My Cell Prison

Vol 9 Chapter 1829: Doomsday and curtain call

The dark side of humanity

To put it bluntly, it is what exists in the deepest layer of essence. In order to live in the social circle, people will hide it, and they are unwilling to admit that they have this essence.

But Han Dong is different.

As early as in the abyss of chaos, he had already completed the cognition of the ‘individual self’. This kind of opportunity, the liquid that exposed the dark side of human nature, did not have much impact on him at all.

Because he has never deliberately disguised himself, he can express his id at any time.

The injection in the back of the neck just made him feel a cold sensation all over his body, which made him enter a state of performance where he wanted to "express his nature."

Seeing audience after audience expressing the dark side, revealing their true self, and then cooperating with Baggins's emotional catharsis.

Han Dong officially regarded this as his stage.

From the deepest part of the body, under the abyss, the most real and craziest laughter was emitted.


The laughter from Han Dong instantly overwhelmed any noise in the audience.

Even the laughers who were assimilated by Baggins, and even Baggins' own laughter, were overshadowed...or completely assimilated.

"What kind of laughter is this!? It's dangerous."

Baggins felt a potential danger from it, and even the effect of the medicine injected into his body was weakened a lot, and he was slightly awake.

at the same time.

He recognized one thing, the young man's [laughs], both in quality and level... Therefore, Baggins made a temporary decision.

Put your hands into the skin of your right cheek.

He tore off the entire right face that represented'happy', and temporarily put it into the inner pocket of the suit.

Immediately, the ‘sad’ left face spread to the entire face, and an extremely gloomy atmosphere spread... even the clown’s clothes became purely pale white.

In this way, to resist Han Dong's laughter.

Even so,

Baggins still feels strenuous, but must stick to the stage no matter what, this is his closing performance after all.

At the same moment, the audience on the stage who were fighting each other and venting their desires were stunned.

Even though blood is still spraying from the neck,

Even if the brain is exposed,

Even if the large intestine is scattered all over the place,

They stopped their movements one after another, and the corners of their mouths turned upwards in a form of great tension.

Next second.

Click! The sound of bones turning came from the neck.

The audience, whether facing, side-to-side or back-to-back, turned their heads and looked at Baggins the clown.

And they all used themselves to shed blood, smearing scarlet smiles on their faces.

The frequency of their laughter is almost the same as Han Dong.

"This is!"

Baggins will naturally not be scared by these guys.

However, there was a conscious influence that made him feel terrified.

At this moment, he seemed to have spied a crippling apocalyptic scene-"Red will be the dominant color of the world. Creatures all over the world will cut their heads between laughter and laughter. What is even more exaggerated is that the severed head is actually like a balloon. Floating in the air, continue to laugh frantically."

Baggins even spied his head in this doomsday scene.

The sense of suppression brought by this artistic conception made him instinctively retreat.

When he realized this, his body had withdrawn from the stage, and the protagonist on the stage was no longer him.

"Did I lose... It's an exaggeration.

This person was able to develop [laughs] to this level, far beyond my understanding, and indeed I lost.

Hey~ After spending several years in the circus anyway, it's time to start a new fate adventure. "

Baggins still maintained an optimistic and cheerful mental state, even though his left cheek couldn't stop crying wildly.

Putting the right face back again, both faces no longer expressed excessive emotions, and turned into an off-site audience, silently appreciating Han Dong's performance.

At this time.

The individuals affected by the mad laugh held hands, forming a regular hexagon between the stage, and Han Dong was surrounded in the center.

As they continued to laugh, the liquid that had been injected into their bodies unexpectedly flowed out from the corners of their mouths, contacting the instinctive burst of state, and slowly returning to human form.

And the liquid that flowed out all flowed to the center and was absorbed by Han Dong.

Let Han Dong fall into a deeper state of immersive laughter.

Until there was a sound from the brain:

"The "Funny Laughing Puzzle" has been detected and the fit has reached 100%, and the [Fatal Joke] has been upgraded to [Doomsday Joke]. The relevant characteristics are introduced as follows:

≮Doomsday joke≯

The spread rate, invasion and influence efficiency, and range of action of the crazy laugh factor reach the maximum.

When the invasion reaches a certain level, it can directly affect the "consciousness space", leading to the end of the day. Once the doomsday is formed, the individual will be completely disintegrated from the root of truth, and there is no possibility of rebirth. 』

At this time.

The head of the audience sitting in the auditorium showed a surprised and uncomfortable expression.

The "truth limit" was set by him,

At this moment, there was a strong consciousness shock, trying to tear this shackles apart, and the source was Han Dong on the court.

The head of the group saw this shock of consciousness conveyed through laughter for the first time.


A wisp of nosebleed came out.

The butler quickly handed the handkerchief over, and the candlelight above his head looked extremely surprised.

"Head, are you okay?"

"It's okay... It's just a little uncomfortable."

at this time.

Han Dong stopped laughing wildly, stood in the center of the stage, and made an elegant curtain call... He did not kill the audience who played with him, and took the initiative to remove all the doomsday effects.

So far,

The circus performance is all over.

Although the 20 people who participated in the final session were seriously injured, they all survived.

Han Dong showed a satisfied expression, feeling the changes in his body. The surface of the stone monument from the abyss to the depths was shining with a smile of red light.

"The fit of the first piece of the puzzle is finally saturated... it's still two pieces short.

Unexpectedly, this trip to the circus will satisfy and release the remaining "clown attributes" and fully fill the fit of the puzzle in advance.

I also wanted to follow the circus to perform in various worlds to improve the perception of crazy laughter. Now there is no need for this.

I have enough strength to officially embark on the collection of "Book of the Necropolis". 』

Han Dong, who finished the performance, did not step down from the front.

Instead, he turned and walked to the other side of the stage, where Baggins the clown was located.

"Mr. Baggins, I'm really sorry! I took your place at the last minute."

"This stage was originally prepared for a more suitable person. I am just a ‘loser’... The title of clown will belong to you. I look forward to your next performance and hope that you will do better than me."

Strike while the iron is hot.

The group leader also got up at this moment and made an invitation gesture:

"Mr. Han, I officially extend an invitation to you, I hope you can take on the role of the Dark Circus [Clown]."

A direct invitation from the head of the circus is the highest honor in the circus, and it is even possible to add a few benefit treaties that others would not even dare to think of when signing a labor contract.


"Huh? Everyone misunderstood, I just came to watch the show.

Mr. Baggins’s performance of [Joker] is impeccable, and I don’t mean to seize the position... Thank you very much for the invitation of the head, but I really can’t spare time.

The current state of B.B.C is not optimistic. As a candidate for M and an intermediary on both sides, I have a lot to do. "

"The original letter candidate!"

The members of the circus were shocked, but the directors, clowns and butlers who had dealt with Han Dong were not too surprised.

The head of the group showed a suddenly open expression, UU reading, no wonder that Han Dong's information could not be found at all.

"So that's it... Our circus can't ask you to move people like you.

But can you stay with us for a dinner after the show tonight? "


"The banquet is already being set up, and we can pass now."

When exiting.

Han Dong suddenly put a hand on Baggins's shoulder, and pressed his lips to his ear and said softly:

"Mr. Baggins, your [laughs] have a completely different nature, and your emotional management is also the best I have ever seen... If you are interested in the future, welcome to come to work with me.

I believe that with similar identities between the two of us, we will get along very happily. "

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