My Cell Prison

Vol 9 Chapter 1960: Joint Destruction

Han Dong is a special case,

As the weakest member of the supporting forces, he sticks behind Director Charles throughout the entire process, close to the black tent together.

Whether it is the subjective behavior that Charles personally greeted or the special preferential treatment given later, they all directly expressed that he wanted to "grab someone."

During the period, Han Dong also glanced at Mr. M secretly.

The latter didn't matter at all, and even used his eyes to signal Han Dong to follow Charles, which was the safest option.

Soon it was approaching the "black account" formed by the World Rubik's Cube.

The reason why the term "black tent" is used to describe the world blockade is precisely because the situation directly observed by the naked eye is a black curtain covering all the world.

The surface of the black tent is constantly rippling strangely,

Like waves in the sea,

Once close, these ripples may turn into a **** mouth and swallow the individual into it,

Of course, the black account is a kind of ‘selective devouring’.

If the six members of the highest will approach at the same time, the black account will only swallow the weakest in perception, and the others will be excluded...until the swallowed person is completely killed.

If there are special circumstances, the black account will also self-assess the risks in it, and ultimately choose not to swallow it.


Chief Charles has repeatedly emphasized that the ‘shortest safety distance’ is not allowed to be exceeded.

If someone is swallowed, they will face an army of out-of-control.

If the original letters are lost before the official war begins, the balance of war will be greatly affected.

"Nicholas, this is the information we have collected and inferred from the last few breaks of the'black account'...I will give you one minute to browse and one minute to understand.

Speak your thoughts in two minutes and listen. "

After handing the special documents to Han Dong,

Charles came to the forefront of the team alone, at the shortest safe distance.


The metal ring between the fingers is automatically peeled off, and each metal ring is self-contained, forming a ring of extremely stable control force field.

Ten rings were slowly attached to different positions on the surface of the black tent under Charles’s control.

They are arranged in a circle with a distance of kilometers from each other.

At the same moment,

Charles raised his right arm and aligned his palm to the center of the circle arranged by the ring.

The "X-shaped" mark, which is the same as the pupil, is directly imprinted on the surface of the black tent, and the ring is combined to form a circle of "absolute control."

It is equivalent to drawing a circle on the surface of a wide black cloth, and the circle area is completely separated from the black cloth.

The "World Rubik's Cube" will autonomously supply energy to any area of ​​the black tent, provide support at the rule level, and avoid damage.

The "area of ​​absolute control" constructed by Director Charles can isolate and greatly reduce the energy supply from the world's Rubik's Cube.

This circular area will serve as the key for everyone to break the seal of the world.

"Begin to break."

Following the instructions given by Chief Charles,

Leona unfolded the "Twelve Wings" on her back for the first time,

Hum! A hundred miles in the radius are illuminated by dazzling light, and the positive life bathed in it will gain lifespan and increase the perception of light.

Even the ripples on the surface of the black tent were suppressed at this moment, became calm and no longer raised waves.

Close observation will reveal,

Each of the wings of light growing behind her has a completely different shape.

Some are bound by shackles,

Some are flowing with blood,

Some are engraved with paintings,

Each wing symbolizes the ‘twelve trials’ that Leona experienced during her coronation.

She put her hands on her chest,

Strips of light with disagreements flow quickly between the wings, and finally converge in the palm of the hand.

Form and construct an extremely pure concentrated light sphere.

It can even be regarded as a "compressed universe" with different attributes and mainly brilliance!

There is no exaggeration, violence, or large-scale attack, just gently throwing the ball of light in his hand.

When the light ball touches the black tent,


An unimaginable repulsive force erupted in an instant, forming an ultra-large-scale dimensional storm.

The originally calm black tent immediately set off turbulent waves, and even arm-like bulges continued to appear, trying to drag everyone into it.

Once there is any bulge in the black tent close to everyone.

The boss will take one step out, slam it with a punch that contains freedom to completely break it, ensuring that the members are not affected.

At this time,

Director Z. Zod has completed the fluid analysis of the black tent area in his brain, obtained a fairly perfect analytical solution through hundreds of partial differential equations, and informed W. Walter of this conclusion.

The two are ready to join hands.


Walter’s head turned 180°, as if there was no neck connection.

Neck up,

Head down,

A black vortex ignoring time and space was quickly generated, wrapping Leona's light orb in the center of the black vortex, pushing it to the ‘weakest point’ of the black tent.

During the process, Director Zod took out paper and pen directly.

Wearing a mask with the number ‘0’, he began to make "parameter corrections" on the draft paper.

Establish partial differential equations for vortex, photosphere, and black tent, and then perform matrix transformation and fitting of the three through the coordinate system change to obtain the best "fitting parameters".

With Zord’s calculations,

An undetectable regular force corrects the black vortex to the best state, and at the same time pushes the light ball to the most perfect position.


The dimensional storm was suppressed and gradually dissipated,

The light ball is successfully embedded in the surface of the black tent, and it is currently only superficially fitted with a depth of only one meter.

Mr. M immediately surrounded the ball of light and constructed a circle of stabilizing facilities similar to the propeller to ensure that the ball of light would not be ejected by the black tent.

Next, everyone needs to advance the light ball to make it fully embedded... Through implosion, UU Kanshu can completely tear off the black account.

Higher-level means are applied one after another,

Such a scene can only be seen in the "World Cataclysm" that occurred in S-01 in the past.


Han Dong is totally unaffected,

No matter whether it was the glorious presence, the dimensional storm, or the homogenous black vortex, it did not affect his attention.

Focus on the precious materials in your hands, and work with Dr. Swelling

Completed all reading and comprehension in 1 minute and 38 seconds, and made a very special inference.

When Han Dong lifted his reading state, he was also shocked by the sight in front of him.

It is as if a star is embedded in the boundless darkness, trying to disperse the darkness completely through the internal light...Han Dong is very clear that he himself can't come up with such an exaggerated breakthrough method.

However, for the removal of the black account,

He has another, more agreeable way.

"Chief Charles! I have finished reading...I may be able to provide a more effective "destruction plan", which may be feasible. "


Charles himself is very practical,

For Han Dong, who only reads literal things and tries to propose solutions, he generally doesn't know how to listen.

But Han Dong is different.

During the B.B.C visit, Han Dong completed an event that he thought was [zero] possibility.

Therefore, he would like to listen to Han Dong's inferences drawn from the information on paper.

"Go ahead, be as brief as possible."

When Han Dong finished the explanation word by word, Director Charles could not find any rebuttal points for a while, but he also frowned.

"The plan you proposed is retained for the time being. At present, our breakthrough is fairly smooth. We will break it out as originally planned... If you encounter an abnormal situation or the breakthrough fails, then consider your plan."

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