My Cell Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 803: messenger

[Great Expedition] Although it is the first human journey of super large scale, super long distance and targeting the old king.

However, as early as a hundred years ago, the "expedition activity" whose main purpose was to obtain materials of aliens, seize chaotic secrets, and slabs of aliens was already underway.

The Knights also attacked the "land title territory" many times.

But ...

Has never met the "ambassador" of the magic cube, and even requested to negotiate with the human side before the war.

Creak ~ rattle hiss

The messenger at the bottom of the city of Perugia, by playing the bamboo flute, mixed his own spiritual body into the sound of the flute, and then put the spiritual body directly into the castle of the devil through the perception center of "Eye of Expedition".

The siege knights gathered in the hall, put on earplugs and goggles, and quickly spread out.

"Mature Body-Alien"

'S breath was weaker than Scarlet Earl, but the danger was not low.

【World Rules】

Such messengers can never be killed, and breaking the rules will most likely lead to the arrival of the "Old King" ... The Holy City is not yet ready to fight the "Old King".

The head of the Great Demon has called the "translator" from the Knights of Secret Words to his side.

Who knows.

While the flute stopped playing, the messenger lifted the hood.

Reveals a ‘beautiful’ face of human beings, engraved with black abstract group of mice.

Put the flute on his chest with one hand,

Left foot rests behind right foot,

Bowed ceremoniously towards the head of the great demon on the throne,

Followed closely, and what was said from the messenger was quite standard Italian:

"I [Trumen. Zorro] on behalf of Lord Lord, welcome you.

I know that you came to Perugia with the idea of ​​‘siege’ not far away.

We are also willing to accept reasonable siege battles.

But ... before signing the siege campaign, I have a better proposal here.

I wonder if this powerful human general is willing to hear it? "

Form, words, manners.

The characteristics conveyed from this alien are almost the same as ‘human’.

Most of the knights present also showed a surprised expression, and encountered this for the first time.

In most knights' cognition, the alien sees humans as a lower race, and is bothered to learn human language and not to retain human culture.

"Tell me about your proposal."

"At this time, the annual art festival is being held in the center of Perugia.

Lord has a strong interest in human arts and culture. He has always wanted to have an in-depth academic discussion with humans with artistic knowledge.

If you have some humans with high attainments in the field of art, please follow me to the city center, and the lord will entertain you in the highest level.

If he can satisfy the Lord ’s need for art, he is willing to make some concessions in the signing of the "Siege of War". "

Finally, Zorro took out a piece of parchment with a mouse seal from the pocket of his clothes.

The magic text written on the parchment clearly states:

As long as the Expeditionary Force is willing to send humans with artistic knowledge to participate in the Art Festival of Perugia City, in the subsequent signing of the "Siege of War", the human side is allowed to add an additional "general rule".


Art Festival organizers will ensure the safety of human participants' lives.

On the surface, such a proposal is acceptable.

Can not only improve the odds of "siege battle", but also allow a group of personnel to enter the city of Perugia in advance to obtain information within the city.

When I heard this.

The earl in Han Dong's body has already started his crazy words.

"The exact same routine!

When the Earl went to the city of Perugia, their group of rats also made similar remarks.

Never promise, this group of guys will use all kinds of artwork to sow crazy seeds in your brain ... The spirit attack that this Earl can't bear can't bear, not many of your knights can resist. "

"Don't be excited ... I feel that the" Art Festival "is pretty good."

Han Dong immediately became interested when he heard the contents of the agreement on the parchment.

If [World Rules] exist.

Then, this group of aliens will also follow the rules to do things, as long as you can ensure that the participants do not die, Han Dong can also participate in the peace of mind.

"Don't ... no! Didn't you say you want to be salted fish in a siege battle? The Earl didn't want to go alone to the crazy man's castle again."

"Don't panic, even if you really want to go, you are not the earl alone, and me and Brother Temples.

First look at the meaning of the head of the big demon.

If the leader of the Great Demon refuses this proposal and goes to war directly, it will be fine ... I really only want to be a salted fish. "


As the head of the big demon looked at the parchment in his hand.

The messenger Zorro continued to say:

"Please think carefully, I will wait for you at the bottom of the city of Perugia.

If you refuse to participate in the art festival and directly start a siege battle, the lord will also agree ... However, I hope you can cherish this opportunity.

High presence of respect for human beings like lords is really uncommon.

May also provide 'information' help for your follow-up journey. "

Say it.

With a clear flute, the messenger's spiritual entity slowly dissipated.

"Such a cunning style ~ ~ really conforms to the image of a mouse ... In an attempt to lead our people into their territory in the name of art, through the means of mental erosion to thoroughly corrode individuals.

Seeding influence on personal thinking, internally disturbing our army, and at the same time obtaining our army's internal intelligence.

Even if they failed in the siege warfare, what they lost was nothing more than a "medium title deed", but what they acquired was the expeditionary intelligence that we humans have prepared for hundreds of years.

Ready to launch a siege directly ... huh? Demps, do you have anything to say? "

Just then, Demps stepped forward:

"Demonmaster, I think you can try to accept the other party's proposal ... If handled properly, it will minimize the casualties of the siege and get some key intelligence."

If other knights say this, they will be bloodied by the big devil on the spot.

But Temples is different.

One year after joining the Doom Knights, Demps has been conducting secret special training under the big devil ... The devil's trust in Demps is even comparable to that of his soldiers.

"Oh, you are 100% sure that you will not be eroded by the spirit of the" return to the ancestor "when you go deep into the land title field?"

"I can't guarantee ... but my friends can."

Speaking of here.

Dampus smiled, reached out and patted Han Dong who just wanted to be a salted fish.

:. :

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