My Cell Prison

Chapter 242: Wax figure

Nutritionist and personal butler.

Barbara Presetti.

In such a dimly lit environment, the skin can still reveal an oily sheen ...

Animal oil, and animal fat.

In the map notes given by the doctor, Barbara has an asterisked figure-"This fat woman must be careful, it is difficult to deal with. A

Han Dong expected that he would be an extremely fat woman.

Who knows, the situation in front of him is completely different.

Black waist long hair.

Maybe because refining is a relatively hot process, Barbara wears only a corset and only a pair of shorts on her lower body.

Slim waist, thin arms and long legs are exposed, showing a bright oily light under the candlelight.

Such a slim figure surprised Han Dong, after all, a woman who deals with oil all day.

As a whole, Barbara's oily and smooth skin looks like a layer of wax.

Seal all the oil in the body deliberately, so as not to be eliminated through the pores.

The action plan tonight has only one purpose.

Obtained a part of the body of this lady Barbara as a disguise ... Go to the top of the castle by her identity.

Han Dong answered with a smile on his face: "Don't worry, good-quality fat ghouls will be delivered on time.

I have written a letter about [Ghoul Factory]. I hope Miss Barbara will take it by the way when she supplies nutrition to the Lord. "

放在 "Let's put it on the table."

"it is good."

Han Dong, holding a letter, entered the refinery.

The thick oil inside the was dispersed in the air in a molecular form, and Han Dong's skin surface was followed by a layer of oil.

Even more weird.

的 The grease on the wall reflects the distorted faces, and even the tentacles of dripping oil are formed in the mouth of the face ... The pollution index in the refining room is terribly high.

Indirectly, this woman is difficult to deal with.

When placing letters.

Han Dong glanced at the woman's side face.

的 The exquisite appearance like oil painting gives Han Dong a feeling of watching a master wax figure ... except for the eyeballs, the other parts are similarly fabricated.

When Xu put down the letter and left, Han Dong deliberately rubbed his palm over the woman's shoulder, taking away a layer of grease.

Once identified by the faceless head, he can imitate the nutritionist and go to the fourth floor.

Han Dong just prepared to step out of this small study.

Gurgle ~

The grease flowing on the wall quickly gathered toward the door, forming a grease door full of painful faces, which blocked the way.

博士 "Doctor ... I suddenly remembered something, and I need to ask you, should you be free?"

The yamen were sealed, and such interrogation hardly gave Han Dong a retreat.


"follow me……"

Barbara stopped her refining work.

When I got up, the opposite wall melted away on my own ... or it wasn't a wall, it was only temporarily made of grease.

There is a wax figure room inside.

A large number of exquisite wax figures are listed here, which are almost the same as real people ... there is a dark version of Madame Tussaud's wax museum.

Han Dong remains silent. If there is any doubt expression at this time, his identity is likely to be leaked.

Staring at these wax figures, Barbara sighed, "Ah ... we are researchers, you should understand my hardships.

In order to allow adults to eat normally, I have already recovered ... I am immersed in the research of 'wax-like foods' every day, and I make as much wax-like foods as human beings with as much nutrition as possible.

But adults seem to dislike my work more and more in recent days, and the amount of food I eat is decreasing.

You also know where to find humans now, unlike the past.

Although many human invaders came to the manor this time, according to the amount of food the adults eat, these humans can only eat for at most ten days and a half months.

I have to find a way to improve the degree of simulation of grease wax images so that adults can restore their original appetite. Do you have a way?

针对 The purpose of my speech just now is because I'm not in a good mood. I hope you can understand. "

Barbara said so, Han Dong understood.

私人 This personal steward is mainly responsible for the diet of the Grand Lord.

Not only is it just as simple as making concentrated oils and fats, but also follow-up processing according to the tastes and preferences of the great lords, and the flavored oils and fats are made into artificial wax food.

I have a feeling of 'artificial meat'.

Han Dong stepped forward and peeled off a wax figure.

东 The internal structure surprised Han Dong.

The exquisite craftsmanship of this lady Barbara even made the structure of the human body almost perfect, all internal organs are presented in the form of wax figures, the softness is just right.

Han Dong answered honestly:

"Everyone gets tired of eating the same thing every day.

Your problem is not at the level of 'simulation', but at the material.

Would you like to try to add some fungus oil to the original fat ... I just have some fungi on my body, and the essence of an adult is a ghoul, and I should like this flavoring agent very much. "

"Bacteria oil, why didn't I think of it!"

Barbara, who was awakened by Han Dong's words, seemed quite excited and agreed with this method.

Actually, this is not something that is difficult to think of.

Only because I have been doing research for a long time, my thinking tends to become narrow ... This is why there are often academic exchanges between universities. Sometimes, a simple sentence of others can open up the narrow side of your thinking.

Then, with the help of Han Dong's release of fungi, Barbara produced an improved oil, and it took more than an hour to solidify the mold to make a new waxy food.

The flavor does not change, but there is a sense of freshness due to the intake of fungus oil.

"Adults will love it ~ ~ I'll send it to the adults ... Doctor, thank you!"

"Ms. Barbara, can I go with you? I don't like it. I can explain this is my proposal ... It's a good thing for me to report the factory's affairs to the great lord."

Barbara is putting on oily makeup. When meeting the Lord, she must be the best image.

"Let's ... it's my supper time, come with me."

"it is good."

Han Dong secretly rejoices.

With this great opportunity, I can figure out the route and method to the [Main Hall] in advance ... The difficulty of action tomorrow will be reduced by half.

But ... there are risks.

When reporting the situation inside the factory with the High Lord, he may be identified.

油 Barbara, who had been oiled, used a device similar to a corpse to carry this brand-new food to the top floor of the castle, and went to the main hall from a secret elevator in the study.

On the great throne.

Paraplegia sits on the ghoul, Lord Stuart, with a large number of infusion devices connected throughout his body. Due to the death of the hairdresser, he did not take care of his hair for two days, resulting in a large number of white hairs falling to the ground.

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