My Cell Prison

Vol 9 Chapter 1951: Promotion to the throne

Hearing the basic explanation of the concept of [Wang] by the vice president,

The doubts in Han Dong's heart were resolved,

In fact, this concept is important,

But even if Han Dong doesn't know this concept, it has no effect on his development... Ever since Han Dong came to the world of S-01 with cell clusters, he has been pursuing perfection.

Otherwise, just choose a good body at first and it will be over.

Out of the pursuit of perfection, Han Dong could never conduct a "coronation ceremony" at will.

The vice principal continued to add:

"Of course, the above "concept of the king" is mainly for our world, so we use our proper nouns ‘apostle’, ‘pillar’, and ‘final lord’.

In other words, the super world, which has reached saturation like ours, can basically apply this concept.


For some worlds that are in a growth period and are not yet saturated.

[Wang]'s level is not fixed, it can be "promoted", but the difficulty factor is extremely high.

Their promotion will inevitably be accompanied by the promotion of the world, and the two are necessary conditions for each other.

For example,

For an ordinary large-scale world, the tolerance of the world itself cannot carry the "superior". Even if there happens to be a proud man of heaven whose "kingdom factors" meet the upper ranks, he can only be crowned as a lower rank first, and will accompany and lead the world to grow together.

Such individuals who grow up with the world have unique benefits.

When the world is saturated, he will surely master most of the world's powers and core resources, and the intensity is absolutely not bad. "

When talking about this concept,

Han Dong also immediately thought of several acquaintances.

One is [Grave Lord] who was favored by Mr. M,

One is [the mayor] who is the established person of the D letter,

They are all in the above situation, and their throne will grow with the world level.

in addition,

In addition, the leader of Ma Long, who was crowned by the Demon King in the [Large World-Hell], will inevitably also be promoted to the throne level as the world rises.


Han Dong has also seen a brief introduction to the world of **** in the Black Tower.

This is a very special large world that has existed a long time ago.

Moreover, important species such as "demons" that exist in the multiverse were born in the hell.

All primitive worlds are also spreading information about hell. Some primitive humans with bad qualities will be reborn in **** after death. If they survive a lot of suffering, they will transform the species of demons.

Of course... if you don't hold it, you can only become hell's bait.

Enough to be called a textbook-level large world.

Logically speaking, Hell should have been promoted to a higher level long ago, but it was restricted due to some confidential reason that Han Dong could not inquire, which is probably related to the output of [Devil].

Once a large world is promoted to a sub-super world, it will gain a lot of authority, and the control of the black tower will be reduced accordingly.

Now there is a massive out-of-control outbreak,

Han Dong guessed that the Dark Tower is likely to lift the restrictions on [Hell] and avoid the danger posed by those out of control.

"Once the restrictions of **** are lifted, characters like Captain Ma Long will surely get [Promotion to Throne]. 』

Han Dong, who has dealt with Ma Long, knows very well that this commander, who symbolizes the battle power of the Holy City, is not just a [lower] factor in becoming a king.

"Thanks for the detailed explanation from the vice principal! I understand."

Han Dong sat on the ground and changed to bow forward.

"Thanks to the vice-principal for his teaching for so long, and I am always looking for the "Trinity" you mentioned in Cheng Wang.

When the next large-scale ‘game’ is over, I will definitely fulfill my teaching duties as a teacher at the University of Michigan. "

"Fulfill my duties? Is your kid trying to force me to give way?"

"Ah? I don't mean it at all. I just teach students only. As for the position, I won't consider it."

"Even if you don't think about it, as long as your level, influence, and personal strength reach that level, there will naturally be an external force pushing you up.

At that time, the position of the vice principal will be yours. "

"Ah this..."

"Hahaha~ just kidding.

If you can really take the place of [Vice Principal], I don’t know how happy it is. At that time, I will be able to leave all the burdens aside and go to all parts of the world to do what I want to do.

Of course, Nicholas, you are still young, there is no need to take the initiative to restrain yourself.

Do whatever you want, and when you feel old and bored, it’s also good to come back to teach and manage the school. "


"Go~ The main reason you are going to Mi Da this time is not to come to me.

Hurry up to [The Black Tower] to learn about the progress of the invasion of those out of control groups, and bring us back some useful and confidential information that the Black Tower does not want to share.

The "perfect warm-up" before the game is still necessary. "

When the vice principal talked about this, he was also in a state of eagerness to try, and there was an inexplicable excitement in his words.

He has been in the peaceful and stable campus of the University of Michigan for too long,

Although he still needs to sit inside the University of Michigan during the game, there will definitely be smart guys invading the campus.

"Okay, then don't disturb the vice principal."

Because the black tower is in a state of alert, UU reading www. The transmission channels of's worlds are all closed, and the operation of [Destiny] is also suspended.

Han Dong also didn't know if he could go in.

When I came to the area where the University of Michigan was responsible for the "gate of destiny",

The "Is race" in charge of technology, transformation, and spatial control also showed Han Dong that he could not feel any spatial fluctuations. The door had been closed from the inside, and their technology could not be forcibly opened.

"It's okay, I'll give it a try... If it doesn't work, then forget it."


While Han Dong leaned step by step towards the gate of destiny,

From time to time, his eyes glanced at the [Is] researcher with a wrinkled cone structure, trumpet-shaped organs, tentacles, and various weird structures beside him.

"The Isth race seems to be at odds with the Doctor's Migo, or even opposite...Moreover, the Doctor has already coordinated research with the "Old Man" brought in from Eugenes.

In this case, there is no need to introduce this kind of technological race into my world.

The convenience of scientific research does not require too many individuals, just elites. 』

In the end, Han Dong didn't put his arm on the other's shoulder, just took a few more glances.

The researcher Isi who was stared at this way seemed a little embarrassed. The trumpet-shaped organ growing on its top was moving back and forth with inhalation and drumming.

Quite appropriately express her current mood and what she wants to do.


When Han Dong touched the "gate of destiny" without any sense.


The deadly door was forcibly activated.

A special induction spread throughout the body, as if the "gate of fate" was detecting Han Dong's identity and physical condition.

The black vortex between the belly button began to rotate on its own, resonating with the door.

A circle of black vortex gates that only Han Dong can pass through was formed separately, sucking Han Dong completely into it.

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