My Cell Prison

Vol 10 Chapter 1991: celestial disorder

"Ah... what is this unfolding?"

Han Dong could not have guessed such an outrageous development at all,

The vice-principal and W. Walter completely met for the first time,

Not only is there no racial divide,

Just because of "vortex" as an opportunity, he quickly fell into in-depth discussion, and even forgot Han Dong, an important student.

The two bosses discussed the issue of 'vortex' together,

How could Han Dong miss such an opportunity,

Although he didn't catch up with the car, he immediately fled into the void and reached the tomb of the vice-principal at the fastest speed.

When carefully opening the door,

W. Walter was watching the ancient secret text on the wall of the tomb with his hands behind his back,

The vice-principal took the form of a baby, dragged the umbilical cord and suspended behind Walter, explaining some incomprehensible arrangements or specific combinations of secret texts.

The two were also completely absorbed, and did not notice Han Dong's arrival at all.

"Forget it, I'll comprehend it myself first."

Han Dong is actually quite pleased.

The vice president needs to sit in the University of Michigan all the year round, and he doesn't even have the opportunity to participate in the sharp corner meeting... Contribute everything to the university.

It was rare to have a confidant arrive, and a swirling ray of dawn appeared amid the endless annoyance.


Walter is at the stage of trying to embrace the alien culture,

As soon as I came here, I met such an interesting and knowledgeable character as the vice-principal, and here I saw a mysterious text of strange magic that I had never touched before, and I immediately fell into it and couldn't extricate myself.

Vortex and interest in the occult, the two are deeply bound together.

Han Dong didn't disturb the interest of the two, and quietly exited the office... He went into the corridor alone to comprehend, and by the way, he inspected the stock world stored in the Void Meat Bubbles in detail.

I don't know how long it took, Han Dong was patted on the shoulder lightly,

When you open your eyes,

In front of him is a dark-skinned uncle who is both familiar and unfamiliar, dressed like a camel traveler in the desert.

"Vice-principal, this is the first time I've seen your "human appearance". "

"Since Mr. Walter is a guest on the human side, out of etiquette, it is necessary to use a human form to receive him... I have reserved the highest-class private room in the school cafeteria. Let's go have something to eat."

Do not know why,

How did Han Dong feel that the vice-principal treated W. Walter more attentively than he treated him, and even revealed a faint smile from his heart in his words.


It was already evening, and the two had chatted in the office for more than ten hours before.

at the dinner table,

For the first time, Walter was faced with the food of the monsters, and he was very uncomfortable at first.

But along with several special sashimi with no contamination, and the special brewed Isnao wine, I ate it one after another.

Walter also opened up about his own journey.

"...Do you know, before I took office.

[W] Because of the tricky and special characteristics of the vortex, this letter has been unmanageable for nearly ten thousand years.

When I took full control, I also became the youngest bearer of letters in the Black Tawan years.

At the beginning, according to the strictest detection mechanism of the Black Tower and the determination given by the previous tower owner, in terms of talent, even Director Charles and Mentor were weaker than me.

Not long after I took office,

[S-01]'s "abnormal human" out-of-control value completely exceeded the "limit" that must be dealt with. I volunteered to join the team and came to the world of alien demons for the first time as an annihilator.

Handling the runaway humans in this world was pretty smooth, and it wasn't much of a hassle~ Most of the aliens didn't stop us.

The "Thousand-Faced Demon Lord" also only acts as a monitor throughout the whole process, disguised and mixed among our queues, monitoring the entire process of our elimination of "abnormal humans", and does not cause any intuitive danger.

However, in the later stages of event processing,

A few unexpected title deed wars broke the balance, and we started a head-to-head conflict with the aliens.

At this time, I happened to spy on a special whirlpool that exists deep in the sea.

Arrogance, arrogance, and even the belief that the supreme being among the demons will not be too strong,

So he left the main force without authorization, passed through the channel at the bottom of the sea, and came to the [Deep Sea] for the first time.


I paid the price for my arrogance, even nearly dying.

I, who believe that my strength level is at the top of the letters, actually spent a lot of time and energy and failed to kill it completely. A median existence in the deep sea was classified as a [pillar].

When Mr. Ke came, it would be more appropriate to use [complete defeat] to describe me.

He dragged his crippled body and exhausted all means to save his life before barely escaping back to the team...

At that time,

I completely throw away the glory of being the bearer of letters, and the courage of being a human being.

The terrifying image of President Ke fills my mind, the endless pollution of the deep sea erodes my soul, and only endless escape can give me a little peace of mind.

Over the years, my heart has been shrouded in this fear,

It was not until I returned to the deep sea yesterday that my life was completely restarted. "

When Walter said it all,

Han Dong also realized that although the senior in the black tower in front of him has already stood at a "high position", symbolizing the highest combat power of the black tower, he is far from reaching the top, and he can even make great progress, perhaps even more. upper level.

At this time,

The vice-principal actually put his dark arm on Walter's shoulder and said in a tone of admiration:

"To face Mr. Ke in the deep sea, and to be recognized by Mr. Ke today, you are already quite powerful!

Now that the entanglements and misunderstandings of the past have been resolved,

Mr. Walter, I formally invite you to be a Distinguished Professor at [Miskatonic University]. I wonder if you would like to? "

Walter had no intention of rejecting or shirking at all, and immediately agreed:


When the out-of-control incident is completely over, I originally planned to start a new journey in S-01...just in time to use the University of Michigan as the starting point and transit point of the journey. UU Reading”

After all,

The two started toasting each other again, and even took the wine jar soaked with strange brain tissue and poured it violently, making Han Dong on the side look like an outsider.

With the signing of the appointment letter of the distinguished professor, the two of them talked about the same, and the dinner was coming to an end... Han Dong was preparing to talk about the Trinity and his own cultivation of the black vortex.


A palpitating feeling came,

It was as if a certain nerve was dislocated, causing the body to produce a series of misinterpreted translations, which was very uncomfortable, and even nearly vomited out the dinner just now.

Even the energy flowing in the body is slightly disordered.

Not just Han Dong,

Even the vice-principal and W. Walter had a similar feeling, and some drinks even overflowed from the nose and eye sockets.

"Such a strong sense of confusion, what's going on!?"

The vice-principal also turned into a "quicksand form" for the first time, condensing and forming in the sky above the University of Michigan.

Some kind of chaotic fluid is actually affecting the normal operation of the universe, although the effect is not very strong, but the scope of influence covers most of the universe.

Han Dong and W. Walter immediately followed.

"So chaotic, the out-of-control invaders in advance?"

Due to the sensitivity of his identity, Walter thought that someone out of control was coming, and even instinctively entered a fighting stance... The surrounding space began to distort.

But Han Dong noticed the essence of the problem, or a sense of familiarity hidden in the confusion.

"No, this is not the out-of-control person among the black towers~ This feeling is a bit familiar... It should be the confusion between different demons.

[Kit], could it be said that Kitt has become a king?

Is the disturbance that affects half of the universe a world-class astronomical phenomenon inspired by his becoming king? "

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