My Cell Prison

Vol 9 Chapter 1910: Commission

Between Lake Harry in Kalksa.

Huang Pao personally acted as the "boat owner," rowing Han Dong to the shore.

During boating.

A white jade tentacles grew from the bottom of the yellow robe, and it was quietly wrapped around Han Dong's leg... from the ankle to the thigh, it even overflowed with a structure similar to a sucker, firmly sticking to the surface of the skin.

"You are just being transformed? How is this done?"

"Well~ I was fortunate enough to get in touch with and learn the "leg transcripts" before, and I also got the guidance of the old king. "

"Oh? The leg, isn't it the toad?"

"Yes, the original Toad ancestor took great care of me."

"No wonder~ this toad is quite capable. The [Toad Capital-Enkai] under his control has been listed as a model city many times, and many small and medium cities of strange monsters have tried to imitate it.

Many portals across the stars are also related to the toad demons he controls.

Moreover, this guy has also tried to practice "Book of the Necropolis".

Although it ended in failure, it gave him a lot of insights... Therefore, combining the essence of the toad demon on the basis of the original copy, he created a unique leg copy. "

After Huang Pao mentioned this, Han Dong also recalled his past experience.

[Cad ancestor] It can be said that he played an important bearing role in his growth journey. He directly eliminated Han Dong who was following the large army for the "Great Expedition". It could even be said that the contact with humans was temporarily cut off and sent to the City of London in advance. .

At the same time, there is also a gift of Lord Marytis.

It is this kind of "gift" that allowed Han Dong to contact the entire magic circle in advance, laying the foundation for the success of the subsequent great expedition, and at the same time allowing Han Dong to participate in the first London game and meet the important elements in advance.

It paved the way for the subsequent development of the relationship in the alien circle.

"When the event is over, I must pick up Miss Mary Tiss and return [Enkai] to greet the Toad ancestor... Without the'promotion' given by the Toad ancestor, my speed of understanding the world and my own growth rate is bound to be Far less than now. 』

When the wooden boat docked, only Han Dong came ashore.

Just when Han Dong walked towards the exit.

Huangpao's voice came again:

"Nicholas, wait a minute... I suddenly remembered something, if you went to [Deep Sea]. In addition to saying hello for me, by the way, give this thing back to the big octopus."

A pure soul crystal floated from the sleeves, similar to a white jade bead.

"What is this?" Han Dong faintly had a bad premonition.

"Before, I had a ‘some’ contradiction with that big octopus... and this is the point of contradiction.

Give this thing back to him, after all, you belong to the messenger on both sides, and I believe you can adjust the relationship. "

When Han Dong took the sphere with a puzzled look.

Hum! It's like electricity running through the whole brain.

He could clearly feel that what was wrapped in the white jade jewel body was a group of powerful alien spirit souls, not to mention the king level, at least it was of a mythical level.

And this group of souls appeared extremely clear and special... The specific shape was similar to that of an octopus in the deep sea.

Obviously, this is not a ‘friendly’ errand.

However, since Han Dong, as the "Yellow Robe Envoy", should have done what the envoy should do, let alone receive Huang Pao's attention during this period, so naturally he couldn't refuse.

"Okay, I will return this thing to the great existence in the deep sea."

Hum! Han Dong has already crossed the soul kingdom.

"Um... don't die." Huang Pao deliberately said it after Han Dong had left, as if it was just for himself, so that his conscience would get better.


Han Dong appeared on the surface of a deserted planet.

"This is a place where birds don't shit. Fortunately, "Plant Planet" stops here... Otherwise, I'm really not good at positioning.

How should I go to [Deep Sea]?

According to the previous understanding of [Deep Sea], in any ocean area between planets, there are channels leading to the deep sea, and there is a feeling of inclusive of all rivers.

With my identity as the ‘Emissary of the Deep Sea’, it should be easy to span the past.

Let's go... Go to the nearest planet. "

Just when Han Dong wanted to board the plant planet.


A strong detection wave hit, without any disguise, directly "marking" Han Dong.

"What level of perceptual fluctuation is this? It radiates the entire star field directly to determine my position? Is it possible that Mr.'s body has already invaded...Is it so arrogant?"

The first thing Han Dong thinks of is the out of control.

Immediately return to the [Entrance] of the Soul Kingdom, now he must not be Mr.'s opponent, and may not even survive for a few seconds.


Suddenly, a drop of thick white liquid suddenly fell in front of Han Dong.

"Take me as someone out of control... It seems that you have caused a lot of trouble over there."

The white liquid first condensed with one hand and held down Han Dong's shoulder, and then slowly condensed into the corresponding human form.

"This is... Mr. M! Why did you come here."

"I have been looking for you for several days.

A few hours ago, I heard about you from a [Marui] search officer, and immediately rushed to this star field... I didn’t expect you to practice in the kingdom of the soul.

Unexpectedly, there are so many old kings who are taking care of you behind the scenes?

You really can socialize~"

"Haha, I have known the king of the yellow robe a long time ago... It's just that we met again recently because of some small things. Senior came to S-01 personally. There must be something urgent to find me?"

"Well, it's about the "world placement."

The out-of-control have escaped completely, and even swept away the headquarters building, which means that they do not need to establish a base at all, and will inevitably launch a world invasion in a short period of time.

There are hundreds of self-created worlds under my command, and each of them faces potential dangers.

The number of Black Tower's recent acceptance is also severely limited... I plan to include some of the worlds that are related to you, such as "Dead Kingdom".

In addition, there are several worlds where you are a shareholder, all of which are placed on the side of S-01, and you will be connected to you. "

"Okay! What should I do?"

"I have already visited [Void] with Miss Bei in advance, and got the consent of the prophet.

These worlds will be temporarily made into stable "Void Meat Bubbles" through the hands of this prophet, and you will keep them... After they are made, the Void will directly distribute these meat bubbles to you, or ask you to get them somewhere. take. "

"This is great! Thank you Senior M!"

Hearing Han Dong here, he was overwhelmed with joy. He himself was also very worried about the world he was connected to, but he didn't expect to be brought over directly by Senior M.

"Yes, has "Derui Town" also been placed here? The mayor is..."

"That's not true. Since you know the identity of the mayor, they will certainly not come. Such an important special world has been protected by the black tower in the first place."

"Well, that's fine."

"By the way... your friend was also brought here.

I still have a lot of work to do. I have been delayed here for a few days, and I will find you when I am free. "

When Mr. M looked at his watch and quickly turned and left.

An ultra-stable space channel is formed by the modeling fluid, and four familiar figures are transported over.

"Torgu, Miss Chen Li and Nicole! You have finally completed the trial..."

When the excited Han Dong stepped forward to give a hug, he could also clearly feel the difference.

Except for Nicole who is still staying in "Return to Ancestor", both Chen Li and Tuogu are already "myths", and the body of Tuogu also exudes a strong world power.

The specific details are naturally to wait until the follow-up to ask slowly.

During the hug,

Through Han Dong, Chen Li's hair, Nicole's tentacles, and Togu's needles and saw blades, vaguely glimpsed that there was an acquaintance at the back end, as if he was wagging his tail.

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