My Cell Prison

Vol 3 Chapter 858: 5th

This transaction seems to be a unilateral demand of the toad ancestors. He wants to borrow Han Dong and his colleagues to help him find props to reduce tiredness in the world of destiny.

There are more things involved behind this than expected.

You can see the hidden ‘things’ behind your back, and it ’s all because of Han Dong ’s [King's Contact] in Perugia. After seeing the gray superior, Han Dong ’s vision of vision became wider.

He knew very well that Chanzu valued him, or why he valued this team.

1. [Level problem]

It is as if there are hierarchical divisions of birth, maturity, return to the ancestor, etc.

The same is true for knights. The opening of different talent layers symbolizes different levels ... And the space of destiny will match the appropriate scene and participants according to such [levels].

The four members of Han Dong's rank are not high, but they can beat the mature body in the backyard.

The level is low and the strength is strong, and the probability of survival of Han Dong and others in [World of Destiny] is extremely high.

2. [Interesting]

The gifts that Chanzu promised, in Han Dong's view, or a large part of the strange demons, may be very valuable, whether it is the title deed or the opportunity to view the wall, it is difficult to seek.

But in the eyes of Chanzu.

Such a gift is like a small piece of land in the 'back garden' and the useless cuticles that let them look at their slough. It's no big deal.

Perhaps, Toadzu really wants this group of little guys to go to the space of destiny and help themselves to find props that can weaken "burnout",

But more is a "fun".

A human messenger who was recognized by two "superior beings" at the same time and was "weird head" was mixed with a new king who was sheltered.

Such a match.

It will be interesting to change to other old kings.

is also like this.

"Fun" has already eliminated some of Zangzu's tiredness.

When opening the conditions, there is no need to ask Han Dong and others to obtain props to reduce "burnout" ... just hope they can perform a drama.


It's time to talk in the office.

Han Dong was swallowed into [Toad's Sac] again.

The space teleportation method from Toadzu is somewhat different ... Han Dong is not located between unimaginable unreal passages.

It was in a damp, dark red mouth, standing on a soft, hairy tongue.

During the transmission, Han Dong tried again to make a small request.

After all, the team is the unit, and Han Dong also wants to bring Wen Li.

"Toad Zu, one of our team is still in the camp, hoping to bring her together."

"No need ... too many people is not a good thing. Five people is the maximum limit I have expected."

"Five people?"

"[Mary Tess. Piebald] will go with you to the space of destiny ... She belongs to the" religious devotees ", developed by purebred humans. "

"……it is good."

Han Dong didn't say much.

[Maridis] thrown by the toad ancestor should be used for monitoring and balancing.

When I returned to the depths of the cave again ... it seemed to hang two lemons in front of Han Dong's eyes, sour.

During the period when Han Dong returned to the expeditionary military camp

Temples has arranged his ‘Supreme Massage Package’.

Due to the comfort of massage, Toadzu no longer occupies Maritix's body.

Compress your black hair avatar to a human volume, and a compartment with the cave that Demps went alone.

As just mentioned [interesting].

Temples' "massage" is a fun activity that Chanzu did not expect.

Through strong and powerful finger massage, it can effectively relieve part of "burnout".

There is no way to be sour, and the massage trick Han Dong will never learn.

After such a period of time, Han Dong just tried to talk to the 'new teammates'.

"The joining of the ancestors will inevitably increase the" team rank "... The corresponding [True Destiny] will also be a whole level higher than the previous town of Ridley.

There is no need to exclude or target the ancestral body.

Co-existence is the optimal solution. "

With Han Dong's appearance, Mia posted it for the first time.

In such a cold and wet cave, she had no sense of security.

However, because Han Dong transferred through the toad's mouth pockets, his body was covered with mucus transmitters that facilitated space shuttle ... The whole person smelled like a pickled cucumber soaked in a dry toilet.

"Huh ~ What is this? Disgusting ... Nicholas, how is it? Are we really going to go to the space of destiny temporarily through Toad's side?"

"Well, the expeditionary force has already explained it.

We just have to worry about completing the things in front of us ... the changes in things are indeed unexpected, but such changes are also good for us. "

As Han Dong finished speaking, he nodded to Abel.

"However, according to the arrangement of Chanzu ... Maltis will also enter the space of destiny with us."


Abel and Mia were shocked at the same time.

However, the two were surprised.

Abel was surprised that there would actually be a ancestral body to form a team with himself. How to assess the risks involved and the overall positioning of the team will be pulled up.

Moreover, Abel has never dealt with "Return to the Ancestral Body" ... The Womi people in the backyard made him quite uncomfortable.

However, Mia did not think too much, and directly locked the returned ancestor with the eyes of ‘love rival’.

As long as the female has the opportunity to get close to Han Dong, Mia seems to be a rival.

"You stay here for a while, I will try to communicate with Maridis ... rest assured, since it is the order of the toad ancestor, this returned ancestor must not dare to violate it, and will maintain a cooperative relationship with us throughout the process."

Mia wanted to follow along, lest Han Dong be abducted by her mother toad.

"Stay well!"

Han Dong's eyes were unusually sharp, which surprised Mia.

After all, this is no ordinary alien ... If you want to fight Maridis, your team may have to pay a considerable price to win.

This is the first exchange between teammates. The first impression must be filled.

Mia was so glared that she had to stick her tongue out and back away.

Click ...

When leaning against Lord Maritese, it was originally a wet ground and turned into a low-lying pond.

Maridis stood in the middle of the pond, with her lower body completely submerged in the water.

From the perspective of Maridis.

Everything he had worked hard to arrange led the expeditionary army into a trap and launched a war that was beneficial to his own side, but was suddenly interrupted.

Moreover, the group of enemies who killed the guards in the backyard turned into collaborators.

This is unacceptable for UMO reading for the strange and evil monsters whose thinking is inherently extreme.

When Han Dong stepped into the low-lying pond, he already felt a hidden anger.

The wet, curly hair hangs in front of you, completely covering your face.

When you feel Han Dong approaching.

One hand stretched out ... all the sores or toads that had originally grown on the skin surface disappeared.

Turned into a wet, crystal clear arm.

Express the willingness to obey toad ancestors by using the most basic human handshake, and cooperate with Han Dong.


Before shaking hands, Han Dong still vaguely heard a disdainful tone.

However, this is completely acceptable.

How to get along with aliens, Han Dong is also relatively experienced, take it easy ...

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