My Cell Prison

Vol 9 Chapter 1827: Forced luck

Performance belongs to performance.

In fact, whether it was Han Dong or Baggins, they had locked in each other before the circus performance, during the first meeting at the banquet.

Whether it is similar identities or shared [laughs], the fate lines of the two are destined to interweave.

It seemed that the closing performance was aimed at all the rest of the audience, but in their eyes, only the other side was the only one.

Therefore, Han Dong is also very clear about one thing,

The clown arranged for Gracie, who possesses "fortune", to target him.

The betting grouping has been completed.

Baggins was very surprised,

He did not expect that someone would take the initiative to invite Han Dong to make a bet.

Although the final result has not changed, Han Dong still chooses to be with [Young Master]... But the changes in the middle made Baggins a little upset.

"Obviously you can choose this old man to avoid the "dead end", why do you want to die on purpose? What hole cards do you still hide that make you confident that you can win [The Stronger] in this kind of pure luck bet?

Even if there is a hole card, why not stay at the end to deal with me?

I heard that the last clown is an out-and-out madman who does not consider the consequences of doing things. It seems that you have inherited some more or less. 』

Baggins no longer thinks about it anymore, since the result is the same, he just needs to watch it carefully.

There are many ways to bet.

Dice, playing cards and even the simplest rock-paper-scissors.

And what Han Dong drew was just the size of the poker cards, each with ten chips, once he lost all he would end the game.

The rules are simple, both use chips to bet! The person who bet with more chips can enjoy the "priority" of the draw.

"Try one first."

Han Dong tentatively put out a bargaining chip.

The young master on the opposite side showed a rather unnatural smile, and took out two decisively to get priority in the draw.

At the scene, a circus handyman sits at the bank and evenly distributes the shuffled playing cards.

Unlike the timid image in the stage play, the young master in front of him did not have a trace of timidity, and with a sharp and quick method, he directly drew a card from it.

"Mr. Han, my luck doesn't seem to be very good. I can't win this card, right?"

Not waiting for Han Dong to draw the cards.

Gracie took the initiative to show the card draw just now.

It is neither a king or a flower card, but a small card that is basically impossible to win, [Box 4]. Plum blossoms and squares).

"Is it so small... I seem to be able to win."

Han Dong stretched out his hand and slowly slid between the playing cards, gripping one of them with his fingers.

When the finger is turned, the face of the card is also turned over-[3 of spades].

"Wow~ Can you lose all of this?"

When the dealer gives all the chips to the young master, ready to shuffle the cards for the next round.

Han Dong suddenly suggested: "Wait, there is still a lot of time anyway, before the next round, can I try to draw a few more and just try."

The handyman in charge of the house nodded, anyway, it was the gambling between the two of them, as long as the young master had no objection.

Han Dong immediately picked three cards from the deck, and deliberately chose the first card on the surface to stagger the randomness.

When the three cards are turned over,

As a result, Han Dong showed an expression of surprise and satisfaction.

The three cards and the previous one [3 of spades] make up a bomb...yes, the four [3] caught in Han Dong's hand.

"What kind of fortune is this, is it too ridiculous? It's really interesting."

Han Dong made a helpless expression and could only bite the bullet and continue.

In the next bet, Han Dong only offered one chip anyway, and he couldn't win anyway.

No matter how many cards the young master chooses, Han Dong's cards must be smaller than him.

In fact, there is a way to overcome good luck, which is to use the magic eye to see through.

But I don't know why, Han Dong just doesn't use it.

Such a game, in the eyes of others, is completely Han Dong's chronic death.

After a while, Han Dong has only one chip left... once he loses, he will be executed.

Baggins, the clown standing not far away, also turned all his attention to the game, especially Han Dong.

He is absolutely sure that Han Dongken will use his "ability" in this juncture.

"I never thought of using this lucky guy to solve you. It is only enough to push you into a desperate situation and show the ability to hide.

With the last one left, what kind of ability will you use to reverse the situation?

Believe that a strong person of your level must have some abilities that are not suppressed by the "truth closure", right? 』

Baggins looked carefully and promised not to miss any details.

The game begins.

It's still the young master drawing card-[Heart K], which is a relatively large card.

At the juncture of life and death, Han Dong was still the same as before, slashing his palm across the pile of cards, and randomly drawn a card.

Baggins the clown watched carefully,

There is neither an old man nor any ability to show up, and even the actions are the same as the previous few times.

"Does this guy want to die?"

Baggins continued to watch, not missing any details.

When the card was turned over, his eyes widened as a result, and his left and right faces even turned into an expression of astonishment at the same time.

【Spades King】

Han Dong actually defeated the opponent with a small suit and won two chips from the young master.

"What's the matter? When did this guy move? I shouldn't miss a single detail...Let's look at it again."

Baggins increased his concentration to 200%, and his eyes were about to squeeze out of his eye sockets.

Han Dong still took out a bargaining chip,

The young master still takes out two to get priority, and draws-[J of Spades].

When it was Han Dong's turn, he leisurely floated his palm between the decks and swayed over... Baggins could only lock the vacillating palm, constantly draining his mental power.

Draw...pop! Han Dong didn't look at the cards, but directly fell on the table.

【Heart Q】

"Hey~ My luck seems to be getting better!" Han Dong withdrew his chips with a look of surprise. At present, his chips have returned to the original five chips.

Baggins was full of consternation, he still didn't see anything, even his eyes were bleeding...he quickly vomited and wiped his eyes.

"Impossible, why can't I see through this guy's technique?"

at this time.

Han Dong suddenly pushed all the five chips out, and suggested: "It feels like the time is coming. How about we end it, Master Gracie? If the chips are the same, let's draw the cards at the same time."

The young master did not refuse, and nodded in agreement.

After the dealer unfolds the shuffled cards, he raises his hand to signal that the two are ready to draw cards... when the arm drops.


Each of them took one away.

The young master habitually showed it, and suddenly it was the second largest [little ghost card].

When it was Han Dong's turn, he didn't show it directly, but secretly blocked a part and only let the young master and the dealer see it.

When witnessing the result, all the chips were awarded to Han Dong.

"The bet is over, the winner-Han Dong."

"How come! Can it be said that "lucky lapses"? "

Baggins the clown was staring dry and was already dripping eye drops, but he didn't see anything in the whole process... The only thing he thought about was luck failure, which he had seen before.

At this time.

As the banker's handyman, and at the same time as the executor, he has put the pistol around his waist against the young master's forehead.

Pull the trigger... Click!

The firearms imported by the circus are all top-notch workmanship, and they get stuck at this moment.

This shows that his luck has not failed.

The handyman became annoyed and directly drew out his ribs as a blade, huh! It was another slash...only to make a zero-distance cut against the young master's neck, and then he cut off his head and fulfilled his mission.

At this time.

Han Dong and Baggins' eyes were already facing each other.

Before the other party could ask a question, Han Dong said actively:

"Isn't it incomprehensible? Why do you lose to me if you have luck?

Mr. Clown, you seem to have concentrated the problem on me from start to finish, and never thought that [Young Master] had a problem.

Since you can choose manual hands and feet for the competition, I should be able to do it too? "

After Han Dong's reminder, Baggins reacted immediately.

"Is it when I was taken backstage for treatment?"

at this time.

Gracie, who was beheaded, stood up suddenly.

There are slender gray tentacles drilled between the neck, some of which are still entwined with the personal props in the "stage play"-[Mom's pocket watch].

Upon seeing this. UU reading

Baggins pretended to be careless, and pulled out a supporting block of the game turntable, his center of gravity was unbalanced.


A turntable weighing dozens of tons directly crushed the headless corpse.

At this time, Han Dong also walked to Baggins's side and continued the explanation just now:

"Although my abilities are suppressed, if the'pollution' is parasitized in the brain, I can still fine-tune the opponent's [thoughts].

I only need to transform the concept of "bigger than big" in the young master's head into "smaller than big", so I can easily win with his luck.

Finally this winning card is given to you..."

This piece was used to win the "big ghost card". Han Dong has drawn the image of Pennywise through blood.

After being sent to Baggins, he turned and returned to where he should stand as an audience.

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