My Cell Prison

Vol 9 Chapter 1907: Huangpao's instructions

When waking up in the dream state, all the memories are retrieved, and at the same time all the things that happened in the dream state are sorted out.

Han Dong immediately understood that the "Yellow Robe King" took such pains for his own sake, and he didn't complain about anything. He was still very grateful.


The white-haired woman who was suspended by her side and was also introduced into the dreamland-[Marui], judging from her dress and the whirlpool mask hung on her waist, she is the person from the Black Tower.

Whether it is a two-point whirlpool mask, or a white coat with a Libra pattern, and the level of the next king, it is enough to show that this woman's status in the black tower is certainly not low.


The other party took the initiative to come here, there must be a reason.

Unexpectedly, it was directly packaged by Huang Pao and made into food exclusively for Han Dong.

"Senior Huangpao, does this lady offend you in any way? Or did she do something that shouldn't be done or say something that shouldn't be said after breaking into Kalksa?"

"No, I just feel that she is very suitable as a "soul tonic" so I will give you a taste. "

This made Han Dong look embarrassed.

"Don't be like this, we just established a special relationship with the black tower here, and I am also an important [intermediary]. It is not a good thing to directly eat an important king-level personnel from the other party~"

"What's so bad about it... That's what happens when you don't understand the rules."

"Senior, the other party will definitely not break into the "soul kingdom" for no reason. Maybe there is something important to report to you... It's better to let her talk about it first, maybe it's important to you and me. "


Huang Pao stretched out his hand and waved, the silk and satin untied.

When the stage was smashed and shattered, Marui in her dream also woke up immediately.

The "king-level realm" unfolded instinctively, a visible scale hanging behind him, and at the same time countless white arms spread out in a fan shape, gently touching the different scales of the scale.

But just in the next second.

Her domain was directly covered and swallowed, and Libra disappeared.

The voice that permeated the soul sounded in the brain:

"Don't forget where you are. This is my theater. Don't perform without authorization... Too much display of your soul will only make you more delicious, and has no other effect."

This terrible sound made Marui suddenly sober.

"Dream...Is everything a dream just now?"

With the influx of memories, Marui immediately adapted.

Kneel on one knee and converge all abilities.

Out of fear in the deepest part of the soul, I didn't dare to look directly at the "Yellow Robe King" in front of me... Even a glimpse of the yellow robe silk dragged on the ground would be greatly affected by the soul.

However, she was able to glance at Han Dong who was aside normally.

Retrieving the memory, she naturally recognized that this was the "only candidate" her husband identified, and at the same time she thought of the experience in the dream...especially the last moment of the dream.

When she was imprisoned in a yellow robe, her skull was removed, and she was sent to Han Dong.

She was about to eat her brain, who knew...Han Dong actually covered her skull again and moved back to her original seat.

Under the circumstances at that time, most of the consciousness of both the dream and the two were controlled by Huangpao. Marui is also very clear that she herself was served as food by the yellow robe king and offered to Han Dong in a clever way.

But Han Dong was able to resist the temptation and understand the truth of the dream, which made her save her life.

A sense of ‘dependence’ that had never been felt before was born deep in her heart.

At this time, Han Dong suddenly asked, "Miss Marui, at the risk of such a big risk, did you go to the Soul Kingdom to convey something?"

"Yes, it is.

As a member of the "Balance Team", I was ordered by Ms. Bei to go here to convey important messages to the King of Yellow Robes.

All members of the out-of-control have left the black tower and will inevitably invade the multiverse in the short term. Although the probability of invading s-01 in the early stage is not high, please be prepared for defense.

In addition, this is the relevant information of the person who is out of control. "

Marui retrieved a large amount of data from the storage device she carried with her.

Hearing this notice, Han Dong's eyes widened, and he quickly looked at the yellow-robed king: "Senior yellow-robed, how long have I spent in dreams?"

"According to the normal time calendar, it will only be eleven months."

"Eleven months? This group of out-of-control people escaped a year earlier than the earliest expected time... The time estimated by Chief Charles himself must not be wrong.

Could it be that there are some more variables in this, so that this group of guys escaped earlier?

Is it because this group of guys took away "The Real Brain"? "

"The real brain? What is this?" Marui was very curious about this unknown term.

"The peculiar things that belong to our strange demons, drifting between the broken dimensions, were accidentally discovered by this group of guys the most important...Miss Marui, how did they get out of the black tower?"

"The out-of-control person used a technology that surpassed our understanding to separate the entire General Administration Building.

The black tower was paralyzed for a short time, and it was only through Mr. An's return to Mr. Lianmento that the crisis was completely eliminated. "

Han Dong was not surprised.

"Sure enough... I knew that this group of guys would definitely take b.b.c away, so it would be a shame if the perfect [base] was left in the black tower.

Directly serving as a base can save a lot of trouble.

By the way, can I follow you back to the black tower? I still have some friends who are interviewing and practicing, and I have to pick them up. "

Marui was a little embarrassed, "This... I'm afraid I have to ask Ms. Bei.

The Black Tower has activated the first level of alert, the passages all over the world are closed, and the space of Destiny is also suspended. "

"Okay, then I'll go with you first and meet Ms. Bei."

The first thing Han Dong thought of was to take out Togu, Chen Li, and Nicole...Of course, there was also the earl.

Otherwise, if they are allowed to stay alone in a world, once they encounter an invasion by someone out of control, it will be too late.

"Wait, Nicholas~Should you take a good look at the changes in your body, and then consider whether to leave?"


Because of the sudden incident, Han Dong, who woke up from his dream, was still a little confused. When Huang Pao mentioned it, Han Dong thought of his own changes.

After a full eleven months.

Han Dong has already comprehended and learned all the broken pages collected between the broken dimensions, not to mention Dacheng...or at least Xiaocheng.

Under the control of consciousness.

Bone fluid can easily spread all over the body, mixed with a gray metal color, with the defense power of Empire-class armor, and can also cover the surface of internal organs with a layer of bone.

The above are the benefits brought by the "Bone Body".

When the attention shifted to the heart, the thumping thump ~ the entire opera house sounded a strong heartbeat, even forcing Marui's heartbeat frequency to match her own.

If Han Dong descends on a biological civilization planet, he only needs to adjust his heartbeat frequency to thousands, and he can easily exterminate the entire civilization.

Of course, the most important role is to provide inexhaustible heart blood. If you cooperate with Piaget, it will be very useful.

The above belongs to the driving effect of "The True Heart of the Heart".

Then take a closer look at the various organs in Han Dong's body.

The surface of each viscera is covered with tiny holes. If you zoom in and observe these holes,

It is actually similar to a door, a window... Follow the small hole to the inside, you will find that the internal organs are full of ‘little people’, working at full efficiency like a factory. This is not as simple as 996, but 7724.

Can also deal with different situations, UU reading www.uukanshu. com meets different needs and undergoes different deformations.

This is exactly the effect of "Internal Organs".

In addition, the most peculiar point is the changes brought about by "The Skull Real Edition". It is not so much the skull but the ‘face’... The main effect should have been to increase the ability of various senses.

At the same time, it can also link the magic eye to achieve better results.

However, during the practice period, it had a special reaction with the head of the faceless person.

Let "camouflage" get a further improvement.

With the permission of the yellow robe, Han Dong picked up a strand of yellow satin scattered on the ground and turned himself into the appearance of a yellow robe king, exuding almost the same soul aura, even the pit structure on the surface of the face was exactly the same.

When the feeling is over.

Han Dong immediately returned to his original appearance and knelt down sincerely.

"Thank the king of Huangpao for his gift and kind care for such a long time!"

The voice of the yellow robe echoed in the opera house,

"I am also very curious about the experience of cultivating "Book of the Necropolis"... Your physical changes during this time have also been satisfying my curiosity.

After all, there has never been an extraordinary magic capable of cultivating this Supreme Magic Tome, and I can be regarded as the first witness.

If you want to thank me, just put aside the things on the black tower side for the time being. If you have any friends and your best friends are there, they will definitely come to you in a hurry.

Now that the war is approaching, and you, as the axis,

There are only two issues you need to consider first:

1. Continue to repair the remaining dead pages.

2. Become a king.

If you can't do these two points, and when you wait for the other party to really start aggression against us, you can only watch everyone play games from the side due to your lack of strength. This is too boring. "

"Yes... I understand."

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