to touch this special organization. Please go to the middle area and ask for relevant information... I'm really sorry."


Han Dong felt that it was normal, which made it more interesting.

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