My Cell Prison

Vol 9 Chapter 1880: King Cheng

During this period of time when all forces are coming to the library.

Both Han Dong and Pope are immersed in the world of books, and they don't even know the outside world, and even their own affairs are ignored.

As for Eugenes,

Ecstatically recovering ancient corpses in the underground area,

At the same time, this kind of rotten, dirty and stinky environment since ancient times is also very suitable for the practice of "The Teaching Method of Corpse Food".

After getting acquainted here, Eugenes will go to the room where the author is imprisoned every day... All 1,008 writing rooms are not missed, just like the inspector here, who inspects on time and on time.

If they die, they will be cleaned up by Eugenes in a short time.

This performance further strengthened the library's idea of ​​keeping Eugenes permanently to work.

Half a month has passed unconsciously.

In the [protagonist and first person] mode, Han Dong, who is immersed in personal stories, is not only used to, but even obsessed with this immersive style

And this immersive reading is not as time-consuming as imagined.

It feels like following the protagonist in the story for a long life, but it actually consumes 1 to 3 hours of reading time, which is extremely efficient.

more importantly,

The immersive experience of each book can increase the fit of the faceless myth by 0.1~0.5%...If this continues, when Han Dong finishes reading all the books here, there is a high probability that the fit will be full.

So far, about 1/5 of the books have been read, and there is not enough time.

Without much time, Han Dong picked up the next white book wrapped in worm glue.

"Bloss's Obese Life"

This tragic biography is born a fat and bloated, almost useless deformed worm.

Faced with all kinds of discrimination, I saw the worst and darkest side among different demons.

Even for a long period of time, a certain meat factory was used as the source of meat. Every day, a large piece of meat was regularly cut out, and at the same time, all the skins that had just grown were peeled off.

Through eating and regeneration stimulation, the next day can continue to produce new worm skin and the same amount of meat.

Even with such pain every day, Han Dong had no idea of ​​ending reading.

Even Han Dong was completely immersed in this role, and he didn't realize that he was reading... actively accepting the experience of being slaughtered by this person, and completely integrated into the extremely weak character of the protagonist.

At the end of the story,

It also ends with the tragedy that the protagonist tried everything and was still killed.

When you finish reading.

Retaining the personal memory of the worm's life, the soul returns to the body.

For ordinary people, it is very likely that they will be severely depressed, and even their heart will be affected and become extremely depressed.

Han Dong didn't have any expressions. When he closed the book, he just closed his eyes, carefully feeling the insights brought by this story and some of the unforgettable experiences.

"Well! It's pretty good... These sufferings are really not in vain.

These tragic stories, as well as the completely different protagonist characteristics, have brought a full 0.5% improvement in the fit of the faceless myth.

In the follow-up, you can choose more protagonists who have a very different personality from me, and come to a completely different camouflage experience...In other words, this worm is too scary.

There is no market for this kind of abuse, so let's come to the next one. "

Just as Han Dong continued to select the next book.

His thinking trembled, and he suddenly looked up at the upper end.

This is the first time in half a month that I have felt the ‘fluctuation’ outside the library room, and it has been in a completely clean state before.

Moreover, the interruption of the reading process is more of Han Dong's subjective wishes.

His eyes widened, and even opened the real magic eye. Due to the limitation of the library structure... even the real magic eye was weakened by the barriers of the soul partition.

When snooping into the library from the wave, the dim astrological spectacle came into view.

At the same time, it also vaguely captured the breath of the birth of a "king".

Han Dong smiled from the heart and shook his head slightly.

"This guy Pope is ahead of everyone, making the most difficult breakthrough...really!

Fortunately, when we leave the library, the journey of searching for the remaining broken pages will be smoother and the time will be greatly shortened. "


The titles include the son of the void, the youngest professor at UM, and even many strange demons privately identified Pope as the'illegal son of the void ruler'.

Regardless of potential, strength, or resourcefulness, they are all top-notch, integrated among the original entities of the past, they must be the number one existence.

Pop, who had already broken through the mythological body, gained extra insights he had never had before after he came into contact with the [Destiny Event (Ladybug Game)], making his mythological path extremely smooth.

In recent years, it has progressed by leaps and bounds.

Before coming to the Broken Dimension, he was already the pinnacle of the myth.

At present, I have come into contact with the legendary No.1 library and go to the astronomical library that fits my own attributes.

Use the [audience] mode to examine each masterpiece here, and observe the evolution of different worlds and the most subtle changes in matter from the perspective of an onlooker.

Before you know it.

The film blocking the mythological body has been broken through.

The mythology picture scroll that was originally located between the planes has been fully unfolded in the reading room, combined with the astronomical library to form a "Star River Kingdom" unique to Pop.

Pope officially set foot in the category of [king].

Of course, because it does not yet have the throne, it currently belongs to the category of pseudo-kings.

Even so, a bright beam of light rushes straight into the sky along the ‘patio structure’ of the astronomical library, and even stabilizes the dimensional space near the library, giving it normal rules of time and space.

The world of s-01 far away,

The surface of a super-giant planet that violates physics,

This planet has almost all the climatic and geomorphological characteristics of all planets in the universe, and there is also a representative forbidden area.

Here, it is the [Primitive Star] jointly created by many old kings, which can be regarded as a super giant talent selection game area.

Mainly used in the original quality competition, a selection will be conducted every ten years.


In the central plain of the planet, there is a monument of great significance.

It is made of an extremely rare throne is called the original stone stele here, and is used to engrave the name of the contemporary original stone.

A Kabbalah tree of life is engraved on the surface of the stele, and it has ten branches, from top to bottom:

1. Crown (kether,)

2. Wisdom (ah, wisd)

3. Reason (forcing an)

4. Kindness (he color d/, love)

5. Severe (geburah, color ve day ty)

6. Beautiful (tiphareth, UU reading www.uukānshu.combeauty)

7. Victory (ory)

8. Glory (hod, splendor)

9. Base plate (yesod,)

10. Kingdom (mal pants th, kingd)

Currently, it is ranked second.

Next to the name of Wisdom, [Pop Menda] is changing, and the small dot in the middle of its name slowly evolves into a black hole, gradually enveloping the second branch.

Virtual space.

Teacher You, who was preparing for the handover of various affairs with the Black Tower, also felt something at this moment.

There was not much posture change, just a slight pause in the movement in his hands.

It seems that everything is under observation.

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