My Cell Prison

Vol 9 Chapter 1857: Adult

The negative feeling brought by Han Dong sleeps very calmly.

Eugenes, who had almost disintegrated into rotten flesh, was thrown into the vitality tanks of the spacecraft to contain and repair.

Only Pope is still in good condition.

Doctor Swell, who is in charge of manipulating the planet, asked, "Mr. Pope, where are we going now? Will we continue to deepen in the broken dimension?"

"No... Let's return to the main world first.

I'm not sure if the other party used special means to mark us. Now that we have gained something, we should go back and rectify it, and report the encounter to the teacher at the same time.

If Nicholas has to look for other broken pages, we will enter from other cracks and it will not take too long. "


It also affects Pop to a certain extent,

A drop of ink can be vaguely peeped between his starlight heads. Although it has no substantial effect, it still brings some negative thoughts.

"Mr. Pope, will you sleep too? Just leave it to me for the return journey."

"...Well, I'll take a break."

Just when Pop was about to take a nap.

A weird feeling suddenly came, and his eyes quickly fell on the sleeping Han Dong.

I saw a black vortex-like space opening visible to the naked eye in his abdomen, and the tentacled scabbard actually got out of it when Han Dong was asleep.

"I have to wake up the lord!"

Just when the doctor wanted to melt into Han Dong's brain and wake him up.

A space force restricted him.

"Don't worry,

Awakening Nicholas is likely to ‘influence’ or even destroy this opportunity... Let the magic sword evolve by itself first, and then consider waking up Nicholas if something goes out of control in the middle. "


Doctor Swelling still chose to listen to Popper's opinion, after all, the other party had much more knowledge than himself.

The magic sword drilled from the exit of the black vortex space hung straight in the air.

As a magic sword, following Han Dong's battle for such a long time, it also continuously draws the energy needed for ‘growth’ from the subject.

The Magic Sword of Truth is like a very picky eater. If you feed him the same kind of food for a long time, you will quickly get tired of it. This is also the reason why the previous masters could not control it.

It is completely different from the previous masters in the black tower,

Han Dong always has completely different ‘energy’ in his body, with various attributes, and the quality is quite high.

So far, three different kinds of God-borrowing energy have been absorbed, including, and this time.


With the repeated use of Han Dong, the [recognition degree] is also increasing.

When one of the king's arms was cut off frontally this time, the Demon Sword's [recognition] to Han Dong increased again, and the sword body also gained the satisfaction of'cutting the king'.

It has passed, and is changing to a completely new stage.

When the growth is completed, new traits, abilities or growth skills will be derived.

Something got out of the surface of the fluid sword body.

It looks like some kind of thorn plant, but also like black blood vessels.

These strips are not used for the shape and structure of the magic sword, but point to Han Dong's forehead, seeming to want to penetrate into the brain.

When seeing this, Dr. Swelling was also sweating profusely.

Pope reminded once again, "Don't worry, this kind of growth weapon needs to be in contact with the subject when making important growth changes... If there is any problem, I will stop it as soon as possible."

The strips penetrated into Han Dong's head and penetrated into the consciousness space.

As Pope said, it will carry out important growth changes in accordance with Han Dong's subconscious...Since Magic Sword is actively referring to the opinions of Han Dong, this subject, it means that it has basically recognized this master.


Han Dong opened his eyebrows abruptly, staring at the magic sword hanging in the air.

The strips that penetrated the brain were immediately attached to the magic eye, absorbing the energy in the eyeball...

It can be seen from the naked eye that the magic eye is slowly shrinking in this process, falling into weakness.

When the real magic eye that is shrinking and tired is closed between the eyebrows.

A similar eye opened on the surface of the magic sword.

"Well... can even the effects of "The Book of the Dead" be transformed and reproduced?"

When Popper saw this scene, there was a trace of envy in his heart, and even a little greed...but this negative emotion was quickly suppressed.


With this eyeball as the center, the Magic Sword of Truth began to construct a new physical form.

A new form that is biased towards the subject of Han Dong,

Go beyond the prototype and enter the next stage.

I don't know how long it has been.

When Han Dong woke up, the negative emotions in his head were basically gone.

"Huh? Have you returned to the main universe?"

Pope said indifferently:

"However, the teacher is not currently in the virtual space. He should be presiding over the [Sharp Corner Meeting] to discuss whether to cooperate with the Dark Tower... Let's wait here.

By the way, some changes occurred during the deep sleep, you should be able to feel it? "

"Changes? Um... why are my eyes withered?"

Han Dong immediately noticed that the magic eye was in a dormant state, and could not even open the most basic.

But when checking the internal conditions, a strange change was immediately captured from the body.


Han Dong immediately got into the [Prison World] inside the head of the Faceless.

Regarding the renovation project here has just been completed, two engineers borrowed by the Ladybug Foundation are planning to explain to Han Dong the renovation of the prison world.

"You two, wait a minute, I'll do something! I'll be up right away."

Take the elevator to the underground experimental area immediately.

The doctor was nervously guarding the door of the deepest laboratory, UU reading, or an isolation room used to detain special subjects.

"Lord, when it changes, it will automatically return to the prison world.

Considering that it exudes a very strong aura of danger and may cause damage to the world that has just been transformed, I will guide it to come here... temporarily sealed it. "

"Did it change during my deep sleep? Why didn't I wake me up?"

"It was Mr. Pope's request. He said that waking you up might affect this opportunity."

"Well, open the door."

The doctor hurriedly inserted his palm into the semi-open brain and took out a variable key made of a mixture of brain stem and bone.

When the door made of the most advanced biological materials opens slowly.

A sense of gaze came from within,

"This sense of gaze... is it a magic eye?"

It was when Han Dong stepped into the interior.

A magic sword with a peculiar shape, but with some embryonic features, was inserted in the ground, as if waiting for Han Dong to pull it out.

1. [Sword Body]

The sword body, which had been changed into black blood vessels, also had the same cosmic fluid flowing between the blood vessels.

In the middle of the black blood vessels, there is a magic eye that is similar to the magic eye, but it is different from the magic eye when it is carefully observed.

2. [Hilt]

This change is even greater, directly becoming a stone structure exuding a strong death breath, like a piece of stone.

The surface is also engraved with the initials of Warren Nicholas -.

Such a "tombstone hilt" is also more suitable for left-handed holding, and will exert unexpected power.

When Han Dong suppressed his excitement and held the magic sword, a prompt sound came:

"Trendis's Forsaken Sword, the Obliterator of Truth has been advanced to [Adult], various values ​​and recognition of the subject have changed, please check it out."


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