My Cell Prison

Chapter 228: Change guardian

[Border Curse]-Advanced investigation case.

It takes five hours in total.

The squadron entered the barn area at two in the afternoon, and now it was exactly dusk, and night fell.

Although it is all night, the fog concentration will increase during the night, and the evil activities will be more frequent.

Captain Kenny also left the cursed space for the first time, pretending to be at the door of the barn all the way, without any serious appearance entering the barn.


Kenny spent the whole day in the dark, observing everything that happened inside the farmer's house.

Marveled at the way the team solved the task.

不错 "That's right ... you can come back alive, all of you newcomers are the best quality of all these years."

Kenny didn't talk about the various blade collision sounds from the town area.

After all, he has just protected this group of young people secretly. He has just withdrawn from the cursed space. He has no idea of ​​the cause and effect of the sudden attack.

"Captain Kenny ... what's going on in the city?"

Abel listened to various metal collisions, monster hissing sounds, and some magic beams or burning fires, and wanted to rush back to help.

at this time.

The vulture flew back holding a scroll between its paws.

"A small team has officially touched the castle area. As the lord's castle was threatened, [Ghoul Riot] incident occurred in the area of ​​the manor.

Because this is a ‘in-training incident’, the night watchman will not have much intervention and you need to handle it yourself. "

"Already the team has reached the advanced task of the Castle District?"

Han Dong was shocked, although he knew that the most elite team in the junior year was definitely not worse than his own team, but he did not expect the other party to be so fast ...

"Your current points have passed and you have completed the ultimate mission in a certain area.

When the ghoul riots subside in the town, someone will come to you to provide more in-depth clues. "

Speaking, Captain Kenny went to the communications building in the center of the town through a flying capability.

After all, the progress is too fast. In theory, the opening of the castle area should be after the fourth day of training.

As for Han Dong and others, they immediately returned to the town to confirm that their home had not been invaded by ghouls.

Uh ...

Vulture Kenny saw the Hydera deputy head in the communications building sitting on a leather chair, smoking a lady's cigarette, and from time to time someone would send the approval document to her.

"Deputy Commander, what's going on? How fast is it so much faster?"

"This group of juniors is quickly picking up and completing low-level tasks in a 'monopoly' manner yesterday.

Today, through the "lead trading" method, they used various basic clues in their hands to exchange them from other teams for direct contact and clues to the castle area.

深入 Go to the manor at the speed of "theoretic fastest".

Let this training advance to the next stage. "

"Need us to contain it?"

Hydra had a calm face: "It is not necessary. The comprehensive difficulty of the castle area is not something they can solve with such little cleverness.

Don't worry ... according to the assessment of the leader, me and the clock.

This great lord cooperates with the hill and castle, and its comprehensive difficulty can be ranked in the top three of the ultimate task of training for 20 years.

Things are not so simple.

Under the influence of [Clockmaster], the Great Lord Lord could not see our outsiders, but he kept an eye on the dynamics of these young people.

The existence of such a person as close to the [Fantasy] should have confidence and sufficient means to deal with this group of young people. "


Suddenly Hydra's deputy head changed a topic.

"Kenny, I heard that the team of newcomers you are responsible for took first place in the standings yesterday. It is unheard of to have all junior teams below.

I heard people say that ‘crow’ students are also there. Is that why? "

"Well ... this crow student has enough big-picture and detailed insights, and has now led the team to completely overcome the wheat field."

"It really is the reason that this boy is leading. It is really not easy to be seen by the crow ... have already conquered the wheat field area? Do night watchmen provide clues for their next mission?"

"You need to wait until the Ghoul raid is over before any vigils will find them."

"Exactly! I want to meet the newcomers ... Kenny, you're in charge of things for the time being."

Kenny frowned immediately. "This ... Deputy Chief, not so good.

Chairman Kaimon asked me to keep an eye on these young people to ensure their safety. in case……"

Kenny's words come to an end here.

I felt a cold touch coming down my calf.

I do not know when, a large number of poisonous snakes have been attached to his calf.

Hyde stretched his hand and caught Captain Kenny's chin, pulled it closer and whispered:

肯 "Kenny ... Do you think that it would be dangerous for me to run this rookie squad? Do you think I can't even manage a rookie squad?"

"Don't dare ... just say the head of Kaimon ..."

"The leader is not here, I am the leader ... If you have any dissatisfaction with my opinion, you can report to the leader at any time."

Kenny lowered his head as much as possible and responded in a calm tone. "Since the deputy head arranged this way, I will lead the work of the communication room ... the new team is in charge of the deputy head."

"Well ... it should be like this from the beginning, the head of the team knew that I hated copywriting."

Kenny nodded, "I will take over the role of temporary chief commander, and I will manage‘ camp training ’in my own way.”


Hydra handed over the relevant important documents and even the commander's medal to Kenny, and left the communication building in a relatively enchanting step.

Kenny secretly gritted his teeth and looked disgusted. "It is necessary to report these things back to the head ... Hydra is a woman too self-centered and may cause us greater problems than the Knights in the future."

I get bored and get bored.

Since Kenny took the burden, he immediately began to work seriously.

Compared with Hydra, he naturally has a lot of responsibilities, and temporarily added a lot of rules to stabilize the progress of this training.

"I hope this group of young people ask for their own blessing ... The woman Hydra will certainly not take care of the lives of their younger generation."

Uh ...

Small town area.

Ghoul is constantly emerging from the ground ~ ~ wanton attack on the people here.

Because every home has an enchantment, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. You just need to slowly find a way to kill the ghouls.

东 Han Dong naturally knows where the ghouls are coming from the ground without restriction.

For such a ghoul factory buried deep in the ground, it's just a small amount of money.

"let's go……"

Wherever Han Dong goes, ghouls avoid themselves.

[Dr. Swell], who is responsible for the work of ghouls, is a younger brother of Han Dong.

Just when the team returned to their home smoothly, just when the gate was closed.

Tickling ...

The sound of high heels, accompanied by a strange and cold breath, came from the stairwell ...

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