My Cell Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 801: Earl's Demon

The head of the big demon gives the expedition's first combat target.

Inside the crow car.

The ear of the count born in the mouth of the blood dog shuddered suddenly.

The Scarlet Earl knows better than anyone about the situation of the secondary important city-[Perugia] because he has been in it for a while.

Once, the count tried to expand his personal network, and accidentally got in touch with the director of the work association in the Holy City.

The Scarlet Earl who traveled a long distance to the Aragad Mountains also passed by [Perugia] this ‘artistic city’.

The old king behind the city of Perugia is not at odds with the old king behind the earl.

The Earl who carried the "mobile title deed" was initially received by [Lord Perugia] for his lordship.

The Count, who had spent a lot of energy on the road, also planned to stay in Perugia for a while. Colleagues tried to expand a network and establish contact with the old king here.


Lived in Perugia less than two days.

The pre-formed ideas of the earl were discarded, and an excuse was found to escape the city overnight.

Even after entering the mountains of Aragad, he was still uneasy. A large number of bloodline investigators were set up on the mountain roads along the way to ensure that there were no strangers behind Perugia behind him.

Until the Earl reached the other end of the Aragad Mountains, placed the title deeds and fully expanded the Scarlet Lodge, he was completely relieved.

Once I wanted to live in Perugia, I was still a little bit afraid.

"You humans really will choose the location of the siege ... This city is so strange that even Earl Ben dared not enter easily.

Nothing else.

I privately established a relationship with the old king forces different from the five parties, which also includes the deep sea of ​​dreams.

Even so, during my two days in Perugia, it was like staying on the edge of madness for two years.

This city corresponds to the "medium title deed", and its holder is the "Return to the Ancestral Body-Alien" you just talked about ... and it is a guy who makes me feel uncomfortable. "

The earl with the "crazy laugh" characteristic is already inclined to be crazy.

Makes the earl feel discomfort, madness and fear, immediately attracted Han Dong's attention, and continued to ask deeply:

"Oh? Are you afraid of Count?"

"Bah! Did I just use the word" fear "? It's just that" return to the ancestor "is above me at the level ... Besides, I am in the realm of other people's deeds, so I'm naturally uncomfortable. "

"Count, can you briefly talk about the characteristics of this [Lord Perugia], if appropriate ... We can also choose to play.

After all, the "medium title deed" is quite fragrant. "

"Don't think of the title war as simple as that? The Earl would have lost it to you because your kid cheated.

Of course, and I didn't realize the gesture of returning to the ancestor, otherwise you would die early.

Your kid's ability, this earl sees in his eyes.

Want to defeat the lord of the city by launching a unilateral title war ... The Earl would not want to die with you. "

"I just look at the situation, there is a high probability that the title deed war will not be launched.

Count, you quickly share information. If the opponent is really tricky, we will not be involved in this matter, it is also good to stay in the army to fight soy sauce. "

Count is not unwilling to say, but simply does not want to recall that experience.

"... Since there is a request for me, this earl will tell you generously."

Grunting ~

From the depths of the dog's mouth, several twisted blood-colored tentacles grow into two arms, so that the count can more vividly explain his impression of the city of Perugia.

"The lord of Perugia has a special name-" painter ".

Although I do n’t know how he was formed, it ’s the old prince ’s heir who came from filthy and wild monsters ... but I personally prefer "ethnic advancement". To a certain extent, it is biased towards humans.

Is very interested in the art culture left by mankind.

Perugia still retains more than 90% of the original human architecture.

"The Painter" transformed [Perugia Academy of Fine Arts] into his unique castle of lords, which was filled with his highest rated local art works and his own crazy works.

I stayed in this palace during my two days in Perugia.

Initially felt good about the lord's hospitality, but after one hour of staying, he started to feel wrong.

Even if I keep awake by drinking blood brew, I will still be affected by such weird effects. "

"Mental influence?" Han Dong was surprised, he didn't think the count would be troubled by mental influence.

Although the Earl did not want to admit it, the feeling made the Earl really feel the rare [fear].

"Well ... It's a kind of mental erosion that I have never felt.

Is different from the spiritual tide that flows in the deep sea.

The crazy paintings I have seen in the Perugia Castle will be uncontrollable when I close my eyes and will come to my mind ... among the paintings, groups of mice will be drilled and eat me crazy Brain.

The blasphemous sounds from the rats lingered in my mind.

Even drinking high-purity blood brew can only temporarily suppress for a while.

After living for two days, I even felt that my head had become a blasphemous rat's nest inhabited by tens of thousands of mice, and my mental state was also troughed.

At its worst, several mice squeezed out of their noses and mouths.

At this time, the "city scenery" that I saw was also very different from when I first entered the city ... Even the ancestral body under the blood **** never made me feel such a huge pressure. "

Count gesturing exaggerated gestures while describing his horrifying experience.

Is enough to hear how heavy the shadow that the city of Perugia has left the earl ... This lord who lives in the city, UU reading is obviously difficult to deal with.

Paintings, mice.

These things that can't be explained with common sense, also heard the scalp numbness of all the team members, and even felt the sound of squeak rat in his head.


Han Dong showed a strange interest after listening to the count.

"The rats in the painting, Count, you can't bear the laughter?"

"The Earl's" crazy laugh "is not as good as your current" crazy laugh ", but it is also a relatively perfect mental ability.

If it is one-on-one, it can definitely resist.

However, I was in someone else's castle at that time, with the effect of title deed blessing ... Passive situation, plus the difference in level between me and this lord, it is normal to be unable to carry it. "

"It's kind of interesting, I plan to sign up for the war ..."

Han Dong made a decision while looking at the other team members.

"This kind of weird spirit system is not suitable for you to deal with, and everyone should stay in the carriage and rest."

"Well, husband, you must be careful!" Mia was the first to counsel.

Abel and Wen Li, who are partial to the combat department, were naturally not sure to deal with this existence. If they were subjected to spiritual invasion, they would drag down the entire army.

Dumps smiled and said, "Nicholas ... I'm with you."

:. :

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