My Cell Prison

Vol 3 Chapter 836: Swamp

director's office.

On the bed in the cubicle, there was a young man with an expression of unrequited love.

It seems to have suffered severe ‘torture’ physically and mentally, especially physically.

The head of Xia Ya was holding a tube of blood that was "sucked" from Han Dong's body. It contained thick blood cells enough to detect the properties of the blood vessels contained in it.

No testing instruments are required.

The head of Xia Ya itself is a very precise blood detector.

Drink the blood in the test tube directly.

In a blink of an eye, the head of Xia Ya's consciousness came to the depths of an ancient tomb. Through the induction of blood, he turned around in the ancient tomb. Various symbols of the steles that touched the mythological field gave a panoramic view.

"The inheritance of mythical life? The Hall family could have such an opportunity ...

However, this makes sense.

Because the Hall family could not bear and completely control the blood of such a noble myth, it was mistaken for a curse ... a curse that would have to kill the evil creatures for generations.

Nicholas was not only able to carry this kind of blood, but also absorbed all the blood from the tombs of other families in a single stroke.

Such a body is really ... great! "

Think of here.

Head Xia Ya reached out and touched the young man in the hospital bed.

The latter had no reaction and did not even blink.

The two have been alone for a whole day, just as Commander Xia plans to continue to play ... A message directly from Devil's Castle made her look change.

"Huh? Has the terrain changed?"

Xia Ya quickly came to the window and looked out at the night scene outside.

The first feeling is [Tranquility].

In Xia's dozens of experiences out of the city, it should not be so peaceful outside the city.

Even if there is no night magic area of ​​the night.

Stones that have been exposed to Yong Ye for a long time will also rub themselves, the trees will emit a squeaky sucker activity, and there will also be a whispering whisper under the ground.

But outside the window was unusually quiet.

This is true even if Xia opened the window.

At the same time, according to the information ... The expeditionary troops set off from Perugia and walked along Strada Avenue in the north direction. They should have avoided the forest area and proceeded on the relatively flat and open plain plain.

But in front of him, the expeditionary force entered a "wetland" full of shrubs with a high proportion of water.

This also led to a great speed limit.

Commander Xia took out a roll of maps from the expeditionary troops who passed by this area a year and a half ago, "Strange ... In just one and a half years, the change here is so big? Does the area cover?

It was at this time.

Han Dong, who changed clothes again, also came to the window one after another, staring at this unusually quiet wetland area.

"Head Xia, can the Eye of Expedition see the border of this wetland?"

"Compared to the ordinary night environment, the field of vision is limited to 50% ... the boundary cannot be seen.

The scale of the wetland is beyond imagination. Based on the available information, it is estimated that the wetland may cover more than 40% of central Italy.

The Commander of the Great Devil seriously doubts that the Allied Alliance will launch a raid on us in this area.

Moreover, during the march of the wetland for several hours, a few knights showed a state of "over-humidity" and had been sent to the hospital for examination and treatment.

Large forces will be stationed in the wetlands for a period of time to investigate [wetlands]. "

"Head Xia, what is the specific situation of the" over-humidity "knight? May I see it?"

"Um ... come with me."

At present, three knights in poor condition have been taken to hospital.

All three are perceptual personnel, physically weak, and all ranks lower than the "fifth order knight".

The body was enveloped by the Holy Light and sent directly to the isolation room.

It was also because of the permission of the head of Xia Ya that Han Dong was able to make direct contact with the patient.

At present, the "blood exchange treatment" has been completed.

The edema and some blisters also disappeared one after another, and the knights returned to their normal state ... However, the blood that was replaced contained some terrible things.

"what is this?"

In just a few seconds, a lot of ‘tadpole-like life’ has appeared in the blood that has been replaced in a tank.

In the absence of physical restrictions, this life is madly multiplying and growing.

Moreover, as the number of tadpoles increased, the blood became thinner and slowly turned into a pool of clear water.


Quack! A toad suddenly jumped out and was annihilated by a strand of black sand released by Han Dong.

Han Dong groped his chin with one hand and said lightly: "After the nutrients in the blood are used up, reproduction and growth will stop.

Head Xia, can I take some samples? "

"Yes ... what do you think?"

"At first glance, it is better to let some of the lower-quality knights not to explore this wetland.

How to effectively resist the "wetland effect" still needs to be studied. "

"Okay, you can go back to your team ... the hospital may be busy, I will call you again when necessary."

When Han Dong was leaving, he whispered in the ear of the head of Xia Ya to confirm one thing: "There is a high probability that the strange monster will launch a raid in this area. If I have the opportunity, I will sign up directly."

"Well, pay attention to it yourself.

If you have a chance, cooperate with Lucius. "

"it is good."

Han Dong returned to the squad with a test tube, and didn't wait for Mia to slam ... the first time he found another man.

"Dumps came with me. I got a sample of wetland symptoms in the hospital ... need to confirm."

In a flash, the two secretly teleported to the backyard of Scarlet Manor.

In order to ensure species diversity, Han Dong transformed the backyard into a giant artificial lake ... The interior is filled with conch and seawater, allowing the port fishermen to live here.


An old man with an ugly face and full bulging eyes, and an old man with his chin stacked are sitting by the river fishing.

[Count Count Knox. Wright], the top manager in the port of Ostia under Han Dong.

Like the Scarlet Earl, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com belongs to [Mature Body-Alien].

However, he has "excessive aging".

As mentioned earlier, the port is just a ‘deep-sea nursing home’. Some over-aged or seriously injured deep-sea life stays in the port and spends the rest of its life through the conch dream.

Earl Wright, who is so badly aging, may not be able to beat even a nascent creature.

But ... also because of his age, he knew a lot about the deep sea.

"Admiral, you are here!"

"Count Wright, like to ask you something, have you seen this kind of creature?"

Handong handed the test tube.

Earl Wright stared at the weird tadpole swimming in it, thinking for a while, "Is this" the cub of the toad ancestor "? "

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