My Cell Prison

Vol 9 Chapter 1946: Hand collection

【Dreamland Meeting Place】

It is a special venue designed by my grandmother and built using the highest grade ‘dream wood’ planted in the backyard as materials.

It is usually used in battles of mythological entities, or in situations such as the "Dream of Demons" hosted by the grandmother.

The dream venue has two characteristics:

1. The venue can provide the personnel in the venue with an absolutely quiet and undisturbed dream venue, which is conducive to concentrating on fighting or practicing.

2. The venue will also provide the audience with a ‘super close-up’ observation opportunity.

Spectators who are allocated seats can connect to the "dream conduit" attached to the seats, allowing their consciousness to descend into the arena in a "phantom state", which will not have any impact on the venue, and can observe and learn from close range.


The venue is full of seats.

Even some young witches came here, although there are no seats,

But even looking at them from a distance is a great help to their growth, and it is definitely a rare opportunity.

Han Dong came to the huge venue like a tree nest,

"Is that a person? At least ten times more than the number I estimated when I entered the village.

Demps, Miss Helen, you two will go to the infield directly with me, pretending to assist in the practice... If the main body is close to me, there may be extra gains. "

Of course Demps is very willing.

But Miss Helen asked worriedly:

"My inner nature, Nicholas, you already know.

During the day, my grandmother would not let me approach the abyss of Liangyi, let alone touch the broken pages... I don't know if I will be affected by being so close. "

"I'm leading this place, and you won't be affected by the Necronomicon Book.

The same is the magic book,

Miss Helen may be able to get some inspiration from my practice room,

I might also be able to take advantage of the magic aura emitted by Miss Helen to make the cultivation process smoother. "

"Well, I will come in with you first and see if my grandmother allows it."

that's all,

When the three enter at the same time,

The hustle and bustle of the meeting place immediately became silent,

When the grandmother in the center of the venue saw that Helen would also assist in the practice, she did not say much, but only acquiesced in such behavior.

The grandmother briefly explained the order and regulations between the venues, when she was about to let Han Dong begin.

The barrier set in the swamp suffered an irresistible breakthrough.

"This is!"

Everyone in the meeting room raised their heads along with the grandmother,

Dark, rugged, and creepy black monsters have flown to the top of the venue.

More than one, not a group,

It was a black army that instantly enveloped the sky of the assembly hall.

The smooth and shiny skin of a whale, the devilish horns bend inward...It is the silent night in the dream world-[Night Dire].

Surrounded, surrounded and sucked by this group of night dire.

A completely different existence above all the individuals on the scene is slowly descending,

Two eyeballs like meteorite stones, like yin and yang poles, swim regularly on the face.

As he descended, he reached out and pointed to a certain audience area.

The venue, which was full of seats, was forced to expand into an extra space.

Pause time,

Numerous night dire all over the sky, frantically rushing into the 10×10×10m space, through ultra-high-density compression, their flesh, bones, teeth and wings are shaped into seating styles.

Two complete skulls with curved horns with light and luster, just as the head of the armrest of the seat.

The moment the construction was completed, the Supreme Being was also just seated.

A witch at the scene didn't even dare to get angry... They knew who was coming.

Han Dong and others had already made a pious posture of bowing at the first time.

"Unexpectedly, even the "Second Prophet" would come to cheer. This is at the intellectual level. Only Teacher You can slightly overwhelm an existence, and its [observation] is even more than S-01 can match. 』

at this time,

A burst of sound like from the depths of a dream, released through the night dire seat, similar to a kind of ‘flesh electromagnetic sound’: Gu

"I just took the time to come and take a look, don't care about my coming, start your practice... Nicholas."

"Good senior."

Han Dong has seen too many big scenes. Perfection did not affect his mind due to the arrival of the "Second Prophet", but instead aroused a strong desire for performance.

A smug make-up hung on his face. If it weren't for being asked to start practicing, Han Dong would even have a clown show for everyone on the scene.

Hanging cross-legged, eyes closed tightly.

"Hand" was perfectly suppressed by the Abyss of Two Instruments, so after being accepted by Han Dong, he stayed in his body very honestly.


The reason why I put "Hands" at the end is because the importance of this broken page is very high, and it is extremely important to myself.

Combine Han Dong's physical characteristics.

The brain is the core,

The torso is the bearing,

The arms are the most important external structure, and the left and right arms have different characteristics. They have been growing and evolving with Han Dong since the knight trainee.

Simple classification words.

The right arm symbolizes physics, melee combat, and regeneration.

The left arm symbolizes magic, long-range, and death.

Each arm is Han Dong’s most important weapon to kill the enemy, so the learning and integration of "Hands" will be extremely important, and Han Dong doesn’t know exactly what changes it will bring.

Will it take the quality of the two arms to a higher level,

Or will it deepen the understanding of the ‘Essence of the Arm’ and improve the efficiency of subsequent upgrades?

The answer to all this will be revealed soon.

""Book of the Necromancer-Real Hand" has been included, and the current progress of inclusion is [8/9]"


In an instant, Han Dong's consciousness was no longer in the meeting place.

As usual in the first collection, I came to the inner world carried by "Book of the Necromancer-Pre-Book" and came to the giant who symbolized the origin of mankind.

The arms of this "first-generation human" were full of sores, the bones were exposed, and even the fingers were not intact.

The injuries of the left and right arms are almost the same.

But Han Dong's repairing methods for the two arms are completely different.

Come to the giant's right arm first.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

The arteries and vessels flowing with the original blood were shot from different positions of Han Dong's arm and inserted into the giant's right arm for "blood transfusion."

With the inflow of the original blood, the sore ulcer on the right arm of the giant UU Reading slowly grew a brand new scarlet flesh, and even the severed finger was slowly reborn.

Of course,

Due to the large difference in volume, the repair process is relatively long.

But with the return of the earl, Han Dong's blood is almost inexhaustible, no matter how long it takes, until the entire right arm is completely repaired.

After seven days and seven nights, a crimson right arm full of vitality and full of bright red blood vessels formed.

Next is "Giant's Left Arm".

Unlike patching,

As soon as Han Dong came up and stuck his palm directly on the surface of his left arm, a wave of black sand that symbolized death was released to the greatest extent, completely eroding the entire rotten and dilapidated left arm, leaving only its basic bone structure.

Then through the sophisticated black magic configuration, it reshapes the arm.

Every part of the bone surface is engraved with ancient secrets retelled by the supporting arm.

After dozens of days of reshaping, carving and polishing,

An arm like a black crystal, like a handicraft, is shaped,

The gap between each sand crystal is also filled with the water of the Dead Sea, making the arm feel between the crystal and the liquid, and it has a different feel to the touch, an ice-cold skull.

"In this way, the arms will be all, and the brain will be lost."

Before leaving the inner world, Han Dong deliberately jumped onto the giant's skull and drilled into the cave-like nostrils... Stepping into the skull area at the deepest point, the rotten and foul brain is like the Shuggs excretion pond in the black meat mountain.


Whether it is the importance of the broken pages or the difficulty of repairing, the [brain] is the top priority.

Being looted may be a good thing for me... Put it at the end, when everything is ready! Maybe it can be done together with the coronation.

That's it~ The introductory training of "Hands" has officially started. "

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