My Cell Prison

Vol 9 Chapter 1837: Explore the direction

"Book of Necromancers"

Based on the knowledge Han Dong learned from the "Pre-Book" and the clue support provided by "Teacher You", he has basically figured out the "scrolling system" of this first magic book.

Based on the body structure of the first generation of humans, the paper is divided into body parts.

In addition to pre-rolling,

It is mainly divided into three volumes: [Head Volume], [Body Volume], and [Limb Volume].

Subdivided by three volumes,

The head scroll is divided into three parts: the eyes, the skull and the brain.

The body volume is divided into the torso, the viscera and the heart part taken out separately, the same three parts,

The limbs are divided into hands, feet and bones are also three parts,

In this way, Han Dong’s current learning progress is [1/9], and there are still eight parts of remaining pages that need to be searched and deep learning... and the difficulty of learning is definitely not lower than that of the eyes. After all, Han Dong’s eyes are based on transcripts. of.


Skull, brain, viscera, heart and bones,

These five "inner" parts are classified as dangerous parts. After discussion by the old kings, they are not suppressed or sealed, and they are directly split and thrown into the broken dimension.

Eyes, torso, hands and legs,

These four parts that are biased toward the "table" are assessed as relatively low risk.

Considering the high value of the "Book of Necronomicon" itself, the higher authority will seal it between the kingdoms and cooperate with the land deed to suppress it.

Among them, the eyes that Han Dong had already got were suppressed in [Grey Country-Charnos]

As for the body, according to the clues provided by the void.

The body is located in the deep sea,

The "deep sea" here is not a literal meaning. It is neither an ocean on the earth nor a certain ocean planet, but the name of a country.

The nature is similar to Charnos.

However, the deep sea is not as mysterious as Charnos.

S-01 Any water area defined as ‘ocean’ has an entrance to the deep sea... A certain submarine suddenly disappeared during its voyage, perhaps accidentally arriving in the deep sea area through the transmission channel between the oceans.

Even a big pineapple on the seabed may be a portal to the deep sea.

Since Han Dong himself belongs to the deep sea messenger, coupled with the close relationship between Pop and Hyde,

The deep sea journey should be the easiest journey.

As for the hands.

The clues are recorded as the depths of [Imaginary Dreamland].

Due to the particularity of the illusion as a ‘world refuge’, and there exists an existence similar to ‘Teacher You’ in some respects.

Even the void cannot penetrate into the depths of the dreamland,

You need Han Dong and others to go to the Dreamland to find the answer...At that time, you can also go to the Witch House there and let the Sixth Elementary Quality-Helen help.

Moreover, Han Dong's familiarity with [Toad Ancestor] also has a deep connection with the Dreamland.


The information related to "leg fragments" is more interesting.

According to data records, it was initially preserved in the Black Forest controlled by a mother sheep. Later, due to the arrival of the world catastrophe, the goat mother was seriously injured, and the Black Forest couldn't exist on its own.

The left leg can only be temporarily transferred.

However, most of the superiors at that time were reluctant to take over this stubborn stubble.

Not only will they introduce ‘instability factors’ to their own world, they will also need to spend huge amounts of financial, material and attention on suppressing and guarding. Once problems arise, the entire country will fall into crisis.

In the end, a special high-ranking old king took over the mess.

When Han Dong browsed this document, his eyes widened, showing an incredible expression, and he read the important information recorded in the file directly:

"...The follow-up seal of the left leg pages was negotiated and handed over to the king of the yellow robe, and was sealed in [Soul Kingdom-Kalksa].

It's actually Him! "

Speaking of the yellow robe.

Although Han Dong had contact with him in the early stage, and had met for the first time in London games.

Afterwards, I rarely contacted them.

Compared with other old kings, the yellow robe looks independent and weird.

Like the Gray Walker, he is biased or even closer to humans, but the actual performance is even worse...The yellow robe often appears in the holy city, hoping to use human writers to create related literary works for him.

When in contact with humans, there is no posture that a superior person should have at all.

It seems that he is obsessed with literary creation, and has no time to take care of other things.

"Unexpectedly, the transcript of the leg was in his hands.

That's good, just to take the opportunity to contact this guy.

Huang Pao has not contacted me for several years. Maybe he found more interesting human beings in several other human cities, or he was writing a brand-new script or novel. 』

Browse down as a whole.

Han Dong is confident that he will get all these ‘superficial’ leftover pages in a short period of time, so he is not in a hurry.

Since Pope and Eugenes are assisting,

The most urgent task is to go to the broken dimension and search for the ‘internal’ pages scattered in it.

During the period, there will definitely be some "ancient relics", and perhaps there will be unexpected gains.

Moreover, on Eugenes, Han Dong did not directly inform the "Book of the Necropolis", but simply explained it as an adventure.

During the period, he needed to help him collect old corpses, so that Eugenes felt that he was not working in vain.

The action plan for the "Book of Necro" has been sorted out.

The simple summary is [there is inside to outside].

Han Dong's ambitions are not limited to the request made by Teacher You -50%. He wants to summarize the "Book of the Necropolis" as much as possible before it breaks out of control.

Rumble! A strong tremor came from the back mountains of Mi University.

All kinds of plants rose from the ground, and brought a giant sphere into the sky.

Since the event of explanting celestial bodies, the plant planet that has been placed in the back mountain of Mi-Da for a long time finally ushered in its first ‘activity’.

Han Dong in the control room, according to the guidance of the void clues, set up a star field coordinate... Om! Achieve a wormhole jump directly over Mi Da.

[Planet Integration]

In the same way that Professor Morgan used to manipulate it, the precision-integrated planet is like a spherical spacecraft that can travel normally between broken dimensions.

Pope is responsible for marking the coordinates of the route,

The eyes of Han Dong and Eugenes are observing the surrounding situation as much as possible to predict the arrival of danger in advance.

【Black Tower Control General Administration-Deep】

There are hundreds of B.B.C engineers in a certain area. Of course, all of them are teachers''students'.

Their main job is to ensure the stable operation of the "World Rubik's Cube".

Since the third avatar-the phase walker was killed, Mr. Mr. can only use the fifth avatar-the shadow in the rain to maintain and supervise the various situations in the deep zone.

at this time.

The Rubik's Cube suddenly oscillated.

Hundreds of engineers immediately performed stability suppression to ensure that the space transmission from the other side of the Rubik's Cube was completed stably.


A weird, sharp tooth-shaped slit was torn at the upper end of the Rubik's Cube.

When a black leather shoe stepped out.

The avatar of Mr. also lowered his head slightly and asked softly:

"President, is there any new discovery in the broken dimension?"

The mysterious person who came out of the Rubik's Cube did not directly reply. Instead, UU read and dragged something with one hand and threw it directly.


An ancient temple exuding a decadent and depraved atmosphere fell directly in the current area.

It was immediately idled by the engineers through the enchantment system.

An old, magnetic, and commanding voice came:

"S-01 is really a good place...Because of its long separation from the black tower, the size of its [Broken Dimension] has reached an extremely large value, which is simply not comparable to other worlds.

It can be used as a temporary hiding place after we leave the black tower, which is much more convenient than when we occupy a super world.

In addition, there are still many remnants of civilization from S-01 inside, which can help us understand the special life of the alien monster, and it is also very necessary for our plan.

Increase the development of S-01 Broken Dimension, let the avatars of those guys go in and take a look. "

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