My Cell Prison

Chapter 291: Aha

"Huh? Space technology?"

For the capture of details, Han Dong discovered the problem of the scale of the store as soon as possible.

The store design and actual footprint clearly do not match this old building ... the interior space is much larger.

"Is that the level of technology in the current context has reached this level? Or is it ... limited to" shops "? "

Ling Ling Ling ... At the call of the owner's rattle.

Han Dong and his party first came to the counter.

"Aha! Aha! ... Aha!"

Because the owner has a big hole in his chin, he can only say the words ‘Aha’ when he speaks.

Let's call the owner ‘Mr. Aha’.

the strange thing is.

Han Dong and his party could understand the meaning of different tones ‘Aha’, which may be related to the space of fate.

The translation is as follows.

"Aha! Dear guests! As long as you have enough credits, you can buy everything in my store with a clear price tag.

Since you are here for the first time, let me briefly introduce the "shop".

Let me first explain that all the shops in the park are opened by my Mr. Aha.

You can find my store in different districts, all the prices of the products are exactly the same, because the owner is me alone! "

"Hmm ..." Han Dong made a thoughtful expression.

Mr. Aha did not know where to pull out a heavy dusty book, and turned to the catalog page to explain the basic classification:

"The goods I sell here are roughly divided into five categories:

①. "Lead category":

Can directly provide you with basic information, strange areas and trigger methods.

After completing the relevant requirements of the strange talks, you can generally get 5% ~ 30% of points. Of course, depending on how you deal with it, additional information may be available.

②. "Spirit":

Most physical attacks can't hurt the strange talk.

In order for you to live longer, these magical tools can directly harm the strange talks and even kill them completely.

The higher the level, the higher the price.

If you think you can deal with strange talk, you don't need to buy it.

③. "Living creature":

When I am free, I go out to pick up trash, and sometimes I find some dying weird talk in the trash.

My Mr. Ha ha was very kind, so I had to pick them up and keep them in a container.

Once you pay for them, they become your slaves.

Don't try to let them deal with other strange talks ... The reason why they were picked up by me in the trash can is because they can't beat others ... Aha!

④. "Pass":

The park is not as simple as you think. It has strict divisions inside. Without a "pass", your group of outsiders can only operate in the current area.

Passes are necessary to travel to other areas.

⑤. "Miscellaneous":

These are not described in detail, and all the sundries are stored in the sundries room.

Some are useful to you, and some will even bring you unexpected dangers.

If you encounter some strange talks that require you to collect something, you can try to find it in the utility room, maybe you will find it by accident. "

Mr. Aha introduced it in more detail.

"Excuse me, sir, do you have a zoning plan for the park here?"

"Yes ... But I don't mind if you have accumulated enough points and come back together.

The plan requires 10 points, and each pass is 10 points. Prepare for 50 o'clock and think about going to other areas. "


Han Dong, who currently has 18 strange talk points, must consider how to use it.

To deal with this kind of spirit body which is hard to capture with the naked eye.

Han Dong's "Tentacle Ability" can directly cause damage, and Mia's curse ability is also the same ... But in contrast to the physical attack, Abe and Wen Li need to be equipped with "spiritual tools" sold in stores.

Who knew, Wen Li immediately waved her hand and refused.

"I don't need ... the master gave me the blacksmith's hammer, and everything can be broken! The points are very precious, just exchange for the equipment for Captain Abel."

At the same time, Abel also said it was unnecessary:

"My destiny equipment is matched with the beast spirit, and can also hurt the spirit body ... Nicholas, all points are used in exchange for clues! We have accumulated enough strange talk points in advance so that we can end this fate event in advance.

I always feel that the longer we stay in this park, the more dangerous we will be. "

Han Dong has his own ideas:

"Since the" shop "sells props designed to deal with strange talks, naturally it has its meaning ... we better have one. "

Just then, Mia's voice came from one side: "I want this !!"

Mia was standing in front of a shelf, holding a knife with a engraved face on the scabbard, entangled with a unique cursing atmosphere.

"Will you use this weapon?"

"Don't underestimate me ... people just haven't been able to obtain the" weapon of destiny "at their disposal. Can the boss give it a try? "



The blade comes out of the sheath.

The surface of the knife body is covered with a light black breath.

For a moment, Mia's cursing power immediately docked with the sword ...



Pull back ... back to the sheath!

The actions are done in one go.

Mia made a grimace, "How about, didn't lie to you ... if there was a decent" destiny equipment "in the last discussion, people would lose to you without a hit. "

Han Dong was also a bit surprised, but did not expect Mia to have this ability.

"Boss ... shouldn't this be expensive?"

"Aha, this is interesting! The product you are looking for is not only a magical tool, but also a" clue "... if you can complete its" strange talk ", you only need to pay me 10 It's yours.

If you accidentally lose this piece of magic when dealing with "Strange Talks", you will have to pay me 100 points. "

"I want ... I want this ..."

During Han Dong's consideration, Mia kept pulling Han Dong's arm.

However, from the point of view of value, behind this cursed knife must correspond to a strange story with high difficulty.

Not to mention the danger ~ ~ just like the owner said.

If during the execution process, the owner of this cursed knife is encountered, once it is taken away ... Han Dong and others will face 100 points of debt, and the original perfect start will immediately become a **** start.


Even if we can solve the strange talk, we still need to pay 10 points to get this item ... Whether it is worth it or not is a key issue for Han Dong to consider.

"Mr. Aha, can you show us the corresponding clues?"

"No ... you have to pay the corresponding points to see the clues! The" strange talk "corresponding to this monster knife is not easy, and the difficulty level is relatively high.

You need to pay me 10 points in advance to see the clues!

By the way ... this demon sword is really suitable for women. "

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