My Cell Prison

Vol 9 Chapter 1933: captivity

In this duel, Han Dong was under tremendous pressure throughout the entire process, whether it was mental or physical.

No one second of attention is lower than 99%.

The power that has just become a king is intensified to the greatest extent, and at the critical juncture, the ability control that exceeds expectations has erupted, perfectly displaying the "stop" that affects itself and the nearby space.

The crisis turned into an opportunity,

The moment the magic sword was inserted into the skull.

Due to the tearing of truth and the absolute exorcism effect, not only the meninges were cut, but even the membrane covering the consciousness was torn apart.

The ancient brains that have been hidden in the skull for several epochs, together with the "Dead Sea Will" that drives this rebirth of the flesh, are gushing out at the same time.

Han Dong has an extraordinary affinity for the'brain', and even some of them fall in love with this kind of food because of Huang Pao's teaching.

This kind of ancient brains from the old king of the deep sea, like a peerless delicacy, exudes a delicacy that can't be resisted at all.

Han Dong opened his mouth instinctively and sucked.

Because the amount is too large, a mouth is far from enough~ Therefore, a large number of gray tentacles grow in the back of the brain, and the ends of the mouth evolve out of the structure of the mouth, and they are swallowed together.

Various parts of the flesh also formed a large number of black vortex areas, assisting in absorbing these delicacies.

Make sure that no drop is wasted.

Of course,

Han Dong, who is the master, will not forget a subordinate who also has deep-sea attributes and needs nutrition...Nicole who was bred in the [Soul Spar].

After getting a small amount of brain nourishment, she has already stretched out a pink tentacles.

When this "dead sea brain feast" was exhausted, a sense of extreme fatigue instantly surged into the brain.

in addition,

Han Dong's true magic eyes also caught a glimpse of the ‘watcher’ hidden in the dark.

No longer insist, let the consciousness disperse.

The body of the new king has been completely "fed" in this step-by-step battle.

Now is the time for an urgent need to rest. Let your body absorb the ‘experience’ provided by this battle, so that the "pseudo king" level can be completely stabilized.

During deep sleep

A huge change that Han Dong didn't know was happening in his mind.

【Prison World】

A drop of pure rainwater containing endless death, dripped and landed in the sky.

The location is neither the prison area nor the area where the World Tree is located.

It's an undeveloped wasteland area... It has not been summarized in the current "World Development Plan", and no one will set foot in it at least in recent years.


When raindrops hit the ground.

Fat Starfish Brie, as well as a group of marine life who lived in the prison world for a long time, have a strong sense of resonance.

They showed their true state one by one and rushed here at the fastest speed.

When they arrived at the scene,

The sight in front of them caused them to fall into a very strange emotional state one by one, excited but mixed with a little panic.

Excitement dominates because the prison world has finally evolved into a ‘ocean structure’.

The formation of the ocean allows them to have a larger and broader space for development, and can nurture and develop more offspring.

The horror is that the sea in front of you is not blue.

It is mainly black, and every drop of sea water is filled with indescribable death, and even feels that something terrible is watching them.

"This is... the Dead Sea! How could it be possible!?"

The most knowledgeable Fat Starfish Brie has recognized the nature of this sea area.

When they heard the word "Dead Sea", all the deep divers, including him, stepped back one after another, daring not to come into contact with such sea water. Valley

However, when everyone was backing synchronously, there was an individual with a different shape and not belonging to the deep sea stepping forward.

There is no fear in his eyes, but full of excitement.

The exposed brain and multiple sub-brains are beating with excitement.

First squatted on the shore, using a special pumping device, filled with ten buckets of Dead Sea water.

Then he took out three "Ghoul Capsules" from his waist and threw them gently to the ground.

A ghoul with a huge physique and reaching a [mature body] is formed within a few seconds.

They carried the buckets of seawater on their bodies, and one of them had also made room for Dr. Swelling to ride.

Before leaving.

The doctor scanned the group of deep divers in front of him.

"If you are interested, you can go to the laboratory with me.

I will use the most advanced ‘adaptation technology’ to allow you to try to accept seawater extracts... Once successful, you will be able to swim freely in this ocean and seize the opportunity for growth in advance. "

"I... I'll go."

"I also sign up!"

Approximately 1/2 of the deep divers on the scene followed Dr. Swelling.

Of course, what was left was not a coward, but wanted to adapt to the Dead Sea by himself, and had already stepped his webbed feet toward the shallows.

I don't know how long it has been.

Han Dong's consciousness gradually cleared up.

According to his expectation, he should receive special care from Mr. Ke, lying on a comfortable hospital bed, and enjoying the most advanced medical services of Laleyer.


There is no softness of the bed at all from the back, but it is panic.

At the same time, a very painful sense of restraint came from the neck, wrists and ankles.

They are all wearing chain cuffs made of special sea rocks,

Acupuncture is even more pierced into it, and a secretion that can suppress transmission and weaken the individual is continuously injected into Han Dong's body.

Han Dong himself is being held in an airtight, icy cell.

"Um...I'm in jail?"

A certain monitor noticed the soberness of the prisoner Han Dong,

Ka~ A conch embedded in the wall automatically separated and fell in front of Han Dong... In a short time, a deep-sea jailer with a fierce face full of conch structures grew out of it.

"Valen Nicholas, there is evidence that directly proves that you caused the balloon rain that occurred in the [Deep Sea] ten days ago, leading to the direct deaths of 781 deep divers.

The waters of Azeiros and Van Mu were severely damaged.

At the same time, your direct activities also led to the complete destruction of more than 30% of the [Dead Sea] area, and the ecosystem was completely disrupted... Father God Dagon, who should have completed the resurrection plan, was killed.

The sins are serious, you will be taken to the [Final Sea Cliff] in ten minutes, and you will be judged personally by our lord. "

Han Dong looked curious, "What...Balloon rain? Is it the celestial phenomenon that inspired me when I became a king?"

"Ten minutes, think about what you should say during the trial. There must not be a word that violates my lord and defiles the deep sea...otherwise, you will be executed early."

After the conch-structured jailer finished these aggressive words, he stood quietly on the side.

Who knows,

Han Dong expressed neither panic nor fear of death.

Instead, he took the initiative to bring his body close to the opponent.

Even ignoring the pain caused by the shackles, he stretched out his hand and landed on the jailer's shoulder.

"Yes, it's pretty sturdy~ I didn't expect that there is a [Prison] in the deep sea, and there are such elite jailers who are responsible for guarding.

Are you interested in doing things for me? The guaranteed treatment is definitely better than here, and the prisoners are more interesting than here. "

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