My Cell Prison

Vol 9 Chapter 1967: Acquaintance

Han Dong didn’t mention "world destruction" and "out of control" matters at all.

All topics revolve around growing flowers, and fit this ‘lady’ as much as least the voice and some characteristics of the body are more ‘female’.

During the exchange,

Han Dong also slowly saw the opponent's "form".

The red dress wrapped around the body is actually a kind of plant structure on his body,

The front is a ‘deep V’ design, the neckline opens directly to the navel,

The exposed skin is reddish with 30% transparency, and the distribution of rhizomes under the skin can be clearly seen, and there are even some floating petals.

Regardless of plant properties,

This flower grower, called "Lilia" by the flowers, has an excellent figure and appearance.

The gradual red eye makeup has a pair of shiny red pupils,

The two red lips are between the flesh and the flower, and bursts of red breath will be exhaled in the mouth.

Han Dong talked carefully with her about ‘knowledge of growing flowers’, as if completely forgetting what was happening outside.

Such "murderers" who are imprisoned in the deepest part of the prison must have great defects in their character.

Once you take the initiative to mention other things, it is likely to cause the other person's temperament to change...

Have to be patient,

Wait patiently until the other party actively mentions things other than growing flowers.

More than an hour passed,

Lilia with wide-eyed thumbs up,

"You are so awesome!

The ‘physical growth rings’ I have read on you are less than half a hundred, but your biological knowledge can reach the level of [Great Wise Men]... and there are many new ideas that I have never heard of.

Are you the zero human being born and bred in the Dark Tower world? "

The topic finally changed from growing flowers, Han Dong was not at all anxious, and slowly led the topic, "No, I was promoted from [Primitive World]..."

"Ascension to what world?"


When giving the world number, Lilia's eyes immediately sparkled with excitement and she exclaimed:

"Wow! Alien's lair, no wonder you are so special! It must be interesting there, right?"

"Yes, S-01's world structure, alien monster system, and unreasonable world direction are more interesting than any other world. The ‘plant activation’ I have comes from a certain alien biology professor.

Miss Lilia, want to go over and take a look? I am willing to be an extradite, if you want, you can pack your garden together. "

"It should be difficult to get out now. I can't do anything about this level of world barrier... Moreover, once my garden leaves [Mandala], it will all die in a short time.

Since they are everything to me, I will not leave them.

When you activate them, you should also feel that they live by attaching to the world, right? "

Han Dong nodded, "I can really feel it.

However, I have a way to peel off a part of the world and the garden together and make it into a completely enclosed self-circulating greenhouse. In this way, there should be no problem. "

"If North Cavendish is immortal, the control of the world is in his hands.

How are you going to strip the world? "

"When the out-of-control person is completely driven out, I will personally talk to the node holder... to strip off a small piece, compared to the world being saved, it is not a problem at all."

Han Dong’s words made Lilia a curious expression: "How can you be sure that the out-of-control will be expelled, not the world is destroyed? The first few sub-super worlds that have been invaded by out-of-control are not spared~ "

"Because I'm here... Naturally, someone who is strong will follow.

The only thing we need to do at the moment is to wait for the rescue from the black tower, while guarding this garden for Miss Lilia. "

"It sounds like you also have a deep relationship with the black tower."

"Well~ I came here with the support troops of [Highest Will]. Because of my characteristics, I broke into the world ahead of time, and also came to you Miss Lilia because of absolute accident."

The voice just fell.

Han Dong felt a strong sense of danger in all parts of his body, and even his chills were erected.

Obviously, I had a good conversation, and I even felt that the degree of goodwill had reached a higher level from "friendliness", why suddenly turned my face suddenly.

Lilia's fingers made a very fast ejection movement, pointing directly at the center of Han Dong's eyebrows.

Something shot out.

[Open your eyes]

The magic eye opened,

The materialized black vortex tried to block it, but only

It can play a slightly slower role... However, a slight slowdown like this also helps Han Dong get a space to protect his forehead with his hands.

Both arms immediately burst out with full strength.

The left palm of the undead is covered with a layer of super-density black crystal sand,

The surface is also painted with a scarab pattern with tentacles, like the lid of the black pharaoh's coffin.

The blood saint’s right palm, through the arrangement of blood vessels dominated by the blood of the dark blood, forms six layers of "blood membrane barriers" with different structures in the palm of the palm.


Black sand splashes,

The defense system constructed by the left hand was penetrated almost instantaneously.

However, the speed of the flying object had dropped significantly, and Han Dong could barely see that it was a sharp object similar to a seed.

Kaka Kaka~

The blood film structure formed in the right palm is also broken layer by layer.

Although the speed is decreasing, it is not meant to be "stopped".

When the last blood film was broken, it seemed to penetrate Han Dong's palm.

Blood-filled canine teeth emerged from the palm of the palm, and at the expense of thousands of teeth, the flying objects were forced to stop.


This dangerous seed embedded in the palm of the hand unexpectedly germinated and grew through Han Dong's flesh and blood.

Eventually a bright red rose formed in the right hand.

Lilia was originally a face full of murderous intent, and once again returned to a friendly and friendly appearance. UU Reading even took the initiative to get to Han Dong.

"Being able to catch such an attack with a "pseudo king" level shows that you are really special, including [strength], and you haven't lied...Would you like me to give you the rose? "

"Of course I like it."

Han Dong pretended that nothing happened, and directly inhaled the rose into his body, and took it to Dr. Swelling for research.

Perhaps because of the act of accepting roses,

Lilia directly put her arms around Han Dong's neck, almost touching her petal-like lips, and the relationship went further.

"Since there will be guys from the Black Tower to perform justice and complete the great task of saving the world, let's rest assured here to continue discussing the matter of growing flowers."


Hundreds of light years away.

Mr. Goodman, who stepped on the surface of the suitcase and flew at sublight speed, suddenly stopped.

A series of weird data symbols floated between his eyes.

Even insert the palm of the hand into the brain and touch the surface of the brain for deep sensing

At the moment, he clearly felt something...

"Finally let me find it!"

The suitcase accelerated suddenly, carrying Goodman for a subspace movement.


Han Dong's defense came from Lilia's attack, and was forced to lift the disguise, revealing the characteristics of the necromancers, especially the most prominent "Hand", which exudes a strong necromantic aura.

The sense of homology has just been captured.

It didn't take long.

The black suitcase fell directly on the surface of the thorny planet...

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