My Cell Prison

Chapter 269: Territory (end of this volume)

"Is this ... the disaster brought by the" Old King "? "

The land that has been torn due to its inability to bear the weight of the old king, although it has 'self-healed'.

But a "doomsday plague" spread in the Gain Forest.

With [Giant-Footprint] as the origin of the plague, the entire forest is eroded and polluted.

The doomsday-like plague has formed an "overlapping space" in the footprint coverage area, and the internal plague has even generated self-awareness, forming a plague body.

You need to go deep inside and kill the plague body completely to eradicate the plague in this area.

There are thirty-nine 'giant footprints' in the entire Gain Forest.

The Holy City has dispatched the Plague Knights, which is best at dealing with such incidents.

It is required that the plague be cleaned up within ten days, and at the same time, the "Holy Knights" be assisted. After the plague is eliminated, the large-scale sacred essence of the relevant area will completely dispel the pollution.

Han Dong, who was riding in the "Crow Herald Car", naturally saw the "Heavily Armed" Plague Knights.

The knights all wore weird "anti-gas suits", gas masks set according to personal preferences, and dark robes inlaid with different shoulder ornaments.

Even their horses were wearing a gas mask on their faces.

The surface of the horse body has also been artificially modified, and a large number of external hoses seem to play a role in assisting the transfer of material in the body ... enabling the horses to gallop in the plague area without being affected.

Such a troop moving in the forest really has a 'doomsday'.

"Sir does not need to assist the Knights in dealing with the plague?"

"This level of plague disaster can only be reluctantly ranked tenth since the establishment of the holy city ... The old king did not actively plague the plague, but merely inadvertently left behind when chasing you.

Led by the Great Plague Chief, all the plagues in the Gain Forest can be cleaned up within a week. "


Han Dong was shocked when he heard this.

It seems that in the early days of the establishment of the Holy City, human beings suffered unimaginable terrorist aggression and doomsday disasters.

The carriage galloped.

Han Dong carefully observed the situation inside the forest.

The ground fissure has healed, leaving only a scar-like stripe on the surface of the land.

In addition, the plague-contaminated trees are also using their "Miniature-Suckers" to gradually eliminate the plague that has penetrated the trunk as much as possible to survive.

"Strange ... how do you feel that the land and the forest itself have a strong ability to heal themselves? The greatest extent is to resist the external plague, although it can only delay death."

Mr. Black and White explained briefly: "Yes, the world dominated by the" Old King "has changed ... even the forests, mountains, and rivers that are not managed by the" land title "have a certain regeneration capacity.

As long as the damage is within their tolerance, the land will repair itself.

Otherwise, if it was the world two hundred years ago, it would simply not be able to withstand the existence of various 'high positions' ... biological evolution, the world must also evolve. "

"So it is."

Listening to Mr. Black and White's explanation, Han Dong became more interested in this world.

"So, isn't the area with" land title "management more self-healing? "

As the carriage drove out of the forest.

In the eyes of Han Dong, it turned out to be an intact "Stuart Manor."

Wheat fields, small towns, cemeteries, and old castles are restored as if nothing had happened here.

of course.

Self-recovery is limited to the most basic earth, wood, stone, and water.

Dr. Swell's factory will not be repaired.

When Han Dong stepped down on this land, he felt that the whole area was integrated with himself, and he could monitor the details of every inch of land at any time.

Almost at the same time.

Dr. Swollen rode on one of his favorite tin skin ghoul mounts, came to the ground from the nearest underground passage, and rushed to Han Dong.

"Master Messenger!"

As Dr. Puffy knelt down, he looked at the crow carriage sideways with a daunting glance.

"Doctor, don't worry ... this is my mentor in the holy city-Mr. Black and White. Without Mr.'s help, I am afraid I would have been exposed."

"His instructor, hello !!!"

When Mr. Black and White stepped on the carriage.

A thick liquid similar to sweat is constantly flowing through the pores in Dr. Brain's head.

Because of his extraordinary brain power, the PhD is stronger in perception than the stranger of the same level, and he can intuitively feel the power of Mr. Black and White.

A wave of the opponent's hand is enough to get someone else's head down.

"Master, what do you think about the" defense issue "I told you last time?

Except for me, all the family cadres have died, and [Mother] was taken away by the former king.

We need to fill the manor as soon as possible with enough guards and residents ... I alone may not be able to guard this area. "

When the doctor had just finished this sentence.


A lot of crow calls came from forested areas.

Headed by four "Elder Ravens", the same size as the last **** convoy ... the entire tribe and tens of thousands of Ravens came from the forest area to the area of ​​the manor.

"Doctor, is this new resident enough?"

Dr. Swell stared at the four Raven-Elders who had reached the level of "Freak Demon", and his head was constantly overflowing with sweat.

"Enough is enough! Enough ... Say, Lord, if you are not here, who will take care of the estate for you?"

There is still a certain distance for the Doctor to reach the "Fantasy".

Therefore, the doctor is worried that his future status in the manor will become a scientific researcher who can only work hard.

"Same ... Doctor you are the [supervisor] in the underground area.

As for the crows who have fully occupied the manor, the four elders are jointly responsible for the management and security of the ground area.

The elders are in the same position as you. "


Han Dong's willingness to give such a sanctuary to the Raven Tribe is the greatest gift ... As for this arrangement, the elders have no opinion.

Moreover, the profession has a specialization.

In some ways, Dr. Swell is more powerful than Elder Raven.

The Doctor will also launch the "Enhance the Raven Man Project", and will wait for the completion of the underground experimental area, and will conduct experiments and reforms to address the deficiencies of the Raven Man physical level.

The two forms a mutually beneficial relationship.

"Thank you ... Thank you, Lord Messenger! I must ... definitely meet all the requirements of the Lord."

Can get such reuse, can sit on the same platform with the crow man who has reached the level of [charm].

For a while, the doctor was so excited that a lot of filthy tears overflowed into his eyes.

"You first try to use the existing materials to cooperate with the Ravens to rebuild the laboratory ... I will slowly establish a supply channel for the follow-up."

"it is good!"

Speaking of which, Han Dong turned to four elders in the front row.

"Man, this is your new home from now on."

That's a word.

Tens of thousands of ravens knelt together and wrapped their bodies with black wings to express their most sincere gratitude.

At the same time, Han Dong took five nearly identical "land titles" from his backpack.

Delivered to four elders ~ ~ and Dr. Swell.

"You don't need to know which" land title "is real, just keep it in the place you think is the most secret, and make sure no one can steal it.

I may not have many opportunities to leave the city in the future, and I will leave it to you to take care of the manor. "

"Rest assured, we will keep this land for adults." The elders exude a terrifying breath, showing their loyalty and determination.

of course.

Elder Ravens sometimes glance at Mr. Black and White with feathered eyes.

I can feel a homogeneous atmosphere from this gentleman, but the level is far above them ... Just staring at the black mask can make them tremble with feathers all over their nervousness.

Mr. Black and White stared at the majestic scene of thousands of people kneeling, and could not help but smile under the mask, and passed on to another person in his heart:

"White, this is my choice."

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