My Cell Prison

Vol 9 Chapter 1872: Accidental transmission

"True Magic Eye"

In addition to providing various visual acuity enhancements,

At the same time, it also has a powerful pupil technique that can carry out "realistic invasion", which can directly affect the material foundation and the rules of time and space.

The larger the scope of influence, the more complex the affected material, the worse the effect, and the greater the mental consumption.


When Han Dong obtained the real magic eye, he successfully incorporated the relevant characteristics of "Yota Inmi. The Prophet's Vortex Eye" into it.

The vortex eye belongs to a kind of'semi-conscious living prop' produced in the black tower, and it is an extremely rare physical tissue equipment.

When Han Dong [opened the door], he integrated all the relevant characteristics of the entire vortex eye into the "magic eye (transcript,

So that the ‘fake magic eyes’ at that time were able to exert a powerful ability that surpassed the records in the manuscripts.


The real magic eye that grows in the center of Han Dong's eyebrows, to be precise, has transcended the definition of "Book of the Dead" itself, and formed an eye that belongs exclusively to Han Dong.

The introduction of vortex eye characteristics,

Not only can the visual characteristics of the "real magic eye" be effectively used, it can be applied to actual combat, and the pre-reading feature of "first, first" tricks can be obtained.

At the same time, it can also perform ‘focused release’ on pupil surgery.

It is like adding a buncher to the shotgun, which can concentrate the bullets with a wide range of action in a small area, causing more damage.

The "black vortex effect" brought about by the vortex eye can condense the pupil technique directly at the center of the vortex, multiplying the effect.

The "weird bullet" affected by the black vortex immediately deviated from its original route, and even with the "self-aim" feature, it could not be corrected.


When the slowing bullet passed by everyone, everyone's eyes observed an extremely strange picture.

A strange figure (the ratio of the length of the limbs to the body exceeds that of ordinary people)

Two eyeballs were dug out, and the thin and withered grandmother was sitting on the surface of the bullet, and the **** eyeballs were locking on everyone.

"This bullet!"

Just when Han Dong wanted other actions to destroy the bullet.


Pope snapped his fingers, creating a void in the front end of the bullet's flight path.

The bullet that Grandma was riding in immediately penetrated into it and was transported to the broken dimension as far as possible.

"Pop! Quickly take us away...has been exposed!"

Do not know why,

Although he was not hit by a bullet, after being exposed, Han Dong felt more uneasy, and even vaguely smelled a strong breath of death.

When the real magic eye examines himself, Pope and Eugenes,

Both can vaguely snoop out a strong but not very clear breath of death, as if his party is about to be killed.

Pope has finished drawing the formation, with his palms attached to the ground, just about to activate the formation.

A feeling of palpitations rose from the hearts of the three at the same time, as if some terrible existence that could quickly kill everyone was coming.

When Han Dong just wanted to say something,

Pope made a big decision instead,

Decisively abandoning the present, it will take a short time to complete the driving "Void Array"... In the starry sky brain, a super-large star directly collapsed, forming a black hole structure.


Including the subject of Pope, Han Dong and Eugenes were instantly sucked into the black hole.


At the moment when the absorption is completed and the black hole dissipates.

An unbelievably fast black shadow struck in an instant, across the current area,

The area swept by the shadows was burned by a layer of ‘black fire’, and even the void mark that Pope had just built was instantly burned.

The black wings are converging on the back,

Wearing a skull mask with sharp white horns on his face,

With the movement of the jaw, a terrifying trill sound filled with hatred:

"Han Dong! Actually you are here! I knew I would just kill it... Did you escape all of this?"

The terrifying person who is chasing right now is the second incarnation of Mr. Teacher-"Black Sky Demon".

Just now, when the grandmother on the bullet passed the observed visual information to Mr. Mr., the long-standing anger in her heart erupted instantly.

Even Granny Bullet and the owner of the glasses shop were shocked. They had never seen such an angry teacher.

Pope’s choice is correct.

If you insist on using the "Void Formation" for stable transmission, they will have been burned by Black Flame before the formation is activated, and they will be killed one by one in a short time.

The tricks used by Pope can also be regarded as one of the cards.

It is the space mystery he can comprehend-[Black Hole] by constructing mythology and combining with the magic code.

There are only a handful, even a handful of dangerous secrets that can be controlled by supernatural demons,

If you are not careful, you will be drawn into a black hole during your practice, and will be hit by dimensionality reduction and annihilated completely, without leaving a trace of residue.

This trick can be used to kill the enemy, and it can also be used for emergency escape like just now.

The effect is very good, the crisis is great and the casting speed is very fast,

The only drawback is that it is "difficult to control".

Just like the black hole teleportation just now, it is impossible to perform fixed-point teleportation as desired.

Not to mention that everyone is extremely unstable, not even possessing the broken dimensions of conventional spatial rules.

Pop can't control the target point of the black hole transmission at all.


An unknown dimension not far away from the stone mountain.

A white hole formed and spewed out Han Dong and others in an ultra-dense compression state.

If it were not for the mythological physique, the body could not bear such a transmission process at all.

"come near me!"

Pope expanded the domain for the first time, creating an independent space large enough to accommodate three people, so as not to be affected by the "broken dimension".

"Where is this..."

Han Dong looked surprised.

Currently, he can't feel anything, no matter whether it is a plant planet or other dead pages, there is no sense at all.

"Black hole transmission is random,

In addition to the huge variable of the broken dimension, I don't know where it is... It's just that in the crisis situation just now, I can only choose this way of escape.

I have to quickly find a relatively stable area, I can't maintain the expansion of the field all the time. "

Han Dong and Eugenes had already used their "eyes" to search for nearby floating continents or remains that could be used for landing.

"what is that?"

Han Dong caught a peculiar light and shadow in his vision.

When Eugenes followed and looked over, his eyes were also unable to resolve, only a blur of light and shadow could be seen.

Except for this strange light and shadow, there is no area nearby that can be used for temporary landing.

"I can only go over and take a look."

As the crowd slowly approached, the light and shadow became clearer, faintly reflecting the relatively complete architectural structure.

"The! It's quite a complete building, and it seems to be still'operating'."

"Nicholas, Eugenes will share your vision with me at the same time!"

At the request of Pope,

Two completely different tentacles penetrated into his brain from the temples on both sides and connected to the optic nerve.

By adjusting the brain to overlap with vision, Pope gets a clearer image.

"This is... the rumors are actually true! The lost The-Great-Library-of-Celaeno really wanders between the broken dimensions, and it is still open!"

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