My Cell Prison

Chapter 208: Night tour

After all, it's just "Diary of a Girl"

Most of the recorded content is mainly about what happened around the girl, which can only reflect the situation of the Stuart Manor to a certain extent.

However, the information provided in the diary content also made Han Dong quite satisfied.

A little in the diary's diary also confirmed the authenticity of some of the girl's previous words.

She was indeed chained by her mother in a special tree house under the apple tree.

Alas, this tree house was built for her by her parents.

She is not maliciously restricting her personal freedom, but is ‘protecting’ her personal safety.

Also mentioned in the diary.

少女 This girl is a congenital malformation, which is manifested as 'cartilage' and 'bark'.

Her arms are as soft as meat strips, no matter how bent, and the surface has a hard shell bark-like structure.

Moreover, "freak children" are very common in manor-covered towns.

类似 The neighbors around the girl have a similar situation.

Through the self-talk of the little girl in the diary, it can be inferred that the farmer with the congenital malformation will be taken to the hill castle, and there will be no chance to go out.

The girl was not taken away because she had the cover of a tree house, so she didn't know what was going on inside the castle.

Another one is.

The manor house encourages multiple births, and more than ten children can even get material rewards.

Alas, the condition of the entire estate is not right.

The little girl once witnessed the scene where her parents would come here to catch people ... The people at Stuart Manor collectively called the outsiders 'hogs'.

As long as you can bring the hog to the lord, you can get a lot of food.

"Combining the two points of" multiple lives "and" caught outsiders alive "can explain why there are so many dead bodies in the underground area.

As for the problem of 'congenital malformation', it should be caused by the marriage of close relatives ... Obviously, the compulsory rules set by the lord have deliberately created more 'malformations' in the manor house.

As for these deformed individuals who were taken to the hill castle, it is estimated that it is related to some evil ritual.

I want to dig more secrets and can only go on. "

Han Dong closed the diary and shared additional information with the team members.

As for the next "barn" exploration, take a good sleep, and solve it tomorrow.

"Nicholas, can I delay you for a moment?"

"no problem."

Facing the invitation of Captain Abel, Han Dong naturally could not refuse.

Abel naturally found him for one thing.

After all, Abel was wondering how he and another mysterious apprentice killed such a "high-level evil" while he and Demps were dealing with dark-haired creations in the barber room.

Alas, underneath it was Charlie's nest.

的 Hairdressers who have black hair cultivation technology do not know how many black hairs have accumulated in two hundred years. The danger is self-evident.

"Why don't we go out for a walk? Anyway, there are a lot of [night watchmen] in the town, and there won't be much danger. If you are lucky, you may encounter some strange things or clues." Han Dong suggested.

嗯 "Well ... I'll ask Demps to keep an eye on the basement and let us know if anything abnormal happens."

The basement of the residence is also a 'risk port'. It is necessary to pay attention to it and even send someone to guard it at any time.

After a while.

Abel changed into a hooded coat that could hide his appearance, gathered with Han Dong outside the door, and began a night's tryst.

Han Dong observes when Xun and Abel are walking between the towns.

伯 Abel's arms were strong and his steps were steady during walking. If we take a closer look, we will find that the dust that rises at each step is almost the same.

The breathing rhythm, swinging arm rhythm and pace rhythm are completely the same.

Not only can maintain the minimum energy consumption for operation, but also can respond to various combat situations at any time.

"This time the task of downhole hair relies on Nicholas ... Although I really want to know how you did it, everyone has their own secret.

越 The better you are, the more likely it is that our team will win an "excellent" evaluation. "

Abel said very gently.

"There are some special skills in dealing with 'polluted lives.'" Han Dong simply responded.

"Well ... what do you think of the" camp "this time?" Our first day's progress has far exceeded expectations, and the next exploration path has been speculated.

Is the speed too fast? Is it possible to evolve into a dangerous situation beyond our control? "

"The speed is okay, just keep it like this.

We just need to focus on the underground area ... as for the situation on the ground and give it to other knights.

I think that this training may involve some secrets. If you can go deep into the manor, you may get some unexpected benefits. "

Han Dong just said so on the surface.

In fact, in terms of rapid exploration, Han Dong has a certain selfishness ... He wants to learn more about the essence of pollution and achieve a measurement that can improve the little magic eye.

In addition to the "Chaos Weapons" that I just learned today, if you can solve some of Stuart's family cadres, you may get similar props. You can choose to sell money and use it to enhance Chen Li's strength.

"If I think it's possible to 'run out of control', I will try to slow down our exploration, I hope you do n’t mind Nicholas ..."


The number of night watchmen in the town is relatively large.

Basically, every street has 1-2 night watchers wandering back and forth, and sometimes even jump on the roof to observe the surroundings.

[The vigils] are all wearing black hooded cloaks and a kerosene lamp in their hands ~ ~ The lights can vaguely reflect their features.

At this point, Han Dong is clearly observing.

During a chat about some school things, the two unknowingly crossed five streets, and the time was almost the same ... just as they were preparing to return to the rented house to rest.

奇怪 "Strange ... this night watchman looks exactly like the night watchman on the street where we live."

"Huh?" Abel obviously didn't observe this kind of detailed information, and the flames could only dimly reflect the features ... it was really difficult to distinguish.

"Abel, wait a moment."

"it is good."

Han Dong stood at the street, carefully observed the night watchman, and confirmed that he only patrolled this street.

In order to confirm that his observation was correct, Han Dong quickly returned to his residence and found a vigil here ... The facial features are indeed the same.

Of course, it could also be a pair of twin knights.

When Han Dong tried to find a night watchman and explained the situation in detail.

There was a weird smile under the hood.

人 The person immediately dissipated into a plume of smoke, leaving only the nightman's robe and lantern ... and a letter.

[Watchman task-triggered]

Note: The night watchman's task is not limited to the squad, it is limited to the current trigger and the training members within two meters. During the execution of the task, no outsider shall be sought.

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