My Cell Prison

Vol 9 Chapter 1962: Homology and exclusion

Before Han Dong was reborn in the S-01 world, he had a characteristic-"interest memory".

This characteristic is possessed by almost all human beings. After experiencing something that interests them, they are often impressed, even in the past few years and decades.


How much different people's characteristics can be used is completely different.

If the average value of human "interest memory" is positioned at 10%.

Then Han Dong's value in this area can reach 500%, or even higher.

Once in a biological research project, as long as he is interested in [points], or some peculiar phenomena between experiments, 100% of all details will be stored in the brain.


Even if Han Dong has only seen World Rubik's Cube once, he can remember all the details he observed and collected in his head.

"Repulsion Effect" is a set of theories derived from the reverse deduction based on the homology induction between the Rubik's Cube and the brain.

The key point is [the head of the faceless],

And it must be close to the surface of the black account to take effect.

Naturally, there are several problems...The most serious one is how to ensure that Han Dong will not be swallowed as he approaches the black account.

To convince everyone.

Han Dong took out the simulation experiment of Dr. Swelling in the body, and forged a black tent film to destroy.

Director Z. Zod nodded and admitted to the experiment, but raised a very intuitive question.

"Although the success rate of the experiment is 100%, there are actually various unknowns...maybe not even the 50% success rate."

Han Dong immediately added:

"Even if it fails, no more than an hour will be wasted.

But if it succeeds,

Can save the important [Mandros],

It also allows me to collect more data about black accounts and Rubik's Cubes. Next time, if someone out of control uses similar blockade methods, my success rate in breaking them will be greatly increased. "

"Um...I don't have any problems."

Director Zod nodded in affirmation after getting a satisfactory reply.

He doesn't care whether Han Dong will be swallowed. If it succeeds, as Han Dong said, it will defeat the invasion plan of the out-of-control, and multiple worlds will be saved.

At this time,

Mr. M changed his usual casualness and said seriously:

"Nicholas, none of us can ensure that you will not be swallowed up by the black account when you are completely close to it... If you are willing to take such a risk, just do it."

After all, Mr. M threw himself wearing a "white mask".

"If something abnormal happens, this thing should be able to help you a little bit."

At the same time.

Director Charles took out a circle of metal rings that symbolized control, which was larger than the ring...a circle of shiny metal rings around Han Dong's neck.

""Circle of Control" can effectively help you regulate your body,

Both the efficiency of nerve sensing and the rate of energy transmission will increase.

Of course, you are not enough to use the [Power of Control] contained in it to influence the outside world. If you want to learn later, please come to me at any time. "

"Okay~Thank you."

Upon seeing this,

Francis also wanted to give something, so he reached out and buttoned the corners of his underwear, trying to take off the leopard print underwear.

at this time.

A strange, even vaguely suction sound came from behind Han Dong.

"Nicholas, let me examine your body a little bit."

I don't know when,

Mr. W. Walter, painted with weird makeup and strange clothes, has been attached behind him.


It was the moment when Han Dong removed the adaptive field.


Consciousness was directly drawn out of the body, and was drawn into the depths of the black whirlpool.

In a blink of an eye,

Han Dong's consciousness was already riding on a raft, floating with Walter in the weird world full of vortexes.

The jacket has been untied.

Walter's swirling palm was pressing against Han Dong's abdomen.

"Well, the attribute of the'black vortex' between your torso is inherent, and has been evolving along with your growth up to now, and some very interesting things have been integrated.

Can carry out "passage modification". "

"Access improvement?"

"Your crazy behavior is really interesting.

But according to our understanding of the black account, this thing seems to have self-awareness and can make effective defenses according to any situation... Your "repulsive effect" may be effective, but it will also immediately attract the attention of the black account consciousness.

The probability of you being swallowed is not small.

In order to prevent the loss of talents like you, it is also considered to return a favor to Mento.

Gu [Access] Once completed, it is equivalent to fully activating the black vortex system... Usually, only my candidate has the privilege of activation. "

"Thank you senior."

Walter didn't say much.

A special energy poured into Han Dong's belly button... Om! Wake up directly in the next second.

"It's over? 』

Han Dong did not feel any intuitive changes, and real time did not pass a few seconds.

At this time,

Han Dong’s attention was attracted by the Francis boss not far away, and the other party was performing some kind of horrible behavior.

"Boss, your size is too big, I can't wear it! I'm ready, so I won't waste time anymore."


Han Dong took a deep breath and took off his clothes on the spot.

When completely naked,

A layer of liquid-like gray scent flows from the skin to cover the more sensitive areas,

"Perfect Disguise"

Han Dong was not trying to pretend to be a person or a creature this time.

Instead, it disguised its skin as a [black account], and at the same time allowed itself to emit a ‘special space attribute’ similar to the world’s Rubik’s Cube.

Whether it was a member of the highest will or a subordinate at the scene, when they saw this scene, they thought of a terrible existence they called the "no-phase demon king."

Director Charles deliberately amplified his voice: "With such a powerful "disguise ability", it could not be better to use it for control, management, and containment. "


Han Dong's skin has become almost the same as the black tent, and the surface is constantly making waves, revealing a strange black luster.

When he crossed the "theoretical shortest distance", the black account did not respond.

In the process of getting closer to the black account,

The heart rate of the highest will of all of you has gradually increased, and it seems a little nervous.

During this process, Han Dong no longer breathed any more, and did not have any thought process, completely imagining himself as a kind of enchantment product.


When he opened his eyes, the black tent was less than half a meter in front of him.

Han Dong did not hesitate,

Slow and uniform

Stretched his head to the black tent in front of him.


Since Han Dong’s head has "homology" with the World Rubik's Cube, and with the help of the perfect camouflage effect, his head was successfully submerged in it, and the whole process did not cause any waves.

When his head was fully extended into the black tent, Han Dong could also clearly observe the internal space and regular structure.

It is confirmed that it is almost the same as the experimental simulation. U U Reading

"Doctor, start the reversal program! 』

The doctor combined his modified brain with Han Dong to instantly change the nature of the "faceless head".

"Homology" is transformed into "exclusion".


Circles of ripples sway on the surface of the black tent,

Different from the intense effect when the ball of light collides with the black tent,

This process is very gentle... the black tent is slowly expanding,

Even through the edge of Han Dong's head, he could get a glimpse of the internal world.


At this moment, even the members of the Supreme Will squeezed sweat in their palms.

Suddenly, variables arrived.

On the draft paper of Director Zod, multiple unknowns once again appeared.

Just when he wanted to make parameter corrections on the draft paper.


The key unknown [x] representing Han Dong is disappearing.

Obviously, the [consciousness] in the black tent has discovered the abnormal situation here,


Several black arms stretched out between the black tents, buckled Han Dong's body, and dragged him inside...No one on the scene could stop him.


Boss Francis took advantage of the superhuman reaction speed to rush out for the first time.


Although he could not grasp Han Dong's body,

However, his hands were tightly clasped, and the black tent openings expanded through the "Repulsion Effect"... retained the fruits of Han Dong's efforts.

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