My Cell Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 799: myth

Five days ago.

Outside the city-Stuart Manor.

Han Dong just completed all orders for "Resurrection Potion" by Mechanism today. With the remaining time, we must carry out the necessary "moving link".

Although Stuart Manor is also owned by Han Dong, it is essentially a "small title deed" and cannot be moved along with the title deed, nor can it be expeditioned along with Han Dong.

Similarly, the port of Ostia, which has just taken over not long ago, does not belong to the scope of title deeds.

Only 【Scarlet Manor】 can move with Han Dong.

Therefore, before the Great Expedition is launched, the necessary troops, experimental equipment and various materials must be transferred to the Scarlet Manor. At the same time, strict zoning and regulations must be established to prevent different types of life bodies from being crowded into small In the manor, conflicts occurred.

There is something about what to bring and what to prepare.

Han Dong made a list early, and he gave it to the doctor.

Now, Dr. Swelling has become Han Dong's most trusted and intimate deputy.

In addition to the two people's "sympathy" in scientific research, the potential of the doctor is also the highest in the manor.

Know that the Doctor had found the ghoul gear from the old king [M.O.] in the ruins of the Stuart Manor after the outbreak of the old king, which was perfectly embedded in the brain.

After explaining the task, Dr. Swelling performed the calculation of the brain to ensure that he could complete the "moving" within three days.

Han Dong returned to the city because of some things that need to be dealt with. How did the doctor do exactly, Han Dong is not very clear.

After all, the "moving and releasing" of the "mobile title" is restricted.

Handong would never dare to use "mobile deeds" in a holy city full of prophets, perceptors, writers, and various inductive enchantments.

Don't use it, a little touch may cause a strange breath to be discovered, and only dare to store it deep in the head.

「Viewing back」

When Han Dong followed the expeditionary army and stepped out of the holy city to leave the supervision, the hidden effect of the crow carriage.

A piece of parchment paper with a **** smell was held in Han Dong ’s hands. The surface of the parchment paper was written with an ancient and distorted text on the surface of the blood.

"Yellow Seal" is printed on the lower right corner of the parchment paper.

"I go to Scarlet Manor ..."

With the deed on the back of his left hand, Han Dong was immediately sucked into it.

The parchment paper floating in the air was immediately grasped by the second holder, Temples, and inserted into the slit of the sleeve through the sixth finger.

「Space compression」

In the blink of an eye, Han Dong has stepped on the road between the gardens.

The Scarlet Manor, originally divided into front and rear gardens and mansions, is now divided into three areas.

1. The front garden and the mansion remain unchanged.

In the garden area, a large number of dead trees and tree houses were transplanted as a habitat for crows.

Retains some high-quality blood and baron-level aliens and remains in the mansion.

Also set up a special cemetery in the front garden to ‘carry’ a member of the general that Han Dong has just recruited-[the corpse hider].

2. The back garden was transformed into a lake filled with sea water. At the same time, some brief buildings were built in the lake. The bottom of the lake was covered with odd-shaped conch. The ‘fishermen’ selected by the port city lived here.

This group of existences related to the deep sea may seem strange to Han Dong at some point.

3. The underground area was transformed into an underground laboratory similar to Stuart Manor by Dr. Swelling.

However, the scale of the laboratory is relatively small, but only the necessary facilities have been moved in.

More space was designed as a "lair".

These designs just make the population of Scarlet Manor reach the "saturation value", and they are also quite satisfied with the work of the doctor ... However, there is one more thing to be determined.

With Han Dong set foot on the manor.

Dr. Swollen with a white robe collar, semi-open skull, and antenna structure inserted on the brain surface, quickly reached the ground through the manor channel similar to the intestinal structure.

Because of the breakthrough to [Mature Body-Alien], the doctor's taste has also changed, and the strange costume and the design of the brain headdress are elusive.

"Doctor, the manor transfer is very good."

"Thank you for your praise ... By the way, all the" anti-stress agents "that the adults ordered were brought over. Do you need to inspect the goods? "

"Just bring it in, as long as the quantity is guaranteed, there is no other problem ... There will not be a large-scale conflict in the early stage of the expedition. Doctor, you should continue to do some stability research."

"Well, sir, please allow me to show you some caves." "

"Okay ..."

Takes about an hour.

Han Dong left the manor space with a satisfied smile and returned to the carriage.

Dumps also put his shoulders on his shoulders, smiling and jokingly: "It seems that Lord Nicholas is confident about this expedition ~"

"I don't have self-confidence, but I have done a good job in this respect ... The manor has already been managed. Once I meet the right opportunity, I will start a" deed war. "

When the time comes, you will definitely be paid for part-time work. "

As for the title war, Han Dong also talked to the team in advance and requested absolute confidentiality.

Team members with strong specificity are bound to play a key role in the title war, which is why Han Dong led everyone to join the expedition.

Compared with other lords, Han Dong has two advantages here.

1. Biotechnology not possessed by Xomo.

2. Human power from the holy city.

"Say, where are we now?"

"I will soon cross the northern border of the Gain Forest and prepare to cross the Aragad Mountains."

"Well? It's so fast ... Yeah, Gain Forest is basically not dangerous. Hurrying up the road can also reduce the time everyone is exposed to the eternal night.

Right, do you have any information about the first phase of the Expedition-[Minano]? "

Abel shook his head, UU reading also said:

"An area 600 kilometers away, even a top-level prophet like Mr. Black and White, it is difficult to obtain information in advance ... However, since it is set as the first stage goal, it must be recorded on the" Alien Slate ".

Nicholas, aren't you responsible for slate research? "

"This ... I'm just a beginner at deciphering slate, I really don't know."

At this time, the younger brother Temples pushed the glasses and added:

"[Minano] As the original second city of Italy, it is also the city of the gods with the gate of destiny.

Such an important area must correspond to the higher title deeds, and the aliens recorded by the "slate" ... "Mythical Body-Alien". "

"Mythical body?"

Han Dong usually spends all his time in the study of dark magic, manor matters and scientific research, and the establishment of interpersonal relationships.

Did not seriously consult the popular science books about ‘Alien’.

Of course, there are only a few forbidden books about the mythical body-alien.

Even describing the existence of this kind of existence in the most simple and unadorned human script will make the author or the viewer fall into a state of 'extreme panic'.

Is like a primitive savage peeping a footprint in the forest, a huge beast footprint with claws that he has never seen ... scared him to continue walking in the woods.

:. :

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