My Cell Prison

Vol 3 Chapter 825: Embracing madness

Ramsden Merlin Watts

Who would have thought.

More than two hundred years ago, the outbreak of World War I alarmed the sleeping ancients.

[Eternal Night Coming] ... Human beings are squeezed from the top of the predator, and the end comes.

When Yongye shrouded this more ancient mountain city of Perugia, a peculiar evolution took place.

This ancient city, which is rich in human history and retains Etruscan culture in BC, was seen by an ancient man and held a crazy feast here.

This ancient man gave life in the city a chance to convey information to the brains of every life in a way that was above words.

Let them do what they think is the craziest thing in 48 hours.

Those who reach the standard will get the chance to survive.

At the end of the time limit, all the humans in the city failed to reach the standard of madness, and all fell into the abyss and became the bottom-level mad slave.


A mouse hiding in the shadows has become the only ‘standardist’.

This crazy mouse seems to be about three times the size of its kind due to ‘gene mutation’.

In the limited time, all the same kind in the streets, garbage dumps, sewers or living in human buildings are eaten, and there is no left.

Moreover, it is very picky about its diet, eating only the brain ... maybe one of the reasons why this mouse is so clever.

‘Crazy move’ successfully achieved the standard.

Not only did he get a chance to survive, he even got a "gift", a direct gift from the old king ...

It's like being surrounded by tens of thousands of soft tentacles.

The mouse instantly gained its unique consciousness, and turned itself into a giant rat egg, absorbing all the nutrients of the dead life in the city of Perugia, and passed the low stage of "Wild Monster".

After hatching, it becomes a monster, a mouse-human monster with an abnormally developed brain.

Just as it broke out of the egg, it saw this supreme **** who was given the gift.

The sounds of madness that overran the dimension, like nails, plunged into the alien's brain,

"Unexpectedly, such a small world has such a little interesting life.

I am here to name you, [Ramsden].

I gave you a chance to be born and free, so ... what can you give me, Ramsden? "

The Rat-Man anvil fell on his knees and responded with the most pious but mad tone: "I will dedicate all the madness in Perugia to you, and then I will sacrifice all the madness in Italy Here you are. "

The old man who got the answer left a piece of parchment and left.


【Sword cut off】

A shield made with Chaos Moonstone as the core cannot actually transfer damage.

In other words, the attack given by the young man exceeded the upper limit of Moonstone's tolerance and could not complete the transfer ... a sword beheaded!

The ruined flesh cut by the holy sword.

Whether it is a dirty rat hidden in the flesh or an extra brain trying to reorganize the body, it is wiped out and wiped out.

Some kind of 'subjective interference' was cut off by this sword.


Two shields of the day and the month landed.

In an instant, Demps, who should have existed in the center of the battlefield, also left.

Just before the holy sword was cut, Temples took the fastest speed and evaded to the farthest distance ... even a hundred meters further than the position of the Knight of Vino.

"Hoo ... Huo ..." gasping for breath.

Demps' eyes were even covered with a "dread" look.

He had never expressed such a nervous expression and muttered to himself: "Where did this guy Nicholas get this power? Why ... would I feel very uncomfortable?

At that moment, it actually gave me a sense of "fall."

I'm lost, I must adjust it as soon as possible ... The lord of the city of Perugia, the source is the [king], if you touch that layer, there will be a chance of rebirth. "

Temples kept his mind as steady as possible.

Although the atmosphere diffused in the garbage dump has weakened by more than half, it still exists.


Deep in the plane.

A humble squirrel holding his brain is standing on the dark edge, and there is a crazy abyss that never bottoms ...

Its mental state is not enough to go to the deepest part, not enough to participate in the crazy party held by the [Wang].

If you act too hurriedly and embrace madness, it will cause it to lose all reason.

Become a walking dead despite being powerful, but completely lost.

"What can you give me, Ramsden?"

Questions from two hundred years ago echoed in the mind of the rat again, more than ever before.

This time, it no longer responded verbally.

Instead, he took a step directly, regardless of all the consequences, invested himself in the deepest part of the crazy abyss, and gave everything to the crazy king.

In the process of falling in the abyss, it seems like time is going backwards, and it is like a walking lamp before death.

Ramsden gradually returned to being the original rat in the street, living in the darkest and dirtiest corner. Because of the genetic mutation, even other mice of the same kind rejected it.

But it still survives vigorously, foraging for food alone, and has a beautiful dream at the 'bottom level' where other mice are reluctant to live.


It hasn't been able to touch the myth, it can't accept the underlying madness,

The consciousness gradually dissipated and turned into an absolute madness.


The area over the city of Perugia.

The backlogs of gray clouds converge together, and gradually form a giant abyss that leads to the depths of Yongye.

The heads of troops stationed at the foot of the mountain, waiting for the result of the war, looked at this vision, their facial expressions were quite ugly.

The center of everything.

Garbage dump area,

The lord, who had been beheaded by Han Dong, had a gray sphere at his death position.


The moment the sphere appeared, Han Dong's brain immediately responded strongly.

Such resonance directly caused Han Dong to kneel,

Support the ground with one hand and cover your head with the other.

At the same time as resonance, Han Dong vaguely glimpsed that a "crazy thing" is gestating between the spheres ... a crazy existence that can swallow him.

"Tugu ... take me away first."


An iron chain extends directly to the "garbage pillar" hundreds of meters away, where it joins the team members.

As the distance increased, the resonance diminished, and Han Dong murmured with embarrassment: "This guy ... actually gave up consciousness and let madness devour himself."

"Nicholas, let's play big ... if you change to other ancestors, your sword will be over just now. Who knows, the servants of the old king are encountered, as long as they are willing to give up, some things that violate the rules Can be achieved. "

Temples also smiled bitterly.

"What should we do? Run away?" Wino stared at the scene in front of her, shaking all over her body.

Has not yet waited for Han Dong to make a decision.

A field of spheres centered on a gray sphere and spread outward.

Everything in the dump is sucked into the sphere and used to form crazy things.

One hand stretched out of the sphere, and a huge arm blended with rats, gray matter, rubbish, building stones, and other materials from Perugia.

The crazy pollution released is stronger than just now! Enough to slap Han Dong and others. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

As the surroundings are absorbed, the gray matter on the edge of the dump becomes very weak ... until it is completely dispersed.


The sound of steam injection and gear movement came.

A team immersed in the war and wearing "power armor" set foot on this area.

"Time is just right ..."

Staring at a siege knight who crossed his team and stood in front of him.

Han Dong, who had a smile on his face, placed his arm on Temples' shoulder.

"Come on, it's time to finalize."

:. :

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