My Cell Prison

Vol 9 Chapter 1867: consult

After the recovery event of the [true bones], Han Dong also gained some experience.

One of the most important points is that the leftover page itself has a ‘subjective initiative’ and an instinctive tendency to ‘want to return to S-01’.

These residual pages can be attached to a piece of torn ground to form a relative area space, and can even enslaves the strange monsters who accidentally fell into the broken dimension in ancient times.

In short, the broken pages will do everything possible to return to S-01, or they want to gather together to form a whole book.

If you come here a few hundred years later,

The frozen soil controlled by the bone fragments may have been completed and will automatically return to S-01, so there is no need to look for it so troublesomely.

It's a pity that time waits for no one.

"If you find those moving continental plates or relics, you will land and search immediately. There is a high probability that you will be rewarded.

However, this search method is still a chance, and the efficiency is about the same as before.

Do you have any more efficient methods? "

Popper shook his head, "You can only do this. If you want to be efficient, you have to ask Nicholas yourself. After all, you are the learner of The Book of the Dead."

"Hey~ Let's do this for now."

For a while, I couldn't think of a good way. I could only navigate through the broken dimensions along the ‘possibly correct’ route as much as possible based on the clues of the void, and investigate the broken continents, ruins and other physical areas that passed along the way.

This kind of journey is still another month.

However, this month is not as boring as before.

Probably from the fifth day of the voyage,

Huangpao will take the initiative to find people at some special times and occasions.

For example, there is an abnormal space effect near the plant planet. When Pop was transmitted from the inner core laboratory to the surface of the planet for close inspection, a strand of white tentacles suddenly stuck to his soul.

The yellow-robed person has quietly appeared behind him, asking about Pope's experience in his youth, and even took out a notebook to record seriously.

Just when Popper was about to enter a state of real memory, he was suddenly interrupted by Huang Pao... that he had been inspired and must immediately enter the state of codewords.

Eugenes also had several encounters.

The most outrageous one was a special experience in the early morning of a certain day.

As a perfect creature-Shugos, it needs to undergo a perfect metabolism every day... the body will automatically integrate the waste residues from the previous day's eating and digestion, and the impurities automatically produced by the body will be excreted from the body.

In addition, Eugene's body is very huge, this excretion is huge, and the taste is natural.

Therefore, a toilet was specially set up for him, which can send excrement directly to the outside of the planet.

This morning, I just woke up from a dream, and I felt that my stomach was already coming.

Eugenes immediately rushed to the bathroom at the fastest speed...

Take off the pants, use the tentacles to spread the lower body, when preparing to dump the garbage in the body.

Suddenly a cool breeze blew, and the yellow-robed man was already standing in front of him.

"Don't care about me, continue doing what you want to do... I am here this time to understand the excretion pattern of Shuggs. By the way, you can tell me about your family's usual living habits."


Faced with the requirements of the superiors, they can only be followed.

It was the first time Eugenes stayed with others during excretion and had to tell the story seriously, which made him quite uncomfortable.


In the past month, Huang Pao has not contacted Han Dong once.

Maybe it was Han Dong’s previous deeds that he knew better.

Moreover, the recent events have basically spread to the magic circle, and he is not very interested.

Today, returning from the outside, Pope asked with an ugly face: "Nicholas, hasn't this yellow robe looked for you?"

"No... Did I just look for you again?"

"Well, I asked a bunch of weird questions.

Moreover, this guy always appears at some very strange time period... If I didn't know his true identity, I am afraid it would be difficult to link him with the old king. "

"Almost, it gave me the same impression.

It is said that a whole month has passed, and nothing has been found... Instead, two qualified ancient corpses were found for Eugenes.

This is not the way to go.

In Alien Cube, only our team is searching for the broken pages, and there are at least several special teams for the out-of-control, and even teams with more than double digits are fully exploring the broken dimension.

If you look for a needle in such a haystack, it is very likely to be looted by those who are out of control.

Today, I will take the initiative to visit the King of Huangpao... He should be a little bit empty after a full month of meditative writing. "

Pope nodded.

"There is only this way.

The teacher and the co-workers deliberately designed the yellow robe to join this journey. They must have their intentions... Just ask~ But the tone and attitude must be sincere, and don't have any offensive behavior and words. "

"Don't worry, I have my own measures."

When Han Dong came to the "writing room" specially designed for the king of Huangpao.

Before Han Dong knocked on the door, a voice of soul came.

"Come in directly."

Since Huang Pao took the initiative to transmit the sound, it indirectly indicated that he should be relatively empty now.

When Han Dong stepped into the writing room, he still felt similar to before.

The interior is filled with dense white mist suitable for writing. Occasionally, tentacles will emerge in the mist, and occasionally various faces and limbs with different expressions will appear.

"Are these "soul qualities"..."

Now Han Dong can already see the essence of these white mists, like extracting the soul of the living body perfectly, and then mixing them together by crushing, purifying, and so on.

The center surrounded by the white mist is the writing desk of the yellow robe.

The yellow and white tentacles were torn and torn off on the surface of the desk.

When seeing the deity of the yellow-robed man, Han Dong was also taken aback...

This was also the first time that the yellow-robed man took off his hood in front of Han Dong.

What was exposed was a minced face filled with various pens, and the open mouth was full of soul threads connected up and down, each of which seemed to bind a powerful soul body.

Huang Pao seems to be engaged in a kind of'self-harm behavior'.

While inserting various types of penholders into the brain, while tearing the various tentacles that grow out of the body surface.

"Senior, you are..."

"A pretty uncomfortable creative link...Cavan.

Hey~ forget it! Just write here today, what are you going to find me? "

Han Dong quickly lowered his head, UU read www. stated in the most pious tone the difficulty of searching for broken pages, as well as some clues and discoveries it has obtained so far.

"Isn't this very simple? You have determined that the broken pages have a sense of autonomy and want to reassemble them into the whole book, right?"


"They should converge towards you. After all, you are a real necroman. You have already learned "Pre-Scroll" and "Eye"... It's just that these broken pages don't know your existence, so they can only use S-01 as their target point. .

We only need to build a "soul amplifier".

Let the broken pages between the broken dimensions know the existence of you as a true disciple, they will not only come to them actively, they may also find ways to send signals to you. "

"Soul amplifier? What should I do?"

"come on."

Han Dong just took a step closer, and a series of light yellow tentacles had penetrated his soul from his back.

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