My Cell Prison

Vol 9 Chapter 1835: Irritable Eugenes

On Han Dong's next journey, he originally planned to use the "Plant Planet" left by Professor Morgan to search for broken pages.

This is great,

Not only can you get clues about the broken pages directly from the Void Lord, you can also have Pop's assistance during the journey.

Within the same level, no one can match Popper's role in finding things. It is not only knowledge and understanding of the entire universe, but also unique void skills.

"In addition, this journey is not enough for the two of you. It's best to bring Eugenes with you."


Han Dong was a little surprised, his relationship with Eugenes was not very good... and when he thought of Eugenes, the first reaction was that it was too stinky.

"He will play a more important role at a certain node and on certain occasions. When you leave the void, go find him... The time should be just right."

The voice just fell.

Teacher You took a ball of meat bubble from between the thrones, its size is about 1/5 of the normal bubble, and it can be easily pinched with one hand.

When Han Dong touched the meat bubble.


Is directly transmitted to the inner space of the meat bubble,

This is actually a filing room, and files of different old and new materials are placed in bookcases and shelves.


Teacher You’s projection also came here, explaining briefly:

"Because the original risk assessment of "The Book of the Necronomicon" was beyond our tolerance, so the separation of it was relatively thorough...

Some of the more stable leftover pages were suppressed in the territories of the old kings, or dropped into the "absolute forbidden land."

The unstable part is directly thrown into the broken dimension, and even I cannot accurately estimate the specific coordinate position.

These materials have been collected from various sources for so long. The final search is still quite difficult, and you must be mentally prepared enough.

The requirement I set for you is [50%].

Not only includes the collection of broken pages, but also requires you to learn and master 50% of the broken pages.

After all, your role in this incident belongs to the [middleman]. Once out of control breaks out, you will face more risks. "

"Thank you senior for reminding!

With the clues provided by the predecessors and the assistance of Popper, I am confident that I can achieve this goal within a few years.

It's just... before I set off, can I stay in the virtual space and learn some basic skills? "

"Well, I will give you a ten-day short-term training later. You have also familiarized yourself with the "A Brief History of the Void" in the Library of the University of Missouri.

At least it allows you to ensure your own safety in the broken dimension. "

Han Dong said, "Thank you, senior."

Unexpectedly, my proposal to study in the virtual space was not only accepted, but also received direct instruction from Teacher You.


Ten days passed.

The camera switches to the Kirista star field.

After the event of explanting celestial bodies,

Eugenes, who got the [M.O.] broken arm from Morgan, formally crossed the first volume of the "Necromancer", it can be said that the basic training has been completed, and the next more deep training will be carried out.

According to the record of the Grimoire,

Eugenes needs to obtain [9] a body that meets the standards.

I thought it was simple at first. After all, a villain like Eugenes, if he wants a corpse, can make tens of thousands in a day.

But the word ‘meets the standard’ is quite troublesome, even hundreds of times more troublesome than Eukins expected.

The Grimoire itself can be used as a "corpse detector", as long as it is close to the corpse, Grimoire can identify whether the corpse meets the standard...

Eugenes traveled to many star regions and even took the risk of killing some noble monsters, but the test results still did not meet the standards.

so far,

He couldn't even collect a corpse that met the standards, and the whole person had fallen into a more impatient state.


He is located in a neutral city in the Kirin Star Territory-[Saron]

This city is also known as the "City of Resurrection". It is a special city dominated by necromancers. The transaction of corpses here is also the largest in the universe.

Many strange demons still have ‘basic feelings’, and often bring their dead friends and spouses here to seek opportunities for resurrection.

But only a very small number of people can be resurrected, most of the corpses will be quietly replaced.

Or take it away at a low price and become a dead servant, food, specimen, or research material of the ‘upper person’.

Eugenes came here to avoid the limelight and to try his luck.

【Salun City-No. 39 Corpse House】

Many strange demons will ask their descendants to bring their corpses here after they die naturally, and place them together... Maybe they want to be more lively.

Eugenes has been in this hiding place for two full days and two nights, testing tens of thousands of corpses one after another.

The result can be seen from his extremely tired, depressed, and somewhat irritable state, and none of them meet the conditions.

"What the **** does it mean? Why doesn't the magic code be written clearly? How can it be considered to meet the standard... Is it necessary for me to collect the corpses of nine old kings?

I have wasted too much time! That guy Nicholas must be still growing!

If this continues, the gap between me and him will grow bigger and bigger, hey~"

Just as Eugenes sighed and limp in front of a row of morgues.


The morgue in front of me moved suddenly.

Eugenes could not have been scared,

But the problem was that he had just checked the corpse in front of him, and it was completely dead... and he didn't feel any resurrection energy fluctuations at all.

"what happened?"

When Eukins used his eyes to see through, he pulled the morgue.

Just when a gap was opened in the morgue, and the corpse inside was about to be spied on.


An extremely cold palm fell on his right shoulder.

Since there is no information feedback in the whole process perception field,

Suddenly, Eugenes bounced from the ground and stuck to the ceiling.

The "eyeball tentacles" that symbolized Schugs had spread in the first place.

Even its abdomen was cracked with a terrible corpse eating crack, ready to feed any living body raw at any time.

However, there was a ridicule:

" How did you become so sensitive after a long time?"

Two familiar people were reflected in Eugenes' vision.

It was Han Dong who touched his shoulder, and also deliberately imitated the texture of the palm of a corpse.

At the same time, Pope was also standing by.

It was the Void Teleportation that made Eugenes completely unaware of the sudden appearance of the two behind him.

If only Han Dong was alone, Eugenes, who was holding his stomach, would have started the war directly... However, thinking about the feelings just now, Eugenes had a slight heart palpitation.

In addition to the cold from the palm of his hand, there seemed to be a rather deep laughter.

It was this laughter that came through contact that made him ‘frightened’ to such an extent, and produced an instinctive sense of fear.

"You...what are you doing here?"

"Invite you to join our team."

With that said, Han Dong made a rather elegant invitation.

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